Advice appreciated

I would appreciate some eating plan suggestions. I pretty much stalled out this week. I may be jumping the gun but staying in the same pound range for a week is too long for me considering that I feel like I have been more strict this week. It's making me antsy and my first thought is that I need to be more strict but not sure what I could do without going too crazy. I've only been tracking for the last 2 and a half weeks but lost about 17 or 18 lbs from March to May eating pretty much the same way, so I'm sure I was right in the calorie range I am now. MFP gives me 1200. I have been just to either side regularly. I didn't work on my weight from the last of May to mid July and picked up where I left off at 204. I say that to say I don't think the 5 lbs I lost since I started working on it again was water, so I don't know why the scale isn't moving?

I will open my diary and would appreciate some suggestions. I haven't been working out, though I did have one day last week where I never sat the whole day and was doing heavy cleaning/decluttering and that was about the last time I saw the scale move. I hope to become more active but didn't want to start off with anything too crazy because I don't want to start something I'm not going to keep up with. I hope to get a treadmill in the next week or so and do some modest walking. As far as food, I'm trying to stick to whole foods, good carbs., and lower cals. I'm not sure if I need to eat more or not. I lost 45 lbs six years ago eating just this way, however, I was exercising. Thanks for any tips.


  • adm1980
    adm1980 Posts: 17
    bump (I'm quickly slipping down the board)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    Well, you stated three times that you aren't exercising, you lost some when you worked hard around the house, and you lost 45 pounds a while back when you were exercising.

    Don't wait for a treadmill to arrive. Move and your heart will follow. You already knew the answer. Get moving.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    .and your Food Diary isn't open for us to view.
  • adm1980
    adm1980 Posts: 17
    When I lost 6 years ago, I was also breast feeding and the exercise was an aerobics video that I don't feel like my knees need right now. I am choosing to get the treadmill because I have 5 kids and live in the country. It seems like the treadmill will be the best option for me. If I could get it home myself, I would have already had it.

    I'm questioning whether there is something additional I could be doing diet wise to help, considering I had already had success and now I'm not. I forgot to mention earlier, I drink large amounts of water and most of the time no other type of drink.

    I changed the diary settings from My Friends to MyFitness Pal members and just checked it again. Not sure how else to change it.
  • Yellerie
    Yellerie Posts: 221 Member
    I was 215 lbs when I started & am now at 202.6 eating 1450 calories a day maybe you aren't eating enough calories.
  • adm1980
    adm1980 Posts: 17
    Ok...I just changed the diary settings to "Everyone". I would appreciate any advice. Thank you.