social eating

I didnt want to hi jack the thread about going to someone's party and not insulting the host so you eat.

I understand that in many cultures ppl truly get insulted if you eat small or pass.

So we're a world of fat *kitten*- fantastic. Seriously- how do we combat this. I know someone with a TON of food issues- allergic to this- sensitive to that- so at a party you can honestly find him munching on the smallest bit of absolutely unprocessed stuff. If he cant recognize every ingredient he wont eat it- and ppl are used to him- some even cater to this...

The rest of us are insulting the cook unless we have a reason? MY reason is- your double breaded cheese soaked meatballs are unhealthy- how bout that?

What do we do folks- holidays arent that close (UGH) but dinners with friends and relatives never end and fighting of the "just have it" mommas and other food pushers is a must.

What do you do?


  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I don't go to parties or eat socially very often but when I do, I plan ahead.

    I allow these to be my cheat days more often than not because most often my weekly calorie deficit is huge. If I look at my calorie deficit in the big picture of things, an occasional day of over-eating is allowable. You know why? Because it doesn't even make a dent in my weekly calorie deficit.

    We can't allow our "diet" to become the center of our worlds.
  • I don't go to parties or eat socially very often but when I do, I plan ahead.

    I allow these to be my cheat days more often than not because most often my weekly calorie deficit is huge. If I look at my calorie deficit in the big picture of things, an occasional day of over-eating is allowable. You know why? Because it doesn't even make a dent in my weekly calorie deficit.

    We can't allow our "diet" to become the center of our worlds.

    I like your last statement that we can't let our "diet" become the center of our worlds. I know that I have a very difficult time telling people i"m on a diet because I don't want to call attention to the fact. But on the few occasions when I have told a friend, they have been more than accommodating, even with any requests I have to be discreet about the fact that I'm dieting. Sometimes I just need to give people more credit. I don't know if that's your circumstance, but it might be worth a try.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I'll admit- I probably do put my diet at the center of my world. I dont personally have a problem avoiding huge portions of high calorie foods. I dont need seconds on certain things and I can be happy choosing lower calorie or healthier options.

    I wont torture myself - if Im hungry I eat - but I also dont like other ppl checking out my plate and laying judgment (such as im insulting someone- or I must be dieting - or do I feel well, etc etc)

    So this was about what do you say to these ppl that hand you a plate youd never fix for youself and if you dont hand it back empty you have insulted someone's mother?
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    Unless you are eating this way everyday you will be fine. Last night I went over board with dinner but it was worth it. I took my youngest son out for dinner, just the two of us, for the first time ever. We even ordered dessert. I only took a couple bites and let him finish the rest. You have to let yourself have a little wiggle room once every couple of weeks. Without that it is too hard to stick to anything. :smile:
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member

    So this was about what do you say to these ppl that hand you a plate youd never fix for youself and if you dont hand it back empty you have insulted someone's mother?
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'll admit- I probably do put my diet at the center of my world. I dont personally have a problem avoiding huge portions of high calorie foods. I dont need seconds on certain things and I can be happy choosing lower calorie or healthier options.

    I wont torture myself - if Im hungry I eat - but I also dont like other ppl checking out my plate and laying judgment (such as im insulting someone- or I must be dieting - or do I feel well, etc etc)

    So this was about what do you say to these ppl that hand you a plate youd never fix for youself and if you dont hand it back empty you have insulted someone's mother?

    I've never been to a social gathering where someone handed me a plate of food like that. In my family and circle of friends we're all about eating what it is that you like/want. That's probably because we all have very different tastes and there are typically a TON of dishes.

    I have however been to catered weddings/events where the food has been selected and plated and then brought to your table. Typically I've been able to make some choices ahead of time though. When it comes to that, I've never seen anyone given a guilt trip for not eating enough.
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member
    I would just eat it and be a little more conscience the next day. My sister in law is from Romania and if her parents offer me something to eat or drink I have to accept or highly offend them.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    I'm always the one not eating and get asked why. Well, due to food allergies and health issues I can't eat a lot of foods. So I never plan on actually eating anywhere I go. I graze on what I can find. What makes me so mad is when people say one bite won't kill you! Maybe it won't kill me but with certain foods it will cause problems.

    I don't need to explain everything to everyone and no longer say much at all. I just say I can't.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I eat those party foods in moderation and only pick things I really really love. For example, I'm not big fan of salty, fatty snacks like chips, french fries, cheeses, etc. so I won't waste my calories on them. I am however, a huge fan of icecream, cakes, desserts so I can "splurge" on something I really love. And a lot of time, I just say no and don't really care if I hurt the hosts feelings. That sounds mean, but I'm not going to harm my health because of someone's feelings.
  • All in moderation. Eat only what you like and work it into your calories goals for the day...or just don't eat.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I didnt want to hi jack the thread about going to someone's party and not insulting the host so you eat.

    I understand that in many cultures ppl truly get insulted if you eat small or pass.

    So we're a world of fat *kitten*- fantastic. Seriously- how do we combat this. I know someone with a TON of food issues- allergic to this- sensitive to that- so at a party you can honestly find him munching on the smallest bit of absolutely unprocessed stuff. If he cant recognize every ingredient he wont eat it- and ppl are used to him- some even cater to this...

    The rest of us are insulting the cook unless we have a reason? MY reason is- your double breaded cheese soaked meatballs are unhealthy- how bout that?

    What do we do folks- holidays arent that close (UGH) but dinners with friends and relatives never end and fighting of the "just have it" mommas and other food pushers is a must.

    What do you do?

    Recently I became one of those people that has so many food allergies/intolerances that if I don't know exaclty what it is, what is in it and how it was prepared, I don't eat it. Which makes eating really hard, but really easy to not eat something I don't want to at someones house.

    Before that I just offended people. If I didn't want something, I would just say "no thank you".