"Drop some weight" lecture still ringing in my ears

The dreaded yearly exam was yesterday. I feel bruised and battered. I'm still numb, but trying to keep the promises I made to my doctor. Join MyFitnessPal, introduce yourself, reach out to at least 2 people, and pay attention as you eat. (I can polish off several cookies and not realize I ate them.) Her words stung me as I respect her a great deal.

I used to be an athlete, but now I cannot see my feet when I stand up... they disappeared a long time ago. And getting in a position to sit in the seat of my Civic? Do I back in? Do I go head first? Who is going to put my feet in once I sit down?

The photos I posted are from last night. A bunch of us went bowling. I was cracking up at everyone. No more laughing when I saw the photographs. The photo of me in the hat was taken outside of Boulder last week. I kept saying my headache was from the altitude, but I knew it was because my sunglasses where squeezing the daylights out of my head.

I'm here now. I've never asked for help before, but please stand around me and lift me up when I fall down.


  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    Good job taking these first steps to a healthier you!
  • fsujl
    fsujl Posts: 5
    You can do it it's just going to take time.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    You can do it. Log every bite you put in your mouth. Start walking short walks and add a little distance every day. You can add me as a friend.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Good job taking that first step! Now it's a matter of putting one foot in front of the other (literally and figuratively) and changing your life, one step at a time. Go to the success stories and look at what people have been able to do. You can do it, too. Just imagine where you can be a year from now.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Congrats on going to your doctor and making it here too. You're on the right track. Take advantage of all this site has to offer and there are a lot of people here for support and motivation!
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    You used to be an athlete? Think that's a huge advantage to start with. You already know how to....now just do it (again) :happy:
  • Taratruex
    Taratruex Posts: 215 Member
    Welcome! You've taken the first step which is the hardest. It can be done. Keep your chin up!
  • keekey009
    Hi everyone,,,best wishes to all on your endevor to a new you....Im us MFP as a tool to help get me jump started to loose weight to have gastic bypas. Im 36 years old and I cant even run around with my 5 year old. Im 510 and weigh 353...Dont know about you but I laugh when people tell me "oh I never would have thought you weighed that" So if anyone would like a support add me.
  • RunAlyndaRun
    RunAlyndaRun Posts: 162 Member
    You can do it. Log every bite you put in your mouth. Start walking short walks and add a little distance every day. You can add me as a friend.

    I agree with everything written here! MFP is about being honest with yourself, in my opinion. Record EVERYTHING! Every.thing. It might sting to record it, but that feeling of pride in yourself for the honesty you are giving yourself will outweigh it. You deserve a better life and a better you. YOU deserve it! I have to say that to myself every single day:-) I can say it to you too, if you'd like:-)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    you didnt get fat overnight, you won't get healthy overnight either.
    just keep at it.
  • murdie
    murdie Posts: 85 Member
    You've made a start, be honest with yourself and write down everything you eat, start easy exercise,like walking or a walking DVD. Don't give up on yourself! You are worth it! You can add me as a friend. I've lost over 100 pounds over the last year.
  • tandabuss
    tandabuss Posts: 18 Member
    Know just where you are coming from. Similar story for me. I feel so ashamed of myself for letting things get to this point.
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    You can do it. Log every bite you put in your mouth. Start walking short walks and add a little distance every day. You can add me as a friend.

    This is good advice. I would add to this in advice I just recently figured out having been on here for 2.5 months. Log it BEFORE you put it in your mouth. Figure out how many calories and record it because you can then change your mind and not eat it but once you have, you no longer have the choice to eat or not eat.

    Gradual changes are best - this is a lifestyle change for some of us but if you are faithful about logging in every day without fail, and being mindful of everything you put in your mouth, you can be successful at this. I have a very similar story to you - I was referred by my doctor at my yearly exam because I complained about my weight gain, blaming it on my thyroid. She referred me to MFP and told me to be mindful of portion control and to reach out and find support here. There's a lot of theory behind that - when you have a food and exercise diary that is open (at least to your friends), you will feel more accountable and make better choices. And when you have a support network that has similar goals, your chances of being successful go up dramatically.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. We are here together to celebrate successes and cheer each other on!
  • elifmemis
    elifmemis Posts: 31 Member
    Hey! Welcome to the MFP community. You can do it...I find it addictive to read everyone's progress. Make small goals. Every bit counts. Add me if you'd like:)
  • Meraid
    Meraid Posts: 148 Member
    Start working on your diet if you can't start exercising. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits and whole grains and lean meat and fish! The first step is hardest; sitting down with yourself and telling yourself that you're going to lose the weight. I keep motivated by researching! Then I set mini goals for myself and do what I can. Can't ask for anymore than that. And if you stick with it, know that the weight is going to come off, no matter how long it may take :)
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Well done for following through this far. Keep checking the message boards for motivation and support. Start logging all your food and just get moving for a minimum of 20 minutes. Even if it is only shuffling on the spot.

    Enjoy your journey back to the athlete you once were.
  • KaidaKantri
    The dreaded yearly exam was yesterday. I feel bruised and battered. I'm still numb, but trying to keep the promises I made to my doctor. Join MyFitnessPal, introduce yourself, reach out to at least 2 people, and pay attention as you eat. (I can polish off several cookies and not realize I ate them.) Her words stung me as I respect her a great deal.

    I used to be an athlete, but now I cannot see my feet when I stand up... they disappeared a long time ago. And getting in a position to sit in the seat of my Civic? Do I back in? Do I go head first? Who is going to put my feet in once I sit down?

    The photos I posted are from last night. A bunch of us went bowling. I was cracking up at everyone. No more laughing when I saw the photographs. The photo of me in the hat was taken outside of Boulder last week. I kept saying my headache was from the altitude, but I knew it was because my sunglasses where squeezing the daylights out of my head.

    I'm here now. I've never asked for help before, but please stand around me and lift me up when I fall down.

    The promise of a fit and healthy lifestyle needs to be for yourself. It's great that you took the steps that your doctor suggested. Keep the reasons in mind of why you want to b healthy, and get there. Take it slowly, start with eating healthy and watching your calorie intake. Take a 30 min walk or something in the mornings/evenings. Then step it up as you go along. ~ My suggestion of what I think :) Congratulations on starting your journey!
  • jdmey
    jdmey Posts: 30 Member
    I had that same talk from my doctor just 3 months ago. I found this site, and have been tracking my foods without fail. It has helped me lose 17 lbs. so far, which I thought would be impossible at my age (58). It really has been easier than I ever expected because the tools and support are right here. I know when I can eat more, when I need to quit for the day. I enjoy choosing foods that are healthy but keep me within my limits. I had become just a mindless eater, and MFP has changed all that. Friend me if you'd like - I know you can do this!
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    You will do great! Honestly it just takes time. Last year I hit a record 250 for me before I finally had had enough . It's different for everyone, and with some tweeks you will be on the track to a healthier you in no time at all ! * hugs*
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    Hi, Rho! Gotta start somewhere!

    It might take some time, but don't give up!