Jillian's new weight loss supplements....

So, what do you think? Has anyone started to use them, or are planning on using them? I just bought the detox and clease, and was wondering if it even works and if I should follow through her whole line supplementary to my diet and exercise regime.....


  • Bingomama
    What is the name if the suppliments? I'm not sure I've even heard of them.
  • lahlie
    lahlie Posts: 149 Member
    here is the link to the whole line she has just put out.....

  • Bingomama
    Thank You !
  • tatuberrios
    Hi! im actually taking the same supplement as you....the detox and clean from Jillian michaels....today its my first day....i'll let you know how's working for me.

    besides that im taking benefiber, wich i guess its also good for clenaning.....

    Im doing it because i just got back from vegas.....and ate and drink LITERALLY everything, so i need to get it all out.

    So far, so good, that detox and clean comes with a fat burner, thats the one who is giving me problems.....too much caffeine. it says: two metacaps in the morning and 2 in the afternoon....for a total of four....im just taking 2 to start.
  • tatuberrios
    BTW.....drinking water like CRAZY!