Middle age and all that goes with it!

Hi I'm of a certain age and hate that it has crept up on me. Time to take drastic action!
I've done WW but put it all back on plus more.
Need to lose 3st at least to feel better about myself.
Anyone similar out there in the big www want to add me?
I'm very new at this sort techy stuff so please be patient with me.


  • hess1952
    hess1952 Posts: 6 Member
    I just joined this morning also. LIke you, I have did weight watchers with great results, but over the years, it is all back and a few more! Trying this out, I think the food log and the conversations and help that you can get from others is the main key. We are all in this together!!
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Am 39 lost 33lb so been there so know where you are at.
    I only have one post on my blog it might be worth a look.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I'm 42 and have lost 33 pounds since Feb. It's a lot harder to get it off when you hit over 40..:( Add me if you would like some extra support! Good Luck..I know you can do it! :smile: