Sugar Addiction!

I am going to try and beat my sugar addiction, I think it's one of the main factors in my downward spirals, I eat something sugary and then I just can't seem to stop.
I keep thinking I can still include sugary treats occasionally, but the truth is that I need to cut them all out, at least until I feel I've got things under control and won't relapse. Cold turkey!

Has anyone else beaten their sugar addiction? I know it's the main problem with weight gain, so really need to fix it. The exercise is helping loads, I go of an evening so then I don't feel like eating much after I get back. Although it's the day times that are the hardest, when I'm alone with the kids and get stressed.

Any tips gratefully received :)


  • This was just on Dr. Oz a few days ago. I have issues with sugar and carbs too. The doc on TV said to start by trying to replace your usual starches like rice with cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. She also suggested taking chromium picolate because it helps metabolize sugars and reduce cravings and also to take B complex vitamins. Sorry I can't find the actual video clip in my email, but you may be able to find it online. Good luck!
  • I try and replace my sweet tooth cravings with something sweet but healthy for me... like, when I want a cupcake, instead, I'll go grab an apple, or some grapes.... They've got natural sugars and sweetness, so it'll help satisfy those cravings, but you're not over doing it either.
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    Here's the link for the sugar detox video from Dr. Oz on GMA.

    I have been taking these supplements for a week and they really seem to be helping! Good luck.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I kicked a crazy sugar addiction this year. I was VERY addicted to sugar. I mean like I'd make toffee and eat the whole thing by myself, brownies, cookies, cinnamon rolls etc...really bad. It can't be THAT bad if I am making things from scratch and using organic/natural products right? Okay I am a college educated women so I figure I have some common sense but the things we tell ourselves to justify. Anyways, I think after about a month, it was controlled. What worked for me was really not buying it one, and finding something else to take its place. So I invested in real fruit popsicles/yogurt pops. I'd try to have one ONLY when I REALLY needed something. Doing that helped me SOOO much. Now I don't eat the popsicles and I get my sugar from my fresh berries and fruit 90% of the time.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I kicked sugar cravings by eliminating ALL added sugars for 2 weeks, assuage cravings with whole fruit- basically as much as you want. Frozen fruit works too. Nothing canned, no juices. In the beginning it will be a LOT of fruit, and may even cause you to go over your calorie goals, but just roll with it. You'll naturally reduce the cravings and the volume of fruit you're eating to a more reasonable number of portions, and you'll get over the cravings for cupcakes and brownies, etc. It's totally worth a try.
  • 3lisab3
    3lisab3 Posts: 6 Member
    I've been doing this program since March. I found that I had to get rid of all the diet pop and crystal light drinks. I switched to Mio to give my water some taste. It is really easy and I found that I no longer craved sugar. Dr Oz had suggested died cherries. They totally worked. When my kids wanted something sweet like gummy bears, I had some dried cherries. They are only 140 cal for 1/4 cup and they are so sweet, I couldn't eat all that! He also suggested Wasabi Peas (spicy foods increase metabolism). Those are 120 cal for 1/3 cup. I put some in a snack bag and stick it in my purse, that way I have it with me when I feel the "sweet urge" coming on. A couple of those cures the urge and I hardly ever eat all of that serving either.

    You don't have to totally give up sugar. Studies have found that people who indulge in something sweet lose more weight. I have found that when I allow myself one can of diet soda per day IF I have already drank 6 glasses of water, I'm much happier. And I have also found that I can treat myself to a piece of good chocolate (only 45-70 cal) after dinner if I planned well during the day. Been losing 2 pound /week following this plan.

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • I have a dark chocolate and chai tea from Tetley and that's saved me several times from eating sweets :) Sometimes I do still put 1 sugar in the tea but compared to say, an entire chocolate bar, it's nothing.