Am I the Only One?

Who finds Saturday morning workouts harder?

I work out after work during the work week and Saturday mornings are just hard!!

I still go, but boy, it just feels harder.

I think it's the lower recovery time. I workout from around 3:00-5:00 after work and then I am there around 9:00 Saturday mornings. I think my body is just too tired still from Friday night's workout.

I'm running a little late today because I had to throw all my workout clothes in the dryer.

And I kinda have to go Saturday mornings, the I.Zone at the YMCA is not open all day long. So, I'm stuck.


  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    no iv really enjoyed mine this morning and knocked 10 mins of my thurs outing so im a happy bunny :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • kbd388
    kbd388 Posts: 125 Member
    I pretty much follow the same schedule as you and the only thing I like about Saturday morning is I have the rest of the day free. I usually get to the gym around 7 each night after work and Saturday around 8:30-9:00 (or in the case of today, probably around 10:30)! I am thankful for the Saturdays where I don't have any weight training to do!

    Do you take Sundays off? I'm thinking about making Sunday my rest day. Currently I go at night.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I find them easier because i get to sleep later.
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    MUCH harder. The kids like to crawl in bed and snuggle and I just want to stay there wth them.
  • wingshooter2004
    I'm in the same boat. I thinkg it's becuase I'm just not a morning person. Never have been.

    If recovery time is an issue then maybe you can rotate your workout soemhow so you are working different body parts or muscle groups on Fri and Sat.

    That said, I did an interval run last night and this morning will be a recovery run for me.(ie Jogging) I normally never workout until evening but have to go to a party tonight, so gotta go do it early today. :-)
  • Snoopy108
    Snoopy108 Posts: 94 Member
    OMG they are so much harder....I don't know why....maybe its a state of mind....:smile:
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Do you take Sundays off? I'm thinking about making Sunday my rest day. Currently I go at night.

    Yes, Sunday is my rest day.