Afraid to Make it!!!

I have went through a lot since this journey, and I came to a point where I backed off the site and started freaking out. I noticed that my skin was changing and hanging and looking like a deflated balloon around my tummy and legs and boobs.. All deflating.. I thought to myself.. OMG is this what I want to look like??? I am back after 4 or 5 months of accepting myself... I gained a little weight but took it off all again right away in a few weeks of trying... I am afraid... Anyone who has gotten to this point from losing a lot of weight can you tell me if it gets better? Will it get worse?


  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    People don't die from having saggy skin. But they do die from worsened health from being overweight. You can figure out what to do with the skin later. Right now focus on health and your extra weight. Just my two cents.
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    That problem has crossed my mind..... knowing that I have alot to get rid of, and my age, I'm sure Ill be having to deal with skin issues. But at least I will be healthier for my kids and live a longer and happier life. Just like stretch marks from having kids..... They will be ... well my battle scars.

    And.....Hell if it really bugs me, I can always get it cosmetically fixed. LOL
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    Might I suggest looking through some beauty forums like EDS and research the term lose skin. I know dry brushing helps. I'd use egyptian magic can purchase at Whole Body. Copper Peptides from skin Biology Dr. Loren Pickard... those tighten skin. Peptides take time...they are skin "remodelers" .but they work. But look through the threads there I get all sorts of great info there.
  • yngone
    yngone Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks Elisa,..... EDS Website address?..... Got me interested TY
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    Another thing to remember is that while it's true that sometimes the saggy skin doesn't tighten up all the way, it WILL get at least somewhat better. It just takes time. The skin is a living organ, and it needs time to adjust to your smaller insides.

    Don't let fear of saggy skin keep you from reaching your health goals. *hugs* Keep with it. You're worth it!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I wouldn't notrmally do this, but I am putting a link to my success thread from a few days ago. I haven't got any loose skin (with the exception of a teeny bit on my belly thanks to gaining 50 pounds with my pregnancy) and I attribute it to strength training throughout this process instead of only concentrating on cardio for exercise. I am not sure what you do for exercise right now, but as the others have said, your main focus is your health and the loose skin can be dealt with later! If you are not strength training right now, I would consider starting! Here's the link for my pics:
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I have went through a lot since this journey, and I came to a point where I backed off the site and started freaking out. I noticed that my skin was changing and hanging and looking like a deflated balloon around my tummy and legs and boobs.. All deflating.. I thought to myself.. OMG is this what I want to look like??? I am back after 4 or 5 months of accepting myself... I gained a little weight but took it off all again right away in a few weeks of trying... I am afraid... Anyone who has gotten to this point from losing a lot of weight can you tell me if it gets better? Will it get worse?

    it DOES get better over time. It wont get worse.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    If you lose weight quickly yes you'll temporarily sag. It gets better over time. Ever meet a girl with a baby with ripped abs? I have, so I wouldn't worry about it.

    There's also several before and after threads on this forum if you search :) <-check out TinkrBelz 6 babies later on the first page. She's complaining about lose skin, but all I see is abs lol.
  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks Elisa,..... EDS Website address?..... Got me interested TY

    Here is the site she is talking about...
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    I was scared of this as well. I watch Biggest loser all the time and they always have so much skin hanging off.. I want to be healthy but I don't want to have to be strapping stuff down. My trainer says I can avoid it with strength training and dropping weight slowly (1-2lbs a week). I'm still nervous about it but my mom dropped bout 200 lbs when I was a kid and her skin adjusted (her arms kept the flab foor the longest because she had bad shoulders and couldn't do much, but after a while they got down to normal.)