Comfort eating and lazy days

How do people get around the pattern up just wanting to curl up in bed with a takeaway pizza? I've managed to cut out most takeaway but I crave them all the time, and when I feel low I just want junk food, an apple does not satisfy me.

Please answer & add if you think you can help :)


  • boppinbadger
    I think it's different for everyone, there is no right or wrong answer, its whatever works for you. I find different things work on different days depending on my mood - here are a couple that work for me.
    Boost your will power to not have a lazy day/not order junk food by writing down your goals and planning rewards for when you hit various goals e.g. new clothes when you drop a dress size/going for a spa day when you get to the half way point. What ever it is that motivates you. Or just log on to this website and check out the forums, I find that helps me if only for distraction from the cravings for a while!
    For those days you really can't get that craving out your head, work out the lowest fat/lowest cal/healthiest way to satisfy it. I found that if I tried just to fight against cravings with will power eventually I'd cave and end up ordering something to be delivered and scoffing the whole lot. So personally I find rather than let it get to the point where I want to binge, if I have a craving that really won't go, I have something in the freezer to cook at home that is already portioned out into single servings so its not easy to eat too much and all those single portions are in a calorie amount I can work into my daily goal - or earn by doing extra exercise. It fixes the craving and I don't feel guilty for it. Also having things in the freezer means I have to consciously get them out and defrost/cook them - I find if I have ready to eat 'treats' in the cupboard/fridge then I am far more likely to snack more regularly just because I can and not because I am really hungry or even really want it.
    And don't feel bad for having the odd 'lazy day' as long as they are only now and then, everyone needs to relax occasionally :)
  • KatyBugs1724
    when I want comfort food or am just too lazy to really prepare a nice, healthy meal, I browse this girl has good ideas for low calorie comfort food that is really easy to prepare. It's not "health food" but, its a lot of good low calorie alternatives for when you get a junk food craving or just really want the convenience and taste of takeout.
  • heidelbergerin
    heidelbergerin Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for the tip about :)
    When I'm feeling bad, I get out my list of 'why I'm doing this' and go through it. Somtimes I give in... but then I feel guilty and I try to exercise it off.... it just depends... Feel free to add me and we can maybe face the battle together :) x
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I think it's good to have a lazy day every so often. It's recommended to have one day a week where you eat whatever you want, to stop your metabolism from settling and slowing down. So long as you're eating healthily the other days of the week, of course. I had a lovely day of eating junk food and comfort food yesterday, and today I'm back on track again, and will eat healthily this week and have another lazy day next weekend.
  • photojunkie28
    I GIVE IN every once in a while. But I plan it and live with my decision. For example I went out for a nice big scoop of 600 calorie snickerdoodle ice cream the other night. It tasted awesome, but the reason it felt good to eat it was because i EARNED it. I saved a few calories and exercised some extra calories and had my sugar splurge.

    If you just say no to everything all of the time you will more than likely fail in the long run due to feeling deprived. Moderation and balance.
  • MoonyRose
    Thanks for the tip about :)
    When I'm feeling bad, I get out my list of 'why I'm doing this' and go through it. Somtimes I give in... but then I feel guilty and I try to exercise it off.... it just depends... Feel free to add me and we can maybe face the battle together :) x

    Thank you, I'm having a particularly bad day today and the pizza is still calling me after many hours. Friend request accepted, so glad I joined this site now. :D
  • MoonyRose
    when I want comfort food or am just too lazy to really prepare a nice, healthy meal, I browse this girl has good ideas for low calorie comfort food that is really easy to prepare. It's not "health food" but, its a lot of good low calorie alternatives for when you get a junk food craving or just really want the convenience and taste of takeout.

    Thank you I've been having a browse, luckily I've just moved and I'm closer to supermarkets so I may nip there today and give it a whirl :D! xx
  • MoonyRose
    Thank you everyone for your help, it's so much appreciated. I've only been on this a few days, but I'm hoping I can keep it up. I lost 2kg before joining the site and this is really helpful. Just having a bad day, but now I don't feel so disheartened :)! xx