Stay at home moms....

What did you do (if it fits) when your youngest started school. I'm facing that in about a week and i have no clue. We had it planned i was supposed to go back to school but our situations don't allow for that right now.


  • Terryism
    Terryism Posts: 314 Member
    Mine is only 10 months old so I've got a while. I'll either go back to school or get a job, just depending on our financial situation...maybe even both, part-time.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    when my daughter started pre-school I started walking every morning faithfully...and then spent the afternoon doing housechores. I continued to be a stay-at-home that your plan?

    if it is, BE FREE! workout everyday, get your housework done, find new recipes to try - and then when everyone gets home from school and work, just enjoy being with them b/c everything else will be done! that is a good life!

    unless you want to start a career?
  • isabellekitty
    isabellekitty Posts: 14 Member
    My twins start first grade in a few weeks. Last year (kindergarten) I volunteered in their classroom one day per week, volunteered in the library twice a month, did PTO activities, etc. I'm very active at their school, I lead my daughter's Daisy troop as well so I work on planning and troop management during school hours. The first few weeks of school I tackle the organizing and decluttering that I wasn't able to get to over the summer. I cook pretty much everything from scratch so i do a lot of meal planning, freezer cooking, etc.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Mine doesn't start school for two more years, but I fully plan on either going back to work, or sitting on my *kitten* all day sipping margaritas. I'm leaning heavily towards option two.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    Oh man, I am dealing with that in mere weeks. I am looking around for anything mornings a few days a week. It's hard to find something good paying that offers mom's hours. :(
  • Mia627
    Mia627 Posts: 34
    I just went back to work about a year and a half ago. When my girls started school and when I was still a SAHM I volunteered all the time. I was and still am a member of the PTA and when I had more time ran some fundraisers etc. I enjoyed being involved at their school and loved when kids in their class would come up and give me a big hug and say "Hi A's mom"
  • My youngest starts full day this year! 2 weeks away¡ I'm going back to work after 10 years! Îm excited¡
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm currently in school so that when our youngest (either the baby we have now, or the one we may conceive in a few months) starts school, or maybe preschool, I'll be able to work. Of course, I'm trying to find things I can do that will bring in a nice income that will still allow me to be a SAHM (like writing books, making and selling jewelry and other crafts, starting a home-based catering business, etc.).
  • cjsgrimlin
    cjsgrimlin Posts: 246
    Thanks guys!

    I believe i'll be staying at home (never been one for working out the house) i run a ebay business, so maybe i'll have more time for that and remodeling my house!
  • loved11
    loved11 Posts: 92 Member
    I am almost there!!!! My last of 10 starting kindergarten in a couple weeks. Maintenance for them is alot of time, i cant commit to a job. So i will be setting fitness goals and trying to make some friends and trying to get in the habit of thinking about myself. I am going to start therapy once a week to work on me, and then see where i am. I hope to be more available for the kids and free tp love them up more since stuff will be done.
  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    When my oldest started school full time I went back to work and was able to find a shift from 6-2 so I could pick her up from school every day.

    With my toddler...honestly I have about 2 years to go and I may not survive :laugh:
  • Mine just started kinder last Monday and let me tell you, the week prior, we both were having a huge case of seperation anxiety. Luckily the school he goes to allows them to have their parents there the first day as a jumpstart day to transition them better into the classroom. When Monday rolled around he let go without a tear. On the other hand I sat in my truck and cried for a good 20 minutes :sad: , but he came home in one piece and had a fabulous day!!
  • By the way i'm planning on starting school in fall to occupy my time :happy: