Anyone out there with PCOS? Please share your advice?

Weight has always been an issue for me every since I was little. About 8 years ago my doctor diagnosed me with PCOS, and after researching it some time I got really depressed and thought that I would always be overweight. 5 months ago I changed my train of isn't about being thin or skinny anymore... I want to be healthy! I joined MFP with a starting weight of 245 lbs, currently I weigh 207.4 lbs. My husband and I would like to start a family in the near future and I would like to be in better shape going into a pregnancy. I would really appreciate any advice you have on the matter. Thank you very much!


  • isabellekitty
    isabellekitty Posts: 14 Member
    I have PCOs. Are you looking for fertility advice? Do you see a reproductive endocrinologist? I have six year old twins and used Clomid to finally get pregnant. My periods were extremely irregular, 70-100 days apart.
  • pcosbeachbodycyster
    pcosbeachbodycyster Posts: 17 Member
    I understand ive sturggle with weight as well and have been through several doctors till i found the right one. I decided to take control of my health, no mroe excuses. I am starting a challenge group called SEXY BY NOVEMBER, right in time for the holidays. I will be starting a challenge group starting august 20th, it will be a accountability and support group. I will have daily assignments and prizes for participation and success. If you are interested ask to join my group on facebook, i will have details there. I also will be doing it right along with you and blogging and adding videos of my weight loss journey before and during those 90 days!