Free Health/Fitness Coach



  • Docholiday11x
    First, I think it's awesome that you're here willing to help people. Says something about your character. :smile:

    I'm sending you a friend request. While I do have a lot of issues, I also think I have the solutions to most of them - just need to do it. But, I could use a friend for motivation and accountability. Interested?

    of course. the more the merrier. i could use some more positive people to help keep me motivated as well
  • sophi101
    sophi101 Posts: 2 Member
    Ive just been on here about a week now, finding it so helpful but would also be great to have some friends, i model and need to be lean but muscular also, its hard and i think i need some basic help with foods and exercise:smile:
  • Docholiday11x
    Ive just been on here about a week now, finding it so helpful but would also be great to have some friends, i model and need to be lean but muscular also, its hard and i think i need some basic help with foods and exercise:smile:

    thats great. if you every have any questions about diet and exercise feel free to message me and i'll do whatever i can to help
  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    Hello there. Figured I'd do this since I recently have a lot more free time on my hands and I figure I might as well spend it helping people.

    Little bit about myself. Used to be 295lbs, got down to 160 at my lowest before i started lifting weights and gaining. I have extensive knowledge on damn near everything when it comes to health and fitness and i'm looking to share what ive learned with others.

    I have had success with several clients in the past some of which lost up to 100lbs and changed their lives around. So basically i know what I'm doing lol.

    Looking to help others in any way i can whether it be through creating diet plans, workout routines, progress monitoring, or health education.

    Been doing this here and there as a side job for awhile now and eventually planning on turning it into a business but for now I figured why not do it for free (mainly because i enjoy helping people and i have nothing better to do with my time at the moment :P)

    Looking forward to helping out some people if you have any questions or need any help at all email me at

    i can use any advice you would like to give me. i started march 4th and lost 23 pounds by june 24th. since june 24th i have only lost a pound. it seemed i was losing when i was not exercising and eating more. i am really confused on how many calories i should it. i eat mostly meat and veggies. i do have some treats but not like i used too. i started walking about 30 minutes a day 3 weeks ago and that has not helped. i am getting really frustrated. i know i do not like breakfast and i like a big dinner so i save alot of my calories for that but that did not hinder my weight loss in the beginning. thanks in advance for any help you can give me. i turn 43 in 2 weeks. i am about 5" 5' and right now wiegh about 218. i started at 242.

    Ok as far as caloric intake i would recommend starting at around 1750 calories per day with a ration of 50%carbs 30%protein and 20% fat. Dont sweat not eating breakfast, if anything that will actually benefit you (do a google search on Lean Gains for more info on why that is). I took a look at your food diary and the only critique i could give is to lover the level of fat in your diet (not that fat is a bad thing but it was a little high and some of the measurements i saw seemed like they might have been underestimated)

    For the workout part of it, the best advice i could give would be to look into resistance training. It burns more calories than anything else and will increase your overall metabolic rate. Also increases endorphins and all that good stuff to just make you feel good overall.

    thank you so much. i am going to research the lean gains further. i have looked at a couple of the links and i think i am going to try the interment fasting. also i will look into resistance training maybe i can find a dvd and get some wieghts for my house.

    i do try to measure all my food that has any calories. i weigh the meat and measure grains and salad dressings but i will be more careful to make sure i am doing that right. sometimes it is hard like the other night we went on a dinner boat cruise for my husband mother 80th bday. i knew i would have limited choices but really hard to log so i just guess the best i can. i will defientaly be more careful.
  • jay_xo
    jay_xo Posts: 5
    Hey.. so lately I've been really inactive therefore I've really been watching my carbs. All the reading I've done has me a little confused. A lot of people say that it doesn't matter how many carbs you eat to lose weight as long as you're eating at a calorie deficit and others say that quantity of carbs matter. My question is: since I'm not as active as everyone claiming that carbs aren't the enemy, should I worry about how many carbs I'm taking in per day since I'm not active? Or is it just really about calories in vs calories out? Most of my meals contain a source of carbohydrates and it's always difficult to keep it under the recommended 150g that MFP has me at. Most of these carbs do come from fruits and whole wheat breads though.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    My BMI is 19.11 with 15% fat. I want to
    add muscle weight. I net 2000 calories
    a day. I lose weight some weeks. Should
    I add calories? Thanks :)
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    I definitely need help. I have several issues on which I'm not sure how to tackle.

    1) I tore some cartilage in my left wrist, and have been limited to what I can do work out-wise. Suggestions would be appreciated for working out the upper body (I have a PT test in a few weeks, need to be able to pass push ups!)

    2) I also have been having a lot of trouble controlling hunger consistently. What works one day may not the next...and tanking up on water doesn't help. I feel bloated AND hungry at the same time. Yuck.

    3) I am sure working the rotating hours of day shift/night shift doesn't help, but I have no energy. When I work out, I can expect to yawn excessively during the workout, and then have to go home and take a nap afterwards. I am on an antidepressant and Adderall AND a CPAP to help with fatigue, but it still persists.

    Any advice or plans or snippets of wisdom you wish to pass along would be greatly appreciated.


    ok lets see

    1.) not sure how bad the injury is. look into some wrist support straps. I know some people that use them for increased stability in their wrists when working upper body, it might help but you also might want to consult a doctor for that one.

    2.) For hunger suppressing, that is something i struggle with as well. Some people say water, some people swear that drinking a whey protein shake before meals does wonders. What has helped me in the past is a little more extreme. I did a 6 day water fast which trained me to realize when i was actually hungry or just bored. However i do not recommend it for most people. I'd start with the whey shake before meals. Try something like myofusion or syntha 6. those ones are thicker than most and fill you up more. plus they taste AMAZING (not sure about the new myofusion but if its anything like the old one it helped me in the past to control hunger)

    3.) this one is a bit tougher. one thing i can recommend is weight training early in the morning first thing when you start your day. I have used this myself as well as seen success with clients for not only helping you have more energy throughout the day but also battling depression. Resistance training increases endorphins and in some cases people who started have actually been able to slowly get off anti depression meds completely. Idk if its just the overall health benefits of it or the results but either way weight training is great for battling depression (this comes from personal experience)

    Thank you, I appreciate it :)
  • Docholiday11x
    Hey.. so lately I've been really inactive therefore I've really been watching my carbs. All the reading I've done has me a little confused. A lot of people say that it doesn't matter how many carbs you eat to lose weight as long as you're eating at a calorie deficit and others say that quantity of carbs matter. My question is: since I'm not as active as everyone claiming that carbs aren't the enemy, should I worry about how many carbs I'm taking in per day since I'm not active? Or is it just really about calories in vs calories out? Most of my meals contain a source of carbohydrates and it's always difficult to keep it under the recommended 150g that MFP has me at. Most of these carbs do come from fruits and whole wheat breads though.

    while it is true that carbs are not a necessary nutrient, they will NOT make you fat. The reason most people gain weight from eating carbs is because they do not keep you full like they other macro nutrients. the body burns them much quicker especially simple sugars and thus people tend to eat more of them to feel full. Its all about a balance of lifestyle and self control.
  • Docholiday11x
    My BMI is 19.11 with 15% fat. I want to
    add muscle weight. I net 2000 calories
    a day. I lose weight some weeks. Should
    I add calories? Thanks :)

    if your trying to gain muscle and not fat the trick is to add calories very gradually. if 2000 isnt doing it for you try for 2200. be sure to track your progress with a caliper rather than a scale though. if your weight is going up at a very slow rate and your bf% is roughly the same your doing great. simply add about 100 calories to your daily average every time you hit a sticking point. your likely to gain a small amount of fat in the process, but if your careful enough it should be minimal. nothing a month of dieting couldnt fix. typical timeframe would be about a 6-8 month bulk at a safe caloric surplus then a 8 week gradual cut to lose the fat you gained over the last 6-8 months.