Discourged and feel like giving up :(



  • vcreinert
    I felt like that once. Take a break for a couple days. Don't pig out, stop counting calories etc. Couple days won't hurt and you will feel refreshed and ready to start again. Worked for me.
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    The worst you can do is give up, you are only 22, if you dont take control of your health now imagine how its going to be in 10-20 yrs.
    You can do it just with diet, or walking, you dont have to be an olympic athlete, just move that body a little.
    Even if you lose slowly, make lifestyle changes so in the end you are healthier.

    I know its hard, whenever the scale doesnt agree with me it is so frustrating but instead of giving up like i have done in the past, i have pushed through it and a week (or two!) later the scale is my friend again

    Believe me, it is 200% more painful as you age. Do it now while you're young. The older you get the harder it is to lose weight.
  • Natalie410
    Sorry to hear you are so down. I would try an internet search and maybe you might be able to find some of those answers to the exercise issue you are medically having. I can say "don't quit" but i do know that it is easier said then done. good luck I wish you success and happiness
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I got tired of working out and didn't for like 2 months. I was able to still loose consistently just by staying within my calorie goal. You could try that for awhile and give your knee a break.
  • mamakjknows
    Just wanted to send you some encouragement and to tell you not to give it up. It's one day at a time my friend, and has many others stated, there are lots of things that you can do to strengthen your muscles without putting strain on your knees.

    You can lift weights while you are in front of the tv, do leg lifts while you are seated, head to a pool, etc.

    Whatever you choose to do, please know that you are not alone and to keep the faith. This is a journey, not a race.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Look into chair exercises, youtube should have some videos you can do.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    It may seem like people with 20 pounds to use are all working out at high levels, but that is not true. I do about 30 minutes a day on the bicycle and some days all I do is walk. Don't compare yourself to others and the weight will come off. ;-)
  • kissedbytheocean
    kissedbytheocean Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice and support. I appreciate all of your suggestions and encouragement. :)

    I have been to the doctor who said I'd probably never be able to do anything high-impact. I've been trying to stick to low-impact workouts that are within my means (no access to pool or gym right now), but walking and cycling hurt sometimes. I feel like there's not much left to do as far as exercise except for yoga or pilates.

    A lot of people keep saying to change up my diet, but how? I'm lost when it comes to that other than the basics - count calories, eat clean, etc. Is there something specific I should be trying? (I'm a soy-free vegan btw.)
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    hey there! I too suffer from sciatic nerve issues, likely due to a slipped disc from being overweight for so long. I have been in physical therapy numerous times and suffered through numerous flare ups, one so bad it had me crawling into an ER for relief. I want to let you know that there are many back and core exercises that you can do to strengthen your muscles and alleviate the pressure on the nerve. It is hard to deal with this type of injury because pain medications aren't very effective for nerve pain but the best thing you can do is to stay active. Just walking can do wonders. Stick to low impact exercises to reduce your risk for re-injury. Eventually as your body becomes stronger you will be able to do more. Using intervals and C25K I am slowly becoming a runner.

    If you haven't seen your doctor or a physical therapist I would highly suggest that you do so. They can teach you the proper exercises to start with so that you can begin to strengthen your core.

    Good luck, and don't give up!
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I see that you struggle with depression. Perhaps these recent feelings are a result of depression. Check your medications and be sure your dosage is adjusted properly if you are taking meds for your depression. Then take a deep breath and know that these feelings are not permanent, they will pass and continue to keep going! Even a little loss is good for you!
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    It sounds like you are also suffering from depression. Chronic pain can do that to you, and frankly, it sometimes feels hopeless. Trying stationary biking, it is wonderful for bad arthritic knees. Not the one where your legs are out in front of you, that puts too much pressure on your knees. Don't give up on your path to a better healthier lifestyle. You can do this, you just took the first step by letting us know how you are feeling...Hang in there, most all of us have thought about giving up also.. You can do this!!
  • Bellren
    Bellren Posts: 14
    You can lose weight without specific exercise, if necessary. I know, because this is my situation also, due to injury. The objective is to achieve a healthy defecit between your total daily energy expenditure versus the calories you consume, and even for those with a sedentary lifestyle this can be achieved, and can still result in significant weight loss. Good luck.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Please keep moving foward. Don't give up on yourself. Give yourself a little time and some love. You only have two choices to continue moving foward or give up.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I have knee trouble Im waiting on mri scan next week and on a waiting list for an operation, I still go to the gym 5 days a week just change up the routine. Machines I find work best and what I was advised by doc is treadmill, bike and crosstrainer - Ive designed an hours worth of routine that provides a great burn without putting any stress on my knee, my friend also suffers with siatica and uses the same routine as me. Its not easy and does take longer to shed the lbs but you will get there eventually. Ive been told by doctors not to run and I stupidly tried to last week, I lasted 1 mins 44 seconds before my knee popped out so lesson learnt.
  • mirandamayhem

    You are so close. You will find a way to work with your body and get to the place you want to be. xxx
  • nursewhitman
    nursewhitman Posts: 24 Member
    "When you feel like giving up, remember why you started."
  • 115TheFord
    try swimming, its low impact and you can burn a lot of calories just by treading water.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Im gonna go ahead and be the mean poster and say complain much?

    Being healthy is a marathon not a sprint, you just going to give up and decide at 22 to spend the rest of your life being unhealthy and unfit? Pull yourself together, stop feeling sorry for yourself and comparing yourself to others. The point of making changes is to be the best YOU that you can be. You need to start being your own biggest cheerleader and push yourself. Do what YOU can, do YOUR best, and you'll see the results you want :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I've only got about 20 lb. left to lose, but I feel like giving up. Due to sciatica and knee issues, I can't push myself very hard (the one time that I really need to!). Sometimes, even grocery shopping leaves me limping around.

    I feel like no matter how I eat or how much I push myself to workout, it'll never be enough. People at this weight loss stage are running or working out like mad. I can barely do 20 jumping jacks without hurting myself. So, what's the point in trying anymore?

    you tell us what the point in trying is...?

    dont you want to be healthier and live a longer and fuller life?!
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    Many people manage this without exercise at al. Some of my friends & I live in wheelchairs or are physically unable to exercise & are doing this on diet alone. If you want to succeed you can. Try swimming as it is non-weight bearing