
Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Please someone tell me why no matter what I eat I am always hungry??? I eat fiber, I eat protein, I meet my calories for the day, I eat a lot of food, why am I always hungry??? Oh and I drink PLENTY of water...


  • Amberly10
    Amberly10 Posts: 41 Member
    Honestly? I think that it is a mind thing. Atleast for me it is. I started emotionally eating after my 3rd son was diagnosed with cancer at 3 weeks old. I snacked all of the time so when I started to try and lose weight I felt hungry all of the time!! I could be eating well over my alloted calories but I was still starving...or atleast it felt like it.

    It takes awhile but eventually your stomach will shrink. Until then when you are feeling hungry grab some fresh fruit or veggies. Drink water....or if you hate it try drinking some hot green tea it is 0 calories. I have found if I drink a cup or 2 (and it is supposed to be good for you also) it fills me up. Good luck!!
  • ChannyRae
    ChannyRae Posts: 3 Member
    Are you getting the very important fats? They are essential and help with the hungries. Almond butter is nice as well as extra virgin coconut oil.
  • I have the same problem! I am always hungry. I am always under my calories ( I think the calorie count thay gave me were too high) Isnt fiber supposed to fill you, cause my fiber bars DO NOT help they just calm my chocolate craze.Its so hard to be good! Glad to know someone else has the same issue! how long have ou been dieting, maybe your stomach needs time to shrink down. Well Good luck
  • I am with you there! It seems like lately no matter what I eat, how much I eat, how much or how little I exercise, I feel hungry! I just don't get it! :grumble: Maybe it's a psychological thing, but if anyone out there knows the answer, please let us know!
  • Christin09
    Christin09 Posts: 143 Member
    I have been on this lifestyle change for a year now... but just recently I have the hunger problem. I was never a person to constantly eat. My stomach should have shrank by now... I wonder if it is a chemical thing or something...
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    It might be your body trying to insulate for winter. I dont' know where you live but if it's cold, your body might need more layers (or think it does).
  • For me I think its because all I can think about all day is food. Counting every bite that I consume & preplanning meals. I find myself snacking all day. Also I'm retraining myself to stop before the rockgut feeling, so in my tummys mind I'm starving... Hopefully she will hurry up and shrink so I can focus on something other than my belly grumbles..:) good luck to all on this long journey
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