Discourged and feel like giving up :(

I've only got about 20 lb. left to lose, but I feel like giving up. Due to sciatica and knee issues, I can't push myself very hard (the one time that I really need to!). Sometimes, even grocery shopping leaves me limping around.

I feel like no matter how I eat or how much I push myself to workout, it'll never be enough. People at this weight loss stage are running or working out like mad. I can barely do 20 jumping jacks without hurting myself. So, what's the point in trying anymore?


  • lisa_latif
    lisa_latif Posts: 22 Member
    Don't give up. I'm sure that there are plenty of workouts that you can do that will suit your needs and abilities. You've come so far, you can't give up now!

    Also, if you change up you diet or exercise routine, you will most likely also be able to lose those last pounds. I find personally that when I hit a plateau and am not able to lose more weight, if I change up my fitness routine the pounds start falling off again because your body can't predict what you are going to do.

    Have you tried yoga? It's not too strenuous but it a great all over body workout. It will also tone and tighten your muscles to build your resistence so that in the future you might be able to handle more aggressive workouts.

    I hope this helps and good luck! Never give up!
  • postzak
    postzak Posts: 15 Member
    Only the weak give up.
    Try reading some more about fat loss and nutrition on scooby's workout website. Usually when i am about to get that feeling of losing hope that i will ever reach my goal, i roll over to his webaite and start checking out his homepage and forums.
    I cant link to it right now as i am on my phone, just search it on google an you'll find.
  • ctumbarello
    ctumbarello Posts: 23 Member
    I've only got about 20 lb. left to lose, but I feel like giving up. Due to sciatica and knee issues, I can't push myself very hard (the one time that I really need to!). Sometimes, even grocery shopping leaves me limping around.

    I feel like no matter how I eat or how much I push myself to workout, it'll never be enough. People at this weight loss stage are running or working out like mad. I can barely do 20 jumping jacks without hurting myself. So, what's the point in trying anymore?

    I'm still trying to figure out how to work with the posts, but I would like to offer you some encouragement. While sites like these are filled with people sharing their accomplishments you need to remember that it takes courage to post when you are discouraged. I know, because I have been one of those people who was gung ho with posting, then when I wasn't doing so well I dropeed off the site. Do not compare yourself with anyon else! As someone else said, find something you CAN do, then stick with it. Slow and steady will get you better results than big losses that are not sustained. I don't know if this will help, but hope you will reevaluate tomorrow. You can do it.
  • miss_grad
    miss_grad Posts: 102
    Have you tried swimming? It's a lot less stressful on the body and joints

    I know it can be a nightmare, especially if you are uncomfortable with your body (at least that's how I feel)... But you have to keep focused. You've come so far already!
  • lookatme09
    lookatme09 Posts: 57 Member
    I hear how hard you are suffering. You have come so far and you can still stay on track with just diet. My hubby has severe back pains and he has lost a lot of weight with just diet. He gets back with exercise whenever he can.
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Do you have access to a pool? Its supposed to be one of the best forms of exercise and most gentle on your body.

    I have a history of sciatica too and once I got into a regular routine with a chiropractor it became very controlled to the point I can now start to work out and not have too many problems. I am just getting started so I can only empathize with you as I have dealt with being overweight all my life. Just decided for me it was finally time to change.

    I encourage you to try different forms of exercise til you find what works best for you. Sometimes its all trial and error til you find the GO TO exercises. Just be sure to mix them up every month or so.

    Best of luck to you!!
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    I've only got about 20 lb. left to lose, but I feel like giving up. Due to sciatica and knee issues, I can't push myself very hard (the one time that I really need to!). Sometimes, even grocery shopping leaves me limping around.

    I feel like no matter how I eat or how much I push myself to workout, it'll never be enough. People at this weight loss stage are running or working out like mad. I can barely do 20 jumping jacks without hurting myself. So, what's the point in trying anymore?

    Don't give up, OC! Everyone progresses at different rates because we all have different metabolisms.

    Try taking up a different exercise--swimming, walking, bicycling--that might not be so hard on the knees. Even cleaning around the house can be exercise.
  • stagknight
    stagknight Posts: 130 Member
    Every step I take, every exercise I do hurts, by body is so damaged now, but less weight means less stress on the damaged bits, in your case and mine our knees mainly. Don't give up.
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    Don't give up! Try yoga or water aerobics, less stress on the joints and you can get a good workout! You can do it!!! Don't give up on yourself!
  • littlekat1
    littlekat1 Posts: 53 Member
    Don't give up! Try yoga or water aerobics, less stress on the joints and you can get a good workout! You can do it!!!
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    I feel your pain.. I to have knee issues.. It has gotten worse since losing weight (go figure that one).. But I refuse to give up.. I have had some down days & I am currently on a plateau - but I know I only have myself to blame. I have some bad habits that I thought I broke - but they have reared their ugly head again. But I am a work in progress.. I get discouraged because I am stuck at 34 pounds down.. But I know I will get there.. Its not a race.. Just keep working at it.. Maybe go on a week of maintanance calories to give yourself a break.. Good luck & I hope you get your last 20 off.. I have over 100 to lose yet - but we can do this.. Hang in there... And congrats on what you have lost... Any pound off is a victory. This journey is not easy by any means..
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    Have you been to dr? I would suggest water resistance training.....been through that pain (a year straight!!!!) and I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy!!!! The water really help me get a handle and on my core muscles and allowed me to get back to lifting like a monster! You have to be patient and take it slow.....It's a marathon not a sprint! See a specialist please and get sound advice! Was the best thing I could do when I injured my back and was in that pain!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    stock your fridge with good healthy food and take a few days to just stick to your diet and rest. Give yourself a break..and then when you feel you have the energy..rethink an easier exercise method..or decide that perhaps diet is good for now until you feel better.
    But what you've been doing is burning you out and has you thinking of quitting. So..don't go back to whatever exercise routine your were doing. I like the ideas of yoga or swimming.

    Hang in there..when the last 20 are gone..I bet a lot of these physical problems will disappear. I know when I lost weight..everything was so much easier.
  • orishp
    orishp Posts: 214 Member
    The worst you can do is give up, you are only 22, if you dont take control of your health now imagine how its going to be in 10-20 yrs.
    You can do it just with diet, or walking, you dont have to be an olympic athlete, just move that body a little.
    Even if you lose slowly, make lifestyle changes so in the end you are healthier.

    I know its hard, whenever the scale doesnt agree with me it is so frustrating but instead of giving up like i have done in the past, i have pushed through it and a week (or two!) later the scale is my friend again
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    Try pilates or yoga! They are great for sciatica and low impact. Or swimming. :) Or just eat less... No need to give up.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    Try to take it one day at a time. It can be really overwhelming to look at all 20 pounds. You CAN do this, just be patient and love yourself! Switch up your diet too, that really helps. Recently I started to eat way more protein and in the past 2 weeks I've dropped a good amount of weight.

    Keep your chin up, you'll get there!
  • RCS17
    RCS17 Posts: 51 Member
    It'll be alright! Don't give up, b/c if you do, you'll most likely gain everything back that you worked so hard to loose. I lost 22 pounds a couple years ago; gave up, and now I'm having to loose it all again. But this time I will keep it off. Don't get discouraged, just do your best to move around. Do slow walks, eat right, and maybe see a doc'. Good luck, and you can do it!! {:
  • Gettingt0125
    Don't give up!
    It took me more than a month to lose more than 2 lbs, and I was working out 3-4 times a week HARD.

    I think you are at a plateau. If you keep up the good work you've been doing, one day you will look at the scale and you will have lost 1 or 2 lbs and hopefully you will feel really good about yourself and your progress will continue. Keep it up! You can do it!!:smile:
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Have u tried low impact? Or lift weights! Tht will change ur body much more thn cardio
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I agree with the swimming. Swimming will be easy on your joints and you will be amazed on the calories you burn in a short time. Dont give up!!!!! Dont!