36 year old stay at home mom looking for friends



  • msbran77
    msbran77 Posts: 63 Member
    You can add me!
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    29 mom to a 7 month baby. Right now I am STAHM. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • TraceAT
    TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
    Another SAHM here too!
  • lynn14
    lynn14 Posts: 116
    Hi! Welcome...I am a stay home mom and love to have more support too! I'll send a request!
  • I am also a stay at home mom and will be 40 years old in October. I am new to my fitness pal and just started about two weeks ago. I have lost 3lbs so far and go for my second weigh tomorrow. I have noticed more energy by drinking water instead of water and changing my eating habits. Looking for friends as well:)
  • I´m 37, partly a stay at home mom...summer stay at home, winter I attend school.
    I would also love to have more friends my age range. So feel free to add me
  • schoeppner
    schoeppner Posts: 12 Member
    We are here to help one another, more friends more motavation !!!!! Glad to be your friend
  • Anyone that is still looking for friends please feel free to add me. I am 40 years old and I'm a stay at home mom of 3 almost grown kids!
  • U81fA1th
    U81fA1th Posts: 44 Member
    Hi, I'm a mommy {of two awesome daughters} on a mission to get her body back :-) Since you can never have too many friends, feel free to add me :-)
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    I'm not a stay at home mom...but friend request sent.
  • Hi, I'm also a 36 year old SAHM. It is so hard to fit everything into our schedules and still try make time for ourselves. I find that the best time for me to get my workouts in are either first thing in the morning (4:45am) or after my kids go to bed. I prefer the morning only because I get my workout done and I'm ready to tackle the day. Feel free to friend request me.
  • SAHM here too!! I'd love the add! The more support the better!!! :)
  • Nikkiham520
    Nikkiham520 Posts: 117 Member
    37 year old SAHM here. Feel free to add me!
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I am new to this site and in need of friends too. All my close friends look at me like I am crazy when I tell them I am dieting. I need some motivation. Please add me and we can help motivate each other.
  • Hi! I'm a stay at home mum too & would love more mummy friends. Any of you please feel free to add me, I'm on the site once a day but on the app ALL the time ready to give support & encouragement. Would love to help you on your journey :)
    I'll be 26 next month & am hoping to be in better shape by then! Started the 30 day shred a few days ago so fingers crossed! x
  • I too am looking for some positive peeps to help out. I am a 37(1/2) yr old married (17yrs) mother of 2 (teenagers) with several "adopted" kids... (my childrens friends are here a lot) so we always have snacks around (usually for me) and I need to get away from that... I am very unhealthy and am in a mindset to change that. I have been walking my dog regularly and trying to exercise more... (used to be a naughty word to me "exercise") all the positive changes (friends) I can make are the better for me and everyone else... I would love to be your friend!
  • laurajean2
    laurajean2 Posts: 52 Member
    please add me. Im a 36 year old SAHM to 2 children matthew who is 8 going into 3rd grade and alexandria who is 3 and going in her 2 year od pre school. Im looking to lose 87 pounds. IM always looking for new friends.:laugh: