Fighting to re-lose with PCOS



  • jennimo216
    jennimo216 Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS also! It's very frustrating, especially when I see another one of my family members lose weight easily and I struggle to lose a few pounds. My long term goal is to lose 70 lbs. I have 2 wonderful boys, 10 and 2. I consider them my little miracles, because both times I had an appointment with my doctor to discuss fertility drugs, I discovered I was pregnant! It would be great to make some friends with PCOS who understand what it is to go through and to offer support. :)
  • mminnic
    mminnic Posts: 4 Member
    I have PCOS, Hashimoto's (Hypothyroid), sleep apnea and chronic fatigue syndrome. Did several years of infertility treatment and was eventually told that I should explore a surrogate or adoption. I figured I didn't need to be childless and fat (not sure what the rationalization was there!) so I started working out at curves and did Jenny Craig. I lost 45 lbs in 3 months! That was enough to give my PCOS a small punch! I ended up pregnant. I felt so blessed but something was still off and I gained even more weight. I am 5'11" and weighed 300lbs. I decided I had to do something. I am now on CPAP machine so that I can get some good rest. I cut back my calories and concentrate on eating protein and low fat and low carb. I lost 60 lbs last year and have maintained for about 6 months. I've now decided it's time to get to onderland! So I started MFP to track my food and activity. I am now on day 14 of 30 Day Shred but modified for lower impact. (still too heavy to do jumping jacks without killing my hips and kees). My clothes are fitting looser and I can't believe how much better I feel. It's a struggle but I own it and need to do something about it. I am alive and I want to enjoy my son and family.
  • I have PCOS also (as well as narcolepsy). For years (from age 18) I was treated through traditional means with birth control (Yasmin) to correct my abnormal cycle (I used to only have 1-2 periods a year, lasting about a month each). I trusted my doctor and I didn't know what else could be done to treat the disease. I also got multiple opinions from other gynecologists and endocrinologists and it's what they all recommended so I thought I was doing the right thing for my body.

    At first I didn't notice any side effects from the medication, but after 7 years on Yasmin I had gained approximately 100 lbs, was more tired than ever, had almost no sex drive, and was suffering from daily migraines (constantly vomiting). Because the side effects didn't appear right away, I didn't attribute them at first to the medication. I made the decision to stop taking the medication, only after reading the warning label and it stating that it should not be taken if you suffer from migraines due to high risk of stroke. I also discovered at this time that Yasmin can exacerbate or even cause insulin resistance-- the last thing someone with PCOS needs!

    My doctor didn't agree with my decision to go off of the medication (she just wanted to switch me to an estrogen only pill), but I am so thankful I defied her. Within weeks, my daily migraines were completely gone and I saw remarkable improvement in my energy levels. And since those symptoms disappeared, I was also able to go off of the other medications that had been prescribed to me for those issues.

    My hormones, however, were completely out of wack when I went off the pill. My period was of course crazy and the hair growth was out of control-- worse than it had ever been. This is when I sought the help of a naturopathic physician and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. My experience was phenomenal. The naturopathic doctor (ND) I went to tested and evaluated my hormone levels on a more thorough and complex level than any other gynecologist or endocrinologist doctor ever had. For years it was assumed that I wasn't ovulating and that my testosterone levels were too high but in reality, my testosterone levels were completely normal and I was in fact ovulating each month. It was my estrogen that was way too high (estrogen dominance) in relation to my other hormones and that was screwing everything else up. Once my ND figured that out, it was an easy fix. She put me on biodentical hormones, as well as some other supplements to balance things, and within only a matter of a couple months my cycle was completely normal. I remained on the bioidentical hormones for several months and then tried to go without them for a bit. My doctor had thought initially that maybe I just needed a kick start to remind my body how to function properly.

    In going off of them, my period became a little unstable again.. I was still getting it every month but it wasn't as regular... and with each month it was slightly more off. Around this time, a friend recommended that I give up gluten to help with my narcolepsy because it is known to cause sleep disturbances and I suffered from a lot of night terrors. Once I did this, it not only helped that (within weeks my night terrors were completely gone) but I noticed my period was completely regular again. It was truly amazing so I stuck with the diet. My gynecolgist even agrees now that my PCOS doesn't require any medication.
  • queelove
    queelove Posts: 3
    Hey guys- does pcos cause you to spot. I have been spotting lately and my doctor said it was normal since my hormones are outta whack but I never spotted before this is the first time.
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    Welcome....again. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Good luck on your journey!!
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I have it too and at first, I lost weight really easily (probably because I was SO big) but now I am finding it is really hard to get the weight off.

    it's driving me crazy so i wish you all luck!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I wanted to let you know that I have a group on here (it's a private group) called Fit For Future Families. It should be weight-loss focused but it's more TTC focused as a support group. You are all welcome to join - the ladies are fantastic. Just PM me if you'd like an invite.

    As a little background - I'm on my second IVF cycle and we have just found a surrogate (I have uterine issues) but there are a couple PCOS ladies and we have a couple of "graduates" who run pregnancy and mammy groups.

    Hope to hear from you!
  • pcosbeachbodycyster
    pcosbeachbodycyster Posts: 17 Member
    I am starting a 90 day PCOS challenge group SEXY BY NOVEMBER, right in time for the holidays. it will be a accountability and support group. I will have daily assignments and prizes for participation and success. If you are interested ask to join my group on facebook, i will have details there. I also will be doing it right along with you and blogging and adding videos of my weight loss journey before and during those 90 days!
  • I believe I have had PCOS bc for the past 2 or so years I've been irregular. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and even though diabetes runs in my family - I am not diabetic or prediabetic and I also don't have thyroid issues. I always thought it was the stress, or weight gain that caused me to miss a period, but when I looked up the symptoms, I have most, if not all....I am not on any medicine, but I am hoping my new diet/exercise plan will help me even myself back out.
  • Deanna149
    Deanna149 Posts: 147 Member
    wow, i am reading this and thinking how close to my situation. i have hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, PCOS also. It is a struggle to find foods that i can eat as i also have a allergica reaction to anything with CITRIC ACID, which is weird, Look into Kreb's Cycle Chelated Minerals. I added this and a Liver Guard supplement as i also have Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, a precursor to Cirrohsis, they did an ultrasound of my liver when i was having pain to find this out. i have been since eating lower fat then i used to and liver issue is getting better, but i found that it may have been caused by a glitch in the Krebs Cycle which regulates how foods are processed into energy, and therefore converted into fat, since i started the supplemements 5 months ago i have not had any allergic reactions and can each almost anything, (i havnt tried oranges lemons and raw tomatoes yet - too scared i have a little more energy and blood sugar drops are not as sever (15 mintues of walking at 2 mph would drop them from 140's to the 70's!!!) i also am trying the Glucerna and Boost Shakes at night if they are low or during excercise so far so goo - but i just started this, i will see if the weight starts to drop as i just started using this program daily. but wouldnt hurt to look into this and see if it fits your situation, i had a dieticien review the nutrition on the labels to make sure i was getting the right vitamins and minerals and not too much. Good luck and Hope things work for you!