What Am I Doing Wrong !!!!



  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Basically I've Been On A Diet For 8 Weeks (4 Weeks On My MFP) & I Have Been Exercising But Im Not Losing Any Weight Not Even 1pound I Don't Get What I'm Doing Wrong My Eating And Excercise Has Changed So Much Compared To A Few Months Ago , Do Any Of You Know What I'm Doing Wrong ??

    You took the words right out of my mouth....im feeling the EXACT way you are. My clothes are even tighter! WTF?!?!?!!

    Lift some weights too... your only doing cardio.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    try to eat simple foods - or foods with less than 5 ingredients! and start eating tons of big salads and more fruit. go easy on the salad dressing though - keep it within the 1-2 tbs....adding fruit to your salads actually helps! but you really want more basic foods and no prepared/boxed/fast foods for awhile. Not saying never, just so you can get a taste of healthier eating and losing weight. get a lot of water, 8 hours of sleep, yada yada. it all adds up! and then just keep at it...it might be a slow process, but it's worth it!

    a HRM is great - perhaps start an easy running program? running is a great cardio workout!
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    Do everything you're doing now, except replace ALL liquids with water, and drink between 6-10 glasses per day. Do it for two weeks. I can almost guarantee you'll lose at least half a pound.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Nope I Am 4'5

    I Do Walking , Sit Ups , Wii & My Stepper , Nope I Just Time Myself & Put How Long I Done It For.

    Cardio 3x a week, weights 3x a week (not some dinky 3lb weights either), tighten up your diet and make sure your food is correct. If you want to lose weight you need to stop just walking and cleaning house and expect results especially considering some days you are ingesting 2000k plus calories. That will get you no where fast.

    I simply want to admire your stomach. It looks nice!
  • ChelseaCousins
    Thankyou All For Your Help I'm 100% Gunna Try It All.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    Nope I Am 4'5

    I Do Walking , Sit Ups , Wii & My Stepper , Nope I Just Time Myself & Put How Long I Done It For.

    Cardio 3x a week, weights 3x a week (not some dinky 3lb weights either), tighten up your diet and make sure your food is correct. If you want to lose weight you need to stop just walking and cleaning house and expect results especially considering some days you are ingesting 2000k plus calories. That will get you no where fast.

    I simply want to admire your stomach. It looks nice!

    Thanks! 2 c-sections didn't help but doing it the right way with the workouts sure did. Even though I eat REALLY bad I have a deficit and I do both weights and cardio. It works just fine but you do need both! Sheesh you can eat utter garbage like the twinke diet and loose just as long as you have a deficit and r workin out! I love my little debbies and twix bars... OW AND ICE CREAM! Mmm
  • MrsLehman24
    MrsLehman24 Posts: 204 Member
    too many carbs
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    are you eating enough?? I'm guessing probably not.
  • sweetsungirl
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? I didnt start to really lose until I just stuck to the basic calorie allowance. I still do not eat back the exercise calorie allotment. Also, you should lift weights. I recommend doing a basic program from an exercise DVD or follow a book (ie...The New Rules Of Lifting for Women) that incorporates resistance exercise.
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    too many carbs

    ^^ This, WAY too many carbs
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    too many carbs

    ^^ This, WAY too many carbs

    Doesn't matter how many carbs people... why not give my diary a peek. I eat HIGH carbs and low protein. You can eat whatever you want its about the deficit and working out! Not very hard!
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I think your numbers are wrong!! Have you researched your BMR and TDEE????

    Plus, I do also think your burns must be overly estimated... be careful with that, try not eating back ALL of the calories if you are estimating your calorie burns.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    are you eating enough?? I'm guessing probably not.

    Ugh, if you aren't going to look at the diary, you shouldn't make suggestions... she is eating over 2k on most days... I think for your height 4'5'' that is probably to much and you aren't leaving room for a deficit.
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Too many carbs, too much sugar, too much food that comes premade. I'm not saying become a vegan chef, but at least try cooking a few of your meals yourself. Rice is simple, buy a rotisserie chicken instead of a chicken sandwich, boiling some fresh veggies, scramble some eggs, try having more things that definitely don't come out of a factory. You'll be surprised at the difference it can make. Also, too much food in general. Don't eat back your exercise cals unless you're like, an athlete, or doing something super vigorous. As far as vigorous goes, maybe try some exercise videos! There's all levels and they'll actually get you moving more than cleaning and things.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    too many carbs

    ^^ This, WAY too many carbs

    Doesn't matter how many carbs people... why not give my diary a peek. I eat HIGH carbs and low protein. You can eat whatever you want its about the deficit and working out! Not very hard!

    actually, if she is just over 4 feet tall and weighs almost 200lbs, there is a chance that she is insulin resistant. IF she is insulin resistant, eating 200g of carbs a day will actually make her GAIN weight instead of lose it. I am 5'2" and 8 years ago I gained 30lbs on WW and working out at curves. When I cut my carbs down to 50g net per day, I lost 20lbs in 2 months. This time around I lost 7lbs ( in 3 months) on a normal diet, but when I cut my carbs down to under 100g net I lost 17.8lbs in the same amount of time.
  • MoonyRose
    Basically I've Been On A Diet For 8 Weeks (4 Weeks On My MFP) & I Have Been Exercising But Im Not Losing Any Weight Not Even 1pound I Don't Get What I'm Doing Wrong My Eating And Excercise Has Changed So Much Compared To A Few Months Ago , Do Any Of You Know What I'm Doing Wrong ??

    Hey there Chelsea I had a little look at your diary. First things first I'd like to say your breakfasts are fantastic and healthy and seem really wholesome. They put mine to shame, I could take a leaf out of your book.

    I've noticed you like take away style food, in particular burgers. Maybe you could try and make your own at home using mince? If that seems a bit too much at first, you give oven veggie burgers a whirl they have a lot less fat. Maybe make potato wedges instead of buying chips, they're nommy and really fast. If you note my food diary you can even buy chip shop curry sauce, it's really tasty. It might be worth having a look at making your fav foods at home and making more than you need so another day you can just heat it up, which would save a lot of calories, time and money.

    Also, as you don't want to make diet lifestyle change a horrible one, maybe set a special date, once a week or fortnight for takeaway like McDs and you'll appreciate it a lot more. Trust me I was queen of Greggs, pizza and Indian takeaway, now it's less often. It's difficult but worth it :)! xx

    Hope that helped :)! xx
  • CassieLOL
    CassieLOL Posts: 34 Member
    Okay, you're getting in basically no raw fruit or veggies. Skip the juice and switch in real fruit instead- the fiber will help a lot. It would be a really good idea to track your sodium instead of vitamin C, and track fiber too. You need a lot more vegetables, less carbs from bad sources (like white bread and pizza dough), and less ready-made foods if you can. If you track your sodium, you'll probably be grossed out by just how much salt is in all those ready-made foods. And sodium is a BIG factor in retaining water, which means no movement on the scale.

    Thanks I'll Try That & I'm Only Drinking Orange Juice In The Morning Because I Don't Know What To Drink As I Use To Drink Pepsi & Cola.

    Juice is filled with sneaky sugars! Basically, replace all liquids with water and make sure to get at least 8 cups a day!
  • surfcane
    What is your routine? Meals. Exercise?
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    too many carbs

    ^^ This, WAY too many carbs

    Doesn't matter how many carbs people... why not give my diary a peek. I eat HIGH carbs and low protein. You can eat whatever you want its about the deficit and working out! Not very hard!

    losing weight, sure you could eat at a deficit twenty twinkies a day...but for weight loss AND health, it might not be the best idea. However, that's not rocket surgery, I'm sure you knew that though ;)
  • Kenhabes
    Kenhabes Posts: 187 Member
    Typing with correct grammar and capitalization burns 70% more calories.

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