Completely overwhelmed! Help

Ok, so i would like to lose about 15 pounds. Over the last two months I have been lifting and cardio 5 days a week and have only lost 3 pounds. I am not sure if I am eating too much or too little. One website tells me to eat 1500-1800 calories and this website tells me 1200 depending on exercise. I am sure this question has come up a lot but what should I follow. I am at a stand still with the weight loss. Any advice is appreciated.


  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    because you don't have that much weight to lose (relatively speaking), i would definitely go with the higher amount (1500-1800 calories). also, if you exercise, you should eat some of those calories as well.
  • iamsimplyme2
    If you're trying to lose weight it is simple calories in and out... When I've stuck with the 1200 calories the lbs melted off. I would stick with the 1200 and go up to maybe 1400 depending on your level of exercise (cardio).
  • Mandillynn
    If you've been doing lifting, you're probably building muscle. It may seem like you're not losing enough, but I'm sure you are. You've lost fat and gained muscle. Also... it can depend on what you are eating. I know we're all counting calories here, but keep an eye on fatty foods and also things high in sodium. Sodium tends to make you keep your water weight. Drinking plenty of water can help you lose it. I haven't had my first weigh in yet, but I've lost 2 lbs. in 3 days just because I drank a LOT of water. I know it's from my water weight, but it's still nice to see... lol!

    I've also heard that if you are doing the same exercises without switching them up on occasion, your body gets used to the movements and those exercises don't help in the process of dropping fat. I could be wrong, but I'm really sure I've come across a few sites saying the same thing. Do some research on that.

    I wouldn't stress too much. Just keep doing what you're doing. You're eating right and exercising. That's healthy living right there. Don't give up, and I'm sure you'll see some results eventually. :flowerforyou:
  • duckmannh
    I was in the same place (stuck for awhile while running and lifting weights) and realized two things;

    First I was not tracking everything for calories accurately daily, two things were throwing off my calorie counts, I was having 2-3 gasses of wine at night and I was eating to many peanuts (my favorite snack) which both are very high in calories- this website is the best for that, so just by eliminating those I started losing. I assume you are a girl so yes 1200-1400 calories in that range seems right depending on your job activity. I work in an office all day so my target is 1400 even though I run every morning.

    Second you mentioned lifting weights - well muscle is heavier than fat so the scale wont show your fat weight loss, some folks are big into taking body measurements, such as waist measurements (the Book "You on a Diet" is a great reference for that). I hope that helps! Bottom line dont get hung up on the scale if you are eating right and exercising you should feel better and the rest will follow.

    Lastly I noticed a big jump when cardio was longer than 40 minutes at least every other day.
  • mrsvezeau
    Thanks so much for the advice. I know I shouldn't get stuck on what the scale says but it is hard not too. I will try to increase my cardio, right now it is between 25 and 30 minutes... if i can stand that! :)
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    I would focus more on cardio that weights. And if you do weights, make sure they're lighter weights to help built lean muscle instead of bulky muscle. Have you tried pilates? It helps build lean muscle and burn fat, and is relaxing too! As the other members said, just track those calories! You'd be surprised where the calories are hidden (coffee creamer, fruit juice, etc). Try tracking without controling for a couple days to show you where you can cut some out. I've heard the last 15 are the hardest to lose. Good luck!