Reality kicked in today...

In an effort to not make myself more depressed today, I will keep this sweet and short. Today my husband, my 4 year old daugther, and myself took a trip to Letchworth State Park. We hiked 6 miles through sweltering 90 plus degree weather but that wasn't the moment of my demise. That moment came when walking the side of the gorge and have to climb numerous rock stairs and I huffed and puffed all the way to the top while my daughter and husband made it to the "top" with me lagging behind. My face was on fire from the heat and sweat and my anger arose in my own well-being. As I was climbing, I could feel the bulge in my stomach getting "in the way" in every step climb I took. No longer did I enjoy myself as I felt it was more work than it should be and for me to barely make it to the top was the upmost embarrassment to my family. I sit in my chair right now, next to a fan, already feeling sore and tired and watching my daughter still have the energy to keep going and playing with my husband. And all I want to do is lay in bed, sleep and feel sorry for myself.

This is my wake up call. I don't want to be like this anymore. Tired of the aches and pains, shortness of breath, and the inability to spend outdoors with my family.

Tomorrow is a new day, and my one year wedding anniversary. I have to do something because I don't want to be telling this same story a year from now.


  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    You should be congratulating yourself for climbing in the first did, you made it!
  • Aimee33T
    You have already lost 6 lbs! Just keep working toward the goal and don't give up. Sooner or later the weight will being to melt off, just stick to what you are doing!
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I am 41, had smoked a pack a day for 25 years, was about 75 lbs overweight, and went from my desk job to my couch at home. That was the beginning of April. Today I rode my bike 25 miles, walked/jogged 6.25 and was disappointed when the pool was closed and I couldn't get a swim.

    You can do it, if you want to. It won't be easy but it does get easier. And it is totally worth it. You will feel amazing.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    Thanks Danger. I smoke too and that's the next thing to GO! You look amazing!
  • wineandkisses
    wineandkisses Posts: 7 Member
    You got this!
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    You will do this. Stay true to yourself and give MFP a good, honest effort, and you will get where you want to be!:bigsmile:
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    i have those days all the time.. but i constantly tell myself that i am doing WAY more than a lot of other people. like going to spin class, hiking mountains, running. and honestly i sound like im dying when i push it. but thats how you get results in my book. i have a longgg way to go but i am doing the right things to make the change and i know you will too!! good luck
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    You made the most crucial step: Recognising you have a problem and wanting to change it. Keep doing what your doing and in a few months you'll be amazed with the progress your making.
  • Asil02
    Asil02 Posts: 261
    I quit smoking in 1997. Best thing I ever did! I used a patch for one week. It made my arm sore so I quit using it and just went cold turkey the rest of the way! If I can do that, you can too! It does get easier but like the others said, congratulate yourself on these little victories. They're just as important! YAY YOU!!
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
    I'm an ex-smoker too. When i had a kid i knew it was time to stop that, but she still run circles around me, but i'm catching up. You can too! :D