crash diet suggestions?!

So, let me start with acknowledging that nobody ever made long-term weight loss by crash dieting, BUT... in two weeks time I have a wedding to go to, with a dress to wear that's about half a dress-size too tight... and then I'm going on holiday the day after. I've had tendonitis so haven't done any exercise for the past month, have ballooned and I desperately need to lose at least 6lbs I think.

Any ideas, please? Thanks :) (PS am recovering enough to just start going on exercise bike/cross trainer for 30 mins, which should help!)


  • sz8soon
    sz8soon Posts: 816 Member
    I don't condone crash diets. that said, cut out all carbonated drinks, they make you bloat. Seriously increase your water consumption (minimum would be 1/2 body weight in ounces), if anything that will make sure your not dehydrated and your skin will look better :)

    You can probably lose a couple of pounds by then but really six pounds should not be something that would cause you to make unhealthy choices. Try spanx if its just half a size.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    i have the same problem with a dress i need to fit into in a week for my friends wedding - i'm going to go for a contour wrap the day before :)
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    So, let me start with acknowledging that nobody ever made long-term weight loss by crash dieting, BUT... in two weeks time I have a wedding to go to, with a dress to wear that's about half a dress-size too tight... and then I'm going on holiday the day after. I've had tendonitis so haven't done any exercise for the past month, have ballooned and I desperately need to lose at least 6lbs I think.

    Any ideas, please? Thanks :) (PS am recovering enough to just start going on exercise bike/cross trainer for 30 mins, which should help!)
  • lja1982
    lja1982 Posts: 3
    Perhaps cutting right back on starchy carbs like potatoes and bready things whilst also staying away from processed stuff (full of salt which could bloat you) and sweets/puddings for the next 2 weeks. What works for me short term is to fill up on more lean meat and leafy greens/salads and, as the previous poster said, avoid any fizzy drinks and have loads of water. But most importantly enjoy the day and your holiday after and definitely don't go hungry meantime! I would also recommend spanx! Hope the tendonitis is better.
  • low sodium
    tons of water
    no carbonation
    enough fiber to make you poop

    get rid of that water retention!
  • thanks - yep, I'd heard that cutting out carbs was a good idea (but I don't think I could cut them out completely and do any exercise) but I hadn't even considered carbonated drinks or high-sodium and processed foods...

    PS - totally agree, I've never crash dieted in the past but, well, desperate times...!