Where are my motivational 20-something girls?!

AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
Hi all! I've been on MFP for over a year now, and while I have a very small set of good friends on here, I'm looking to expand my motivational network.

Translation: I want some friends (especially females that are 20-30 give or take) that will give me a "good job" and a "way to go" every so often!

I find that I spend a lot of time motivating my friends, and don't get a whole lot in return. As a result I'm finding my personal motivation waning. So if you are a motivational friend and are looking for a motivational friend yourself - please request me!



  • serhioramos
    serhioramos Posts: 59 Member
    I'd love to help motivate you... I've really enjoyed congratulating my friends when they drop a pound or two or cheering them up when they have a bad day... I want them to be successful too!

    I'm 19 though, which hopefully is close enough to 20 for you! I'll go ahead and add you.
  • Hi - I'm 24 and very motivated! I'd love to be your friend, I just joined this and am looking for support and someone to give it to. I'd love to support you in any way!
  • Hi ladies,
    I'm 20, I'm a girl, and this site has become my new procrastination tool for school work. I'll be super positive and motivating (and potentially a little sassy), scout's honor!

    Add me, if you want to =)
  • Hello :)

    I am 20, and am looking for a bit of a support network on here. I am a student and I work in a bar, I plan on being on here quite a lot so add me and we can get some support going for each other :)

  • Nik0417
    Nik0417 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi! i'm about to turn 22 in a few weeks and am also looking for a support team! i can never hear enough "way to go's" or "good lucks"! Feel free to add me as a friend... all request are welcome :)
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    Right here! 23 and I love dedicated people who inspire me to push myself and I try hard to do the same for them!
  • Hi! I'm a little further in my 20s but I'd still like to push and be pushed. I just joined, but so far its going quite well :-)