Ripped in 30, buddies?!?

Just started Jillian Michael's ripped in 30, would love some buddies! I have only done today so far :)


  • Scully0007
    Scully0007 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in. I'm not 100% sure when I started but I think I've been doing Ripped in 30 it for around 6-weeks now. I've gone through each of the 4-weeks but still have to do the modified version for some of the exercises so I'm still working at it until I don't have to do the modified. 30-day shred is something I'm interested in purchasing to mix it up.

    I was working out to some Michele Rogers workouts that our cable company offers on-demand before I started Ripped in 30 which I think helped because Jillian sure kicks your butt!
  • jcarleo1
    jcarleo1 Posts: 3 Member
    She sure does! Love it! Went to get 30 day shred from target and they didn't have it so I grabbed the ripped in 30 I like it so far it's intense yet to to much where I have to stop and not finish which is good. Thanks for the add! Excited to be buddies!