
InIt2WinIt Posts: 68
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So, it is day 2 of my "lifestyle change" and once again according to the daily allotments on MFP I have went over my protein this a bad thing??? The only thing I have eaten with protein or so I thought was the Tuna I had for lunch, so I am quite


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    The protein amount that are set by MFP are quite low if you do any kind of exercising. If you are to go over on anything protein would be the one to do it. If you want to set your protein higher you can go into goals, click change and go to suctome and change the % fat, carbs and protein to what you would like to achieve. I set me protein higher and carbs lower than the default.
  • im told that you are suppose to have more protein and fiber that is has listed for myself. I show for the past 3 days that im over in fiber, which i thought that its very hard to get to much fiber. My dr said a body needs about 50 grams of fiber a day.
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62
    Going over protein a ilttle bit is no biggie, especially if you're starting to work out. That protein will help you recreate your muscles after they've been broken down by a workout. Just be sure it's not excessive. Hidden sources of protein are everywhere. Nuts and beans, of course, have protein in them. Milk and cheese does, too. So breads, cakes, and anything made with dairy would also have some protein in it.

    Hope that helps!
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    There is a great deal of protein in items like cheese, milk, peanut butter etc. Eating more protein than carbs in not an entirely bad thing. I would rather go over in proteins than in carbs staying at the suggested calorie goal and I typically do. Hope this helps.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    im told that you are suppose to have more protein and fiber that is has listed for myself. I show for the past 3 days that im over in fiber, which i thought that its very hard to get to much fiber. My dr said a body needs about 50 grams of fiber a day.

    Women only need about 25 grams a day.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member

    This link is very helpful. It's about the weight/protein ratio. Protein consumption should not be based on age but by weight.
  • The RDA amount of protien is approximaly .3 x your weight. I've been doing a lot of research on this however, and especially if you are trying to build lean muscle mass, that's not nearly enough. Lean body mass is needed to burn more fat. I'm not talking about becoming a body builder here in that regard. There is no scientific evidence that people with healthy kidneys can ingest too much protien and it would be detrimental. Many trainers recommend that you intake 1 gram to 1.5 grams of protien for every lb you weigh. This would put many of us, including myself WAY over the RDA and the MFP reccommendations. THe MFP reccommendations seem to be focused on the RDA guidelines or something very similar in percentage. When the body intakes too much protien it typically excretes it out of your system. However, there are differing viewpoints on whether protien calories can be stores as fat. Most of what I've read indicates that would be a no, however proponents that do not support high protien diets seem to be the biggest naysayers on the protien debate. I use soy, fish/seafood, and vegitable protien in my high protien diet and it's worked amazing wonders.

    Basically, unless you have kidney health issues, it really shouldn't matter if you're going over your protien recommendations from MFP. Consult a registered nutritionist and certified personal trainer as well as your physicians if you are worried.

    Supporting documentation provided upon request.
  • arosewalker
    arosewalker Posts: 4 Member
    Don't get too caught up in the levels. You will do great and lose weight if you stick to the calories and keep your carb, fat and sodium levels down. Good luck!
  • CJeffs
    CJeffs Posts: 7
    :smile: I have always been more sucessful lowering my Carbohydrate intake and increasing protein. It stops my craving for so much starch. My suggestion as long as you stay within your calorie range everything will be fine.

    Good Luck
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I changed my nutrition percentages because I like eating more protein, a little less carbs (50% instead of 55%), more fiber (25g) and less sodium (under 2000mg). So, if the big fat red numbers bother you, just change your settings :tongue: I generally think of protein & fiber levels set by MFP as minimums or goals. Protein and fiber help you fee full/satisfied and ever since I increased my intake of both, I have no problems staying within 1200-1300 calories/day. Some folks with kidney issues may have health issues by consuming too much protein but if you don't have any health issues and you're not consuming an incredible amount over what is recommended, I think should be fine (of course, I'm no doctor).
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