I want to give up

I am soooo close to my goal. I am 103 pounds and 4'11", but my stomach still has a pooch.
I'm trying to get rid of it! No matter how little I eat and how much I exercise, I feel like the scale isn't moving. It hasn't in weeks! Did anyone else have this problem when they were so close?


  • A_Shannigans
    A_Shannigans Posts: 170 Member
    If you gain 1st in the tummy it's going to be the last to go. Also that area of the body will be the most stubborn in coming completely off. Keep to your plan and maybe add extra exercise that targets the abdominals.Crunches, reverse crunches, I hear rowing machines work well for this but I don't go to the gym so I don't have 1st hand experience.
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Is it a firm pooch or a little bit soft? I ask because some women are naturally round in the tummy (which is normal) and find it difficult to impossible to flatten it. If you're quite firm through the tummy but just have a round shape, that's just your natural, lovely body shape.
  • payton8386
    I have also been told the stomach is right where carbs go.... Not saying that is why you aren't losing yours.... I say be proud of everything you have already accomplished! I am like an addict, I feel great just knowing that I am getting back on the bandwagon! I am just trying to imagine how I will feel when I get to my goal size, and get a shopping spree that I am promising myself, and going to put away the money I would have spent of junk food for!
  • hunter624
    hunter624 Posts: 252
    I am soooo close to my goal. I am 103 pounds and 4'11", but my stomach still has a pooch.
    I'm trying to get rid of it! No matter how little I eat and how much I exercise, I feel like the scale isn't moving. It hasn't in weeks! Did anyone else have this problem when they were so close?

    I know just how you feel for the last 6 months, I'd lose a bit, then gain a bit and I was feeling as though nothing was going to shift my weight ........ Then this week Sunday 196.25lbs today 193lbs (I did go done to 192.75lbs), way to go me, and it's all thanks to the support I get from this site and my friends on the site.
    I'm enjoying my journey. Stick in and enjoy yours.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    No matter how little I eat and how much I exercise

    That right there could be the problem.

    Changing body composition isn't about how little you can eat or how much you exercise, but eating and exercising RIGHT.

    When anyone loses weight, they lose a mixture of muscle and fat. When you eat too little, you lose more muscle than you should. This is what makes you look softer than you'd like when you reach your goal weight. It's what happened to me years ago. Check this link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/494091-i-just-don-t-care-anymore

    Make sure your goals on here are set to no more than a half pound a week, get more protein than MFP suggests (aim for 20-30% protein instead of 15%), and add strength training if you're not already doing it. And ignore the scale. Go by how clothes fit, measurements and take photos to check your progress.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Wow that is low weight. I am the same height as you but I am 120 pounds. Dp you only do cardio? Strength training could really take care of your problem.
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    I don't care how much I lose, exercise, etc. I cannot get rid of my stomach pooch. I've always had it, even as a teenager, so I guess I was just born this way. I don't like it, but can't do anything about it. I don't obsess over it, just live with it. You should be proud of yourself for getting to where you are. Love yourself, you are worth it!!:flowerforyou:
  • marystingley
    Thank you all for your kind words and support! It's definitely a soft pooch. I've had children so I don't know if it's because of that? I guess I'll mix up my exercise routine at the gym and see if I should re-evaluate my goals on MFP. Thank you, thank you! If nothing works, oh well... at least I got here. Maybe a tummy tuck in the future? :)
  • DefyGravity1977
    DefyGravity1977 Posts: 300 Member
    According to a height weight chart I just looked at, you are at the low end of your "healthy" weight for a small frame. I guess since I have been heavy all my life I would be happy with 103 even though it would be unhealthy on my body. Did you have a c-section with any of your kids? That could play a factor in if you lose the "pouch" depending on which directioin the incision was made.
  • annabell48
    :happy: Mary, don't give up on yourself. You have either hit a platuea or your body is at it's ideal weight. Believe it or not, I weighed 185 pounds 9 years ago and have dropped down to 126.6 as of this morning. I have been yo-yoing this whole time between 125 and 145 pounds and have that same dreaded pouch that I can't lose either. Yet, I keep going, refusing to give up on myself. The one thing that I have to keep reminding myself, is that I have been through 2 pregnancies, 2 C-Section, and had been carrying over 50 extra pounds way to long and have stretched out my skin. That's me and where my pouch comes from. Yes, I do have my days that I want the pouch to disappear, but there are days that I accept it. Just keep going.:happy: