Calories Burned for Hot Yoga

Anyone have any numbers on this?


  • i've never done literal hot yoga like in a heated room, but at my class we don't use any fans of course (you never should have cool air blowing during yoga) and my class is power yoga. I burn around 300 in 50 minutes. I am a pretty advanced yoga student, so I think it would depend a lot on how familiar you are with yoga. I love yoga though, it is so much more intense than most people realize! feel free to message me if you have any more questions :)
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    I have burned anywhere from 500-1000, it is all dependent upon the humidity and temp in the room (this is affected by how hot it is outside), and the effort your body can put out that day for each pose etc. So...I would estimate it based on your body weight. Higher cal average if its more, lower if its not. I have used an HRM every time I go, so that is why I believe the variations are more so the environment and effort than anything else.
  • beathag
    beathag Posts: 5
    That's great thanks... I will get a HRM - I saw somewhere that it was about the same as swimming the breast stroke which logs for me at 660 for 60min. I guess I'll stick with that for now until I get the HRM.

    Thoughts on that?
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    I do hot power yoga 3x per week and average 425-525 (per HRM) for a 75 minute class. It is a POWER class done in a room 90-100* with 85% humidity. I have recently stopped using my HRM because it was throwing off my practice.

    I'm 5'7 135 lbs
    Female 43

    Remember swimming is an all over workout and would burn more calories then yoga (regardless of the practice~I've done many different styles for over a year and have NEVER burned 660 calories in 60 minutes)

    EDIT: My 75 minute class includes 5-7 minutes of ab work and 5 minutes of meditation at the end, so actual flow is 60-65 minutes. I've also hear that being in the "hot, humid" room can affect the true burn numbers.
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    Yesterday I wore my HRM to my 90 min. Bikram class and burned just over 700 calories. This burn is based on an age and weight of 46 and 145.
  • beathag
    beathag Posts: 5
    Great - thanks everyone. Keep the info coming.
  • cinbthin
    cinbthin Posts: 3 Member
    I do Sumits hot yoga, 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity. I wear my HRM everytime I go, which is sometimes in the morning (on weekends), and late afternoon (on weekdays). It is a 80 minute class and I have burned between 500-770 cals. at each class. I seem to burn more later in the day and when the room is already heated up, versus the weekends it is lower and I don't know if that is due to it being morning, or the room hasn't been used all day so isn't as hot. I have thought maybe because our heart rates are generally lower in the morning than after a stressful day at work? I don't know. I do know I absolutely love it and wish I would've started it sooner! I am 5'5" and weigh 136, if this helps at all.
  • beathag
    beathag Posts: 5
    It al helps - thx!