I think MFP is making me fatter



  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    No reason to be embarrassed,......... keep your diary private. Use MFP as a tool for yourself,
    I would continue to log, to stay accountable and keep on track, ..... estimations don't work for me.........but I've got a long ways to go!

    I've done WW in the past and counting points, planning meals its all compulsive anyhow, but I think that's part of it, it helps to retrain your brain so to speak into a healthier lifestyle.
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    I can totally relate!... When I first joined I was like, "ya.. cut back calories.. if it comes off, great." But now, Im more like "omg, I am over my sodium, omg.. only 21 calories left for the night.. so hungry!!!! must work out"
    The thing I try to do is remember that Its a life change, and I know everyone and their dog is probably saying that to you, but its because its true. If you mess up sometimes, its natural and it wont kill you. Plus your body needs certain higher calorie days. Sometimes, I will log on but not plop everything into my diary until bed time.. Im not sure how long youve been on here but it does eventually get better.
  • Hakarn
    Hakarn Posts: 62 Member
    Try to use it as a guide instead of "have to get these numbers!" Around mid day to early evening I check where I am and then plan out what I should have for dinner. If I don't do that, I just come on the following day and log in my stuff. Most of the time when I do that I go over, but it allows me to see which foods I should be avoiding. When I am looking at the numbers constantly, I almost always get under the calorie goal, so I have to force myself to eat up to it.

    Just because the scale says 5-10 pounds after you binge does not mean you gained 5-10 of fat. You would need to eat somewhere around 36,000 calories in one day to accomplish that. Just relax and give it a few days, as your body will bounce back close to the original weight.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I've quit logging for a while because I was feeling the same way. I still try to make healthy choices, but not obsessing over a donut or a beer. I've actually lost two more pounds! Take a little break and see what happens. I promise you won't gain ten (real) pounds in a week.
  • patcaplanandrews
    I think it helps if you eat the same things without too much variety. It seems to take interest away from food. It also helps me to plan the day's eating in advance, so I have something to look forward to. I need to do better with tracking but find even a little bit helps!
  • talon8
    talon8 Posts: 15 Member
    I've only been tracking since March. Well, Weight Watchers March-May and then on here since then. Sometimes (not often) I don't log everything I eat because I'm embarassed, but I at least log most of it. I've never taken a complete "day off".

    Honestly, you should be logging everything, embarrassing or not. MFP can't tell if you're eating more than what you put into the system and therefore it's useless. And besides, being embarrassed about some of your food choices (being if they are junk food) Will HELP. It will make you not want to log, but since you have to log EVERYTHING you'll more than likely end up choosing to not eat it.

    I set my profile to private so I would log everything and not try to look good to anyone that looked at my journal. It was a good move as now I really know how much the cheating and overindulging effects the outcome. Now I know how I got overweight!
  • jheeley1989
    What I try to do is plan everything a day in advance so I know exactly what to eat. It helps massively as I know exactly what to get out of the freezer so I'm not 'hunting' and finding the rubbish foods that would tempt me if i wasn't sure what I wanted.
    It also helps with obsessing as well as you don't need to look again for 24hrs.
  • K_Hilscher
    I've used weight watchers in the past. It helped me lose 60 pound in the past and again now as 20 has creeped back on. I found I was obsessing over the points and how much I could have and was worried about being hungry all the time. It made me eat more carbs and fat free food and less protein. Weight watcher also has another program where you only eat power foods, as much as you need to be full and don't count points. It helped me get past a plateau and lose some more weight and took away my hunger and obsessing over points and numbers. If you still have access to the weight watchers information it might be worth a try.
  • NicoleHernandezz
    Since I've joined MFP, all I've done is OBSESS about food. I've become more aware, yet more paranoid. All I think about is food and logging and I feel like it's making me hungrier than if I just didn't worry about it. Anyone else feel the same way??

    I totally understand you. It can be horrible. I track everything though and I cannot lose weight. Ive lost 70 lbs (not through MFP) and now my body has been stuck for MONTHS. I am scaled obsessed and I hate it :( I only wanna lose 8 more lbs and I cannot no matter how much I workout......I feel your pain