I'm ready for this! Lets go!

aljohnson Posts: 9
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm tired of always saying "I'm going on a diet", cheating and not being able to get back on the diet train! Well this year is different. I'm ready to get healthy and look healthier! I know this is going to take some time and things like losing all the weight I want to lose doesn't just happen over night but I'm 100% COMMITED to sticking with this. I may not reach my goal in the next year but I'm DETERMINED to get there eventually and someday I WILL! This year is going to be a tough one and I know I'll need to work hard but I can do it... with the help and support of everyone around me I know this year will be great! WISH ME LUCK!!! :)

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  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    With an attitude like that I know you'll succeed!
  • njenn10
    njenn10 Posts: 16
    I am totally with you! I always say the exact same thing... its always "I am going to start my diet on Monday"... and then I always cheat and try to convince myself that its not that bad. So I am going to try to get healthier too this year, because I know I cant live like this forever and remain healthy and with no health issues. Good Luck! I know its going to be a challenge, but I know we can do it!!
  • YEA GIRL!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! I know it isn't easy at first but once you start logging your food and sticking to it the results make it worth it. I noticed your from Knoxville, also.. I will be moving to Knoxville the end of this year. I wish I lived there right now. I am heading that way in April for 2 weeks i can't wait.

    Hang in there. you can do it. Ive lost over 40 lbs and it feels so good.
  • Thanks everyone for the support!
  • I'm right there with you! I'm just getting started, but I'm more motivated this time than in the past. It just needs to happen. WE CAN DO IT! Let us know how you're doing along your journey - we're all rooting for you :)
  • WOOHOO!!!! YES WE CAN!!!! This time I'm going to do it, and so are all of us on here. This time i'm thinking more about health then skinny. If skinny comes I will not turn it away, but I just don't feel healthy.I'm done making fun of my fat self in a group of family or friends. I'm not sure why I do that, but I think it is because I think they are all doing it behind my back anyway. I mean come on do you really think I dont know????? I started this site today, so I plan on taking it day by day. LETS GET HEALTHY!!!!!!
  • That's great! This year will be great. And I know with the support of family, friends, and everyone on here there isn't anything we can't do! I'm in a size 24 right now and hope to be in at LEAST an 18 by my 21st birthday in August! I'm excited and can't wait to start seeing the pounds come off!
  • mpforce
    mpforce Posts: 1 Member
    This is the year for me, I'm determined to loose the weight this year. I just have to remember the weight didn't go on over night and it won't come off over night. One day at a time. :smile:
  • I'm with you sister. We can do it together. My name is Val. I am dieting with a friend (who is not very commited, she refuses to exercise with me anymore). So now once again I am doing it alone. My fitness pal and having the flu helped a lot during the holiday, but now my appitite is back rearing it's ugly head. Will I survive this week- We will see.

    deep in the heart of texas and food country
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