Coconut Oil, Warning it's a long read, a very long read.



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    You forgot the most important one.
    Coconut oil will save your soul from eternal damnation.

    I bought some coconut oil by mistake and it's actually quite disgusting when taken alone. The oiliness of it made me want to throw up. It does impart a flavor on foods cooked with it, so it's a no go in my house since my kids can pick up on any off flavors they aren't used to.

    LOL since I did NOT write this, I didn't leave anything out, but I will notify the blogger that she left it out and see if she wants to add it to the next blog. Some of the things I agree are so far fetched that it makes you want to laugh, but if some of it is true then for me I'm good with that. If my finger nails would get hard and stop being so brittle I'd be happy. If I could use it as a face cream and it work I'm good with that. And if I could fry some things with it (since I gave up fried foods all together) and enjoy it I'd be happy with that also.
  • ponyfan81
    ponyfan81 Posts: 24 Member
    So Coconut oil kills HIV? You mean we've had the cure the whole time??

    Completely ridiculous claims throughout absolutely kill the credibility of the writer (and call into question any of the other claims in the article).

    Glad I didn't bother reading most of it.
  • pandurbear77
    pandurbear77 Posts: 11 Member
    wow already use coconut oil because i have heard of some of the healthy benefits but had no idea how much longer the list really is! Thank you so much I will definitely try to start using it more!
  • Eskiesforlife
    Eskiesforlife Posts: 12 Member
    I swear by Coconut Oil, and there are studies of it being tested on HIV or Aids patients DEFINITELY worth the read!

    I use it for everything - cooking, moisturizer, feminine issues, lubricant, etc....
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    Coconut oil makes a fantastic vegan frostin
    ( just in case you ever have pesky vegans you need to bake a cake for)
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    So Coconut oil kills HIV? You mean we've had the cure the whole time??

    Completely ridiculous claims throughout absolutely kill the credibility of the writer (and call into question any of the other claims in the article).

    Glad I didn't bother reading most of it.

    Glad you didn't waste your time either.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    yes, my daughter on the AU spectrum was cured with coconut oil.

    please take the autism helps in no way, shape or form. the end.

    I didn't write it..go to the blog and ask her to take it off.
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Bump :)
  • LiZzie1917
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    Coconut oil makes a fantastic vegan frostin
    ( just in case you ever have pesky vegans you need to bake a cake for)

    Do you have the recipe for this? I have a crap load of coconut oil and frosting is something I wouldn't mind making with it.
  • candypa
    candypa Posts: 73 Member
    I like it.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    The entire section on supposed medical beenfits of coconut oil should be disregarded until citations are provided for each and every claim.

    To suggest that coconut oil has any effect whatsoever on HIV, autism or cancer (as well as all the other stuff - what exactly is 'adrenal fatigue??) is appallingly irresponsible.

    I'm sure coconut oil is fine for cooking, and like other types of fats may have some general health benefits that are not necessarily separable from the diets in which they are a normal component, but it does not cure viruses, neurological disorders or cancer.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't know if it's good for all that, but it's DELICIOUS in smoothies. It does work as a sunblock, I know from personal experience. It's great to cook with, too, if you don't mind your food tasting like coconut!

    Coconut oil as sunblock? Back in the 60's and 70's we used to put it on to tan faster. I dont' know if we actually tanned faster than we would have without it, but it certainly didn't prevent us from tanning quickly.
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    The entire section on supposed medical beenfits of coconut oil should be disregarded until citations are provided for each and every claim.

    To suggest that coconut oil has any effect whatsoever on HIV, autism or cancer (as well as all the other stuff - what exactly is 'adrenal fatigue??) is appallingly irresponsible.

    I'm sure coconut oil is fine for cooking, and like other types of fats may have some general health benefits that are not necessarily separable from the diets in which they are a normal component, but it does not cure viruses, neurological disorders or cancer.
    This. As soon as you hear "oil-pulling", you know It's woo of the highest order.
    Some people will believe anything.
  • belizsera
    belizsera Posts: 82 Member
    I follow a Ketogenic eating program and use coconut oil in my coffee and to cook low fat meat like chicken breast to up the fat content. It can also be used to make ketogenic chocolate.