Need all the help I can get

Hi Everyone! I have tried so many times to lose weight and have never really been successful. I am so sick of feeling like I am 100 years old when I am only 45. I just want to be healthy and be able to run and chase after my grandkids when we go out and not have to worry about finding a bench to sit down in. I have quite a bit to lose but I am only focusing on small goals. Anyone out there like me who needs the support to stick to a healthy eating plan? I'm good for a few days but then I oversleep and have to stop at a fast food restaurant to grab breakfast and then I'm sunk. Any suggestions?


  • slipchuck
    slipchuck Posts: 5 Member
    Personally, I like the Breakfast sandwiches at Subway to start my day when I am working out of town. When I am at home I start my day off with either oatmeal or eggs and then top them off with salsa and Whole wheat toast. I have found that both of those keep me feeeling full longer than anything.
    :happy: :happy:
  • skrobes408
    skrobes408 Posts: 3 Member
    I forgot that Subway does breakfast now. Thanks for the tip. If I don't put together what I am taking to work the night before then my day becomes a free for all. I really need to learn to be more disciplined when it comes to that.
  • Avoid fast food if you can, although with Subway as well, avoid the sandwiches; They're better than a burger from McDonalds but they're still not that good for you! they have AMAZING salads that are actually REALLY good and super low in calories.

    What I'd suggest is ( It WILL TAKE EFFORT AND IT WONT ALWAYS BE EASY! ) but make a plan for yourself, try to prep meals for yourself for the following week, if not, try to do it for the following day or two. It's important to plan around what you eat. Eating is key, go out and buy some mixed veggies, eat them raw, ( wash them of course ) and put a little bit of seasoning on them and snack on them, the fiber will help make you feel full, and all the rich antioxidants and lovely things about veggies will help you FEEL better. I understand what it's like to feel stuck going out to eat, when I work, sometimes I don't have time so I consciously make an effort to get the best things I can get.. Most places now have to list their calories, or at least have a "low cal/low fat" option now.

    Take this one day at a time, I'm struggling with motivation myself, but you can do this...Even if you fall off eventually, the fact that you desire to do this will help you in the long run, we all have our off days don't beat yourself up if it happens just get back on the next day. Great snacks besides veggies are fruit too, and avoid getting french fries and crap like that if you can, always try to get a different side if you're out eating. And stop drinking soda, even diet, stick to 100% juice and water only. Water will help with the appetite too..My dad always told me, "Only eat things that grow", and it's amazing.. It's what we should be doing! And someone else said, "Only shop the outside edges of the grocery store".

    Good luck to you, this is so important because then you'll be able to live longer not just to play with your grand children but to also see them grow. :)
  • NextChapter60
    NextChapter60 Posts: 78 Member
    Knowing the pitfalls is half the solution! You're already ahead of the game!

    On the weekends I boil a half-dozen eggs (leave them in the shell) and put them in an egg carton that I saved and marked "Boiled". And I keep a week's supply of yogurt in the fridge. So even on the busiest day I can grab an egg and a yogurt on my way out the door. (I also buy plastic utensils so I can eat wherever I am and toss it all away.)

    I also bought a kid's lunch box and several of those freezer packs, and I pack my lunch ahead of time. I count the calories as I put items in it, and I include my planned snacks. That way I don't have to think about what I can have throughout the day - I just eat from my lunchbox. You could even buy the little brown lunch bags and pack your lunches for the entire week - just transfer them to your lunchbox in the morning.

    MY biggest problem is evenings! I'm a single woman and I hate to cook for one. I'm not into freezing and having leftovers. My current solution is microwave "lean" meals. I also keep protein shakes on hand. While I'm doing my week prep (boiling eggs and packing lunches), I also make a LARGE salad, with every fresh vegetable I enjoy, and store it in a plastic container. So in the evening my current strategy is to have a full plate of salad with my meal.

    Advance planning is the secret (and not always easy.) Getting up an extra 15 minutes early is a small price to pay for success.

    Best wishes on your journey!
  • im just starting too :) my bad times have been at work with the evil vending machines, night times when i really could enjoy a glass or two of wine and times when im stressed. i need low calorie treats :) good luck on your journey