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quit smoking with me



  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    smoke per day - 7-10 (or an entire pack if I go out)
    started - When I was about 20 years old.
    been smoking for - 5-6 years
    quit before - 1 time for about 3-4 months (but then broke up with restrictive boyfriend and started partying again.)
    live with other smokers - yes :(
    favorite cigarette - After Workout/Drinking
    how will you deal with that time - After workout... I work out later in the day and walk home from the gym. So I think if I just make dinner, clean up and take a shower then I won't have a chance to smoke. Also, I'm not going out drinking so much anymore (detrimental to the whole hydrating and calorie cutting thing) so I won't be as tempted to smoke. Also, many of my friends have quit smoking so I have asked them to keep and eye on me when I go out and take any and all cigarettes away from me. lol. We will see how well that works. All in all, I am hoping that I can quit smoking before hitting the 7 year mark. Not to mention the last time I quit I actually lossed weight so maybe it will help me my getting in shape (no more wheezing for air). I did it before for someone else, no I want to do it for myself. I have already had a taste of some success and I want more. I already made a deal with my personal trainer that I will quit smoking if he will quit dipping because let's be honest... he is way to hot to be dipping and I am going to be smoking enough from all my sexy hotness that I wont need cigarettes (see what I did there!? haha... I know... I'm ridiculous). Anyway, the moral of the story is I am jumping on that band wagon starting this weekend. Running out of cigarettees tomorrow, Will only have $30 after paying all my bills and every penny will go to groceries. Wooty woot! No cigarettes for me! I just hope I can manage to do as well as all you ladies have done! Seeing all of you do it just inspires me more!

    Good luck ladies... though we won't need luck because we have willpower and awesome to help us out!
  • Jenn09870
    Jenn09870 Posts: 66 Member

    first of all, how can i make that ticker the one that shows up on my page/posts/profile?

    second and more importantly, i think that the little things like the car detailing can make a world of difference in your motivation. knowing that if you light up in the car that you will have wasted all the time and money you spent getting the car cleaned up will help you to keep the craving at bay and to break the habit/association between car time and smoking time so make sure you get that done this weekend, dont hope to get it done this weekend, GET it done :) You have lost 97lbs (thats awesome keep it up!) so you know about setting your mind to something, making goals and sticking to them, this is no different.

    Time Smoke-Free: 9 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes and 53 seconds
    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 91
    Money Saved: $26.77

    I tried, short of adding it manually in the text I don't think you can. I searched the message boards and it's been tried before. The only tickers you can put on here automatically are the MFP tickers.

    I've quit before, managed to keep away from them for around a year, through a back surgery and 6 months out of work. Went back to work... Gimme one of those. Dumb, I know.
    That time, I just put them down. Don't know how, don't remember any particular reason.

    I'm pretty stubborn. I think most of my problem is work has pushed so hard for everyone to quit, I'm just someone who usually gets annoyed when told what to do and usually go in the opposite direction.

    But the stubbornness has helped with the weight loss, I've stuck with it, I've done really well the past 5 months- over 60lbs just since March 1. I really want to quit to help with the running. I know there are people who run that smoke, but i know it will be easier as a nonsmoker. First time I tried to run I made it maybe 1/16th of a mile and felt like I couldn't breathe and was gonna die... That has much improved, but know the smoking is causing difficulty.

    Thanks for the suggestions, I am definitely scrubbing down my truck this weekend, that is really where I smoke the most.
    I will be setting my new date for August 4th.
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member

    I tried, short of adding it manually in the text I don't think you can. I searched the message boards and it's been tried before. The only tickers you can put on here automatically are the MFP tickers.

    I'm pretty stubborn. I think most of my problem is work has pushed so hard for everyone to quit, I'm just someone who usually gets annoyed when told what to do and usually go in the opposite direction.
    Thanks for the suggestions, I am definitely scrubbing down my truck this weekend, that is really where I smoke the most.
    I will be setting my new date for August 4th.

    i can be quite the stubborn sob too, the more anti-smoking programs there are and the more laws they pass (that i think are unconstitutional) that say a bar or whatever other private business cant allow smoking the more i want to smoke to spite people. i believe this type of attitude and thinking is both my greatest strength and weakness at the same time.

    on the ticker, i know i saw someone with a ticker about days without a cigarette once but it was a while ago, maybe they changed how that works.

    Time Smoke-Free : 10 days, 3 hours ... Cigarettes NOT smoked: 101... Money Saved: $29.75
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    wanted to add, looking forward to hearing how it is going for you after you quit this weekend.
  • hll2465
    hll2465 Posts: 31 Member
    I am on day three, it is getting easier!!!!!! Im pretty proud of myself!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    Time Smoke-Free: 13 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes and 40 seconds

    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 131

    Money Saved: $38.67
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    anyone else feel the same as me? it is funny how i dont think about smoking at all for hours or most of the day really and then all of a sudden i start obsessing over it and thinking about how much i miss smoking, not a physical craving but a mental or emotional one (my relationship with cigarettes was very close).

    when i am not in those moments i think about how silly smoking is, how much of a waste of money it is, how whenever i see a man smoking i think they look silly and unattractive and i dont want to look that way of course but i really do miss it a lot and i assume i always will which is kind of a hard thing to accept, it is hard enough to miss something you cant have but to miss something that i could get any time i want is pretty tough - i just need to think of it as something i cant have but i am not fully there yet.

    do you have similar thoughts or feelings? how have you handled "missing" your old companion/activity?

    my updated stats
    Time Smoke-Free: 20 days, 5 hours, 27 minutes and 47 seconds...
    Cigarettes NOT smoked: 202...
    Money Saved: $59.50
  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    Yes. And I quit years ago. I work for myself mostly outside and alone. I used to have a ciggerette hanging out my mouth or in my hand constantly. The other day at work I remembered that and for a bit I could see how I could of gotten tripped up again. I have to say it's more of a passing thought when it happens now though. Here a few weeks ago a friend died and I was sitting in my recliner thinking it sure be nice... I think it might always happen. But I will never smoke again. Funny how all the reasons we quit never cross our mind in that " wouldn't it be nice to smoke" fantasy. Keep at it. I've been hoping you would make it.