Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Help!!



  • I think that those people who suggested that you get in touch with overeaters anonymous gave you some excellent advice...This group really takes eating disorders like yours very seriously and should be able to offer you some guidance and direction with your struggle. They have a website for your country.
    Good luck, Catherine.

    Thanks :)
    I have looked on their website and I am seriously considering it. The only thing that makes it slightly less accessible is the fact that I would have to get the train there, on a regular basis, which costs a lot of money, and because of my age the online stuff is off bounds to me so ... We'll see how it goes but I am taking this suggestion into account, definatley.
  • its definately real
    and sooo hard to control
    id go out and buy whole birthday cakes , packs of multi packs of crips chocolate icecream pizzas and eat it all. then feel like crap then do it again cos i dont c the point if ive eaten it already i might as well carry on. the urge is always there for me but i try as much to control by keeping busy and plenty of excersise and making sure i eat snacks wen im hungary so i dont binge.
    i have ww ice creams to satisfy my sweet tooth.
    its a horrible thing and i dont think it ever goes away xx
  • Hi...I (and one of my sisters) do this, too. We've been told by our mom that we had no self control; however, I can tell you, I don't think that's the issue. My sister and I just talked about it this week--I'm overweight, and she's bulimic. She said she gets the most support out of going to AA meetings (she's NOT an alcoholic, but she likes the 12 steps). She tried Over Eaters Anonymous but said it didn't work for her. She also sees a therapist (her issues are worse than mine). I, too, would recommend taking a friend you trust with you. I know a lot of people don't "tell" other people what they do (my sister and I comfortable with one another, but we don't tell friends bc we're embarrassed). I'm hoping to learn a little more by reading what everyone else says on your post.

    I also read somewhere about cognitive behavior therapy and am reading up on it... Good luck to you, and if you'd like to be MFP friends, that'd be great....I can relate to what you're going through.

    Hello :)
    I can completely understand what you're going through with regards to the whole mother situation and it's good to hear that you are both getting help :). and what do you mean with 'taking a friend with you' to group therapy or to get help? Sorry, I just don't quite understand that bit :(.
    I understand the embarrassment as well, I think I am more embarrassed that people will share my mum's opinion 'that it's not real and I just lack self control' rather than accepting help, which I know a lot of people struggle with. I hope the posts on here have been useful to you (and your sister) and I would love to be MFP friends :D thanks x
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I wouldn't want to go to a regular doctor either, but I would want a referral to a nutritionist specializing in binge eating if I could get one and had the insurance for it.

    I know that what I eat affects binge cravings significantly. A nutritionist with a personalized plan for you might be able to help you deal with your cravings by eliminating triggers in your diet.
  • I have binge eating disorder, well I haven't been diagnosed with it but I 100% have a MASSIVE FOOD PROBLEM. It has developed over the last year or so for various reasons (I know what they are) and over the past few weeks has got to the stage where it could be seriously affecting my health (I binge on mainly sugar). I NEED to see some sort of counsellor/nutritionist about this issue asap, just haven't found the time yet. Reading this thread has been really useful though, it's relieving to discover I'm not a total food-obsessed psycho and there are other people in a similar situation. I get really angry when I can't have the food that I crave (e.g. when there are people about so I can't binge), so much so that I actually start crying with frustration.... BED is definitely an eating disorder, one that is just as dangerous as anorexia or bulimia, and I believe it should be regarded as such.

    I do agree with you completely and should you need someone, I'm here to help ... we can help eachother :)
    and likewise I know a few of the things that have set me off and I can also relate to the frustration part, it happens a lot to me, not only with food but when I'm performing too (I act regularly) I'm never pleased with my performances (not many of them anyway) Sorry I'm going off on a tangent again :( sorry.
    I really hope this thread has helped you, it's good to know that someone else, other than me, is getting something from all this :)
  • tabs121
    tabs121 Posts: 6 Member
    its definately real
    and sooo hard to control
    id go out and buy whole birthday cakes , packs of multi packs of crips chocolate icecream pizzas and eat it all. then feel like crap then do it again cos i dont c the point if ive eaten it already i might as well carry on. the urge is always there for me but i try as much to control by keeping busy and plenty of excersise and making sure i eat snacks wen im hungary so i dont binge.
    i have ww ice creams to satisfy my sweet tooth.
    its a horrible thing and i dont think it ever goes away xx

    I'm exactly the same I can eat whole cakes, packets of biscuits, crisps chocolate etc all in one sitting....people just laugh it off when I tell them, but it's a serious issue and i genuinely can't stop (I binge about once/twice a week, meant to be dieting but that just fails). One tip I read somewhere, was envisage yourself as the person whose body you admire (for me- Jessica Ennis!). then think - would they eat all this? what would they think of someone who ate all this? just put yourself in their frame of mind and envisage yourself as them. However, I know this is soooo much easier said than done..i lose motivation so quickly.
  • its definately real
    and sooo hard to control
    id go out and buy whole birthday cakes , packs of multi packs of crips chocolate icecream pizzas and eat it all. then feel like crap then do it again cos i dont c the point if ive eaten it already i might as well carry on. the urge is always there for me but i try as much to control by keeping busy and plenty of excersise and making sure i eat snacks wen im hungary so i dont binge.
    i have ww ice creams to satisfy my sweet tooth.
    its a horrible thing and i dont think it ever goes away xx

    I can relate completely.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Personally I avoid binging by allowing myself to have a daily treat and making sure its worked into my daily goals. If I know I can have it w/o feeling guilty I don't have the desire to inhale things....

    Also once a week I allow myself to eat what I want, however much I want. This is fun for me and gives me something to look forward too lol
  • I wouldn't want to go to a regular doctor either, but I would want a referral to a nutritionist specializing in binge eating if I could get one and had the insurance for it.

    I know that what I eat affects binge cravings significantly. A nutritionist with a personalized plan for you might be able to help you deal with your cravings by eliminating triggers in your diet.

    I don't mind the dr I've been to see recently, about something else, but because of all the rubbish ones I've seen in the past I have developed a nervousness around all of them, if that makes any sort of sense?
    and I am going to see him about my binging and I'll see what he suggests, but with any sort of luck I will get reffered to someone who can help. It's reassuring to know that the help is out there.
  • tabs121
    tabs121 Posts: 6 Member
    I have binge eating disorder, well I haven't been diagnosed with it but I 100% have a MASSIVE FOOD PROBLEM. It has developed over the last year or so for various reasons (I know what they are) and over the past few weeks has got to the stage where it could be seriously affecting my health (I binge on mainly sugar). I NEED to see some sort of counsellor/nutritionist about this issue asap, just haven't found the time yet. Reading this thread has been really useful though, it's relieving to discover I'm not a total food-obsessed psycho and there are other people in a similar situation. I get really angry when I can't have the food that I crave (e.g. when there are people about so I can't binge), so much so that I actually start crying with frustration.... BED is definitely an eating disorder, one that is just as dangerous as anorexia or bulimia, and I believe it should be regarded as such.

    I do agree with you completely and should you need someone, I'm here to help ... we can help eachother :)
    and likewise I know a few of the things that have set me off and I can also relate to the frustration part, it happens a lot to me, not only with food but when I'm performing too (I act regularly) I'm never pleased with my performances (not many of them anyway) Sorry I'm going off on a tangent again :( sorry.
    I really hope this thread has helped you, it's good to know that someone else, other than me, is getting something from all this :)

    haha i ramble too! it's all good.. maybe if you focus on your acting to distract from food, and achieving goals related to that? like any spare time you have where you'd be eating, take that to develop your acting (e.g join another acting group as well as the one you're already in...or join a sports club or something and meet new people which in turn may help with confidence & possibly your acting skills) i realise money/time are also issues.... oh well, we WILL get over this somehow!! the thread has totally helped, and i will continue to check it regularly.
  • its definately real
    and sooo hard to control
    id go out and buy whole birthday cakes , packs of multi packs of crips chocolate icecream pizzas and eat it all. then feel like crap then do it again cos i dont c the point if ive eaten it already i might as well carry on. the urge is always there for me but i try as much to control by keeping busy and plenty of excersise and making sure i eat snacks wen im hungary so i dont binge.
    i have ww ice creams to satisfy my sweet tooth.
    its a horrible thing and i dont think it ever goes away xx

    I'm exactly the same I can eat whole cakes, packets of biscuits, crisps chocolate etc all in one sitting....people just laugh it off when I tell them, but it's a serious issue and i genuinely can't stop (I binge about once/twice a week, meant to be dieting but that just fails). One tip I read somewhere, was envisage yourself as the person whose body you admire (for me- Jessica Ennis!). then think - would they eat all this? what would they think of someone who ate all this? just put yourself in their frame of mind and envisage yourself as them. However, I know this is soooo much easier said than done..i lose motivation so quickly.

    I love your choice of person :D
    I've been strangely patriotic since the Olympics have been on (much to my Belgian mother's annoyance) and I do think that Jessica Ennis is really really beautiful, tbh I think most of the GB team are, no offence to other countries I haven't seen many of your athletes so I cannot judge.
    This is an interesting technique and in some circumstances it may work. I think it depends on weather you almost black out, like I do where I have nothing but food on my mind and all my thoughts are clouded over until someone snaps me out of it, by which time the damage has been done or weather you can still have some control over your thoughts.
    Either way it is a technique I may have to try sometime in the future.
  • Personally I avoid binging by allowing myself to have a daily treat and making sure its worked into my daily goals. If I know I can have it w/o feeling guilty I don't have the desire to inhale things....

    Also once a week I allow myself to eat what I want, however much I want. This is fun for me and gives me something to look forward too lol

    I'm really happy that this is working for you and I like your image on your tracker thing (I'm not sure what it's meant to be called) a lot of my friends are really into that show :)
  • jojo981
    jojo981 Posts: 1 Member
    I know the pain..I have struggled with this for years..The more we deprive the more we want to binge..I am trying to come to an even balance..I hope you can too. I have done alot of internal work around it..It can also be a form of self-sabotage and a way to distract yourself from the REAL issue..Like when you are stressed out, you BINGE to avoid the stress...If you have issues in your relationship..You binge to avoid that issue and focus on the binging..It took me a long time to figure this out...Then you focus on how fat, out of control etc. you are..I now try to write when I feel a binge coming on..I also see how alcohol can trigger a binge for me..Be aware of your triggers..Look at what precipitates the binge...Have compassion for yourself...Peace to you!
  • Wow, it's amazing how many of us have gone through this. And actually SAYING it is so difficult because if you're like me, you associate it with heavy shame. I couldn't even muster up the courage to talk about it with my counselor. I actually started a blog with a friend under a PSEUDONYM ( just because that was the only way I felt I could actually even MENTION it.

    But knowing that more people struggle with it makes it more important to TALK ABOUT IT...and more comforting to know that we can! Maybe the more we ADMIT it, the more we can actually overcome it? That's my hope anyway.

    I'll definitely add you as a friend to try to encourage you as much as possible; everyone feel free to add me, too. A supportive community is key!
  • I have binge eating disorder, well I haven't been diagnosed with it but I 100% have a MASSIVE FOOD PROBLEM. It has developed over the last year or so for various reasons (I know what they are) and over the past few weeks has got to the stage where it could be seriously affecting my health (I binge on mainly sugar). I NEED to see some sort of counsellor/nutritionist about this issue asap, just haven't found the time yet. Reading this thread has been really useful though, it's relieving to discover I'm not a total food-obsessed psycho and there are other people in a similar situation. I get really angry when I can't have the food that I crave (e.g. when there are people about so I can't binge), so much so that I actually start crying with frustration.... BED is definitely an eating disorder, one that is just as dangerous as anorexia or bulimia, and I believe it should be regarded as such.

    I do agree with you completely and should you need someone, I'm here to help ... we can help eachother :)
    and likewise I know a few of the things that have set me off and I can also relate to the frustration part, it happens a lot to me, not only with food but when I'm performing too (I act regularly) I'm never pleased with my performances (not many of them anyway) Sorry I'm going off on a tangent again :( sorry.
    I really hope this thread has helped you, it's good to know that someone else, other than me, is getting something from all this :)

    haha i ramble too! it's all good.. maybe if you focus on your acting to distract from food, and achieving goals related to that? like any spare time you have where you'd be eating, take that to develop your acting (e.g join another acting group as well as the one you're already in...or join a sports club or something and meet new people which in turn may help with confidence & possibly your acting skills) i realise money/time are also issues.... oh well, we WILL get over this somehow!! the thread has totally helped, and i will continue to check it regularly.

    Yay :3
    I find one of the most annoying things about acting is that there are two types of actors. One is extrovert and full of confidence on and off stage (y'know the sort, really loud and sometimes supporting a huge ego (not always though I hasten to add) ) and then there's those that are really confident and brilliant on stage and shy and insecure as hell off stage. I unfortunately fall into that last category, much to mine and my parents disappointment.
    I am already part of a youth drama group, performing arts classes and a fencing club so I already have a lot on and if it wasn't for school I would be happy to take on more, but I am not the sort of person to start something while on holiday and give up as soon as school restarts or things get difficult.
    If I'm involved I am involved for the long run ... if that makes sense.
    But thank you for the suggestion and I hope it helps someone on here and please do I hope this continues to be useful for you x
  • I know the pain..I have struggled with this for years..The more we deprive the more we want to binge..I am trying to come to an even balance..I hope you can too. I have done alot of internal work around it..It can also be a form of self-sabotage and a way to distract yourself from the REAL issue..Like when you are stressed out, you BINGE to avoid the stress...If you have issues in your relationship..You binge to avoid that issue and focus on the binging..It took me a long time to figure this out...Then you focus on how fat, out of control etc. you are..I now try to write when I feel a binge coming on..I also see how alcohol can trigger a binge for me..Be aware of your triggers..Look at what precipitates the binge...Have compassion for yourself...Peace to you!

    I completely agree.
    I can certainly relate to the stress things you mentioned. I was only really alerted to how bad my eating habits had become when I relied on food to get me through the exam season this year. I am hoping that with some help I will be able to identify some triggers and although I can't get rid of them (my parents will eat what they will eat and it's not fair to ban it from the house just because I have eating problems) and thank you so much for the help and support x
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    Maybe try logging what you're about to eat before putting it in your mouth? If you can force yourself to do that, it might slow you down or help you get a grip on the binge?

    For instance, let's say you open a 14.5 ounce bag of Lay's Classic Potato Chips. When you go to log it, you'll see that there is 160 calories in each ounce. Doing the math, you see that there is 2,320 calories in that one bag. Could I eat that whole bag? Yes I can. Would I love to sit there and eat the whole bag? Yes I would. Am I willing to trade my hard weight loosing work (which is what I would be doing eating 2,320 empty calories) for what I would get out of that? No. No, I'm not. Forcing myself to put that 2,320 calories into my log would be a big reality check for me. I hope this would help you, too.

    You know, even if you do have BED, you have two choices.....overcome it or not. Not means you continue doing it and it sabotages your weight loss or worse, you put on more weight. Overcoming it is not the easy thing to do, but it is the healthy thing. Don't use the "I have a disorder" excuse. Don't allow yourself to fall for that. Figure out what triggers your binges and go to work both trying to figure out how to react in a healthy way and loosing weight.

    Good luck. I know it's not easy, but I'm sure you can do it, too.
  • Wow, it's amazing how many of us have gone through this. And actually SAYING it is so difficult because if you're like me, you associate it with heavy shame. I couldn't even muster up the courage to talk about it with my counselor. I actually started a blog with a friend under a PSEUDONYM ( just because that was the only way I felt I could actually even MENTION it.

    But knowing that more people struggle with it makes it more important to TALK ABOUT IT...and more comforting to know that we can! Maybe the more we ADMIT it, the more we can actually overcome it? That's my hope anyway.

    I'll definitely add you as a friend to try to encourage you as much as possible; everyone feel free to add me, too. A supportive community is key!

    I agree completely,
    I realised a while ago that there's a lot of help and coverage for people who eat too little, and rightly so, but help for people who are in the opposite situation, eating too much without being able to control it, are not given the same sort of coverage and help is sometimes very hard to find.
    I know this has stopped me seeing that there was something wrong with me, other than what my mother for many years has reffered to as a lack of self control, and I think if there is more coverage and more exposure to BED it would help people realise that it is actually real and give them the confidence to seek the support they need.
    I'm so glad that this blog is helping others as well as me and I am so overwhelmingly happy about the support network that's been building through this conversation :)
  • Maybe try logging what you're about to eat before putting it in your mouth? If you can force yourself to do that, it might slow you down or help you get a grip on the binge?

    For instance, let's say you open a 14.5 ounce bag of Lay's Classic Potato Chips. When you go to log it, you'll see that there is 160 calories in each ounce. Doing the math, you see that there is 2,320 calories in that one bag. Could I eat that whole bag? Yes I can. Would I love to sit there and eat the whole bag? Yes I would. Am I willing to trade my hard weight loosing work (which is what I would be doing eating 2,320 empty calories) for what I would get out of that? No. No, I'm not. Forcing myself to put that 2,320 calories into my log would be a big reality check for me. I hope this would help you, too.

    You know, even if you do have BED, you have two choices.....overcome it or not. Not means you continue doing it and it sabotages your weight loss or worse, you put on more weight. Overcoming it is not the easy thing to do, but it is the healthy thing. Don't use the "I have a disorder" excuse. Don't allow yourself to fall for that. Figure out what triggers your binges and go to work both trying to figure out how to react in a healthy way and loosing weight.

    Good luck. I know it's not easy, but I'm sure you can do it, too.

    I tend to log things after I have eaten them but I have seen a number of people doing the opposite and logging them before and it's something I am encouraged to try thank you :).
    I do not always consider a binge as going over my calorie limit or a set amount of calories although when I am binging I often do. I see binging as the feeling you get when you're losing control and you're inability to stop eating kicks in. Although this in only my personal view and I'm not going to say that anyone else's view is right or wrong but I think that this might help a lot of people so thank you so much for sharing your advice with us :).
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I believe this is the same disorder as Compulsive Overeating, I'm not sure which name is being used officially or if both are used interchangeably. Compulsive overeating is as real as anorexia nervosa or bulimia is real. ENDOS is also an eating disorder, which simply put, is like a combination of the existing disorders or a different unhealthy relationship with food.
    I have struggled with ednos for years. I was bulimic for a long time as a teen and didn't get any help. My mom just yelled at me for wasting food and implied anorexia would be a better choice for her finances. It is difficult, and if you have the ability to see a doctor I would recommend. Ask if your insurance will help you with seeing a counselor and a nutritionist, if you have insurance. The combination could help you work through your food issues while giving you some good information about what you should be eating.