

  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I have lost 30 lbs before and still didn't drop a size... Right now I am too in a size 18 after lossing about 25 lbs and yes I am STILL a size 18.....
    The one thing I do, do now is measure myself!!
    I have found that it helps me stay motivated when the scale and pants are going down. I lost 5 inches in 6 weeks... that lets me know I am on the right track..

    Best of Luck
    God Bless

    I had a friend that started losing weight and she was going to use clothes size as the ONLY measure of her progress. She detests scales. I finally convinced her to at least get a tape measure. I lost almost 30 lbs before I lost a size and that took about 3 months. I think I would have given up after the first month if clothes were my only judge.
  • safiresp04
    Keep in mind that two people can weight the exact same amount but be two entirely different sizes due to height and muscle mass. If one person has more muscle mass than the other, they are denser and more compact because muscle is more dense than fat. People always say "muscle weighs more than fat" but they fail to complete the sentence. Muscle weighs more than fat - within a given volume - due to its density. A pound is a pound is a pound - no matter how you look at it. This woman who weighs 260 but is a size 18 is 4"-5" inches taller than you and may have more muscle on her body for a number of reasons.

    Anyways, don't worry about other people and focus on your own goals. Who cares what size they are. You are what you are & that's all you need to worry about.
  • Road2Hotness
    everyone carrys there weight in diffrent places and also wear there pant below and above there belly so you might wear your pants above your belly and she night wear her pant below the belly. if i wore my pants above my belly i would be a size 14 and since i wear my pant below in wear a 13 you get it? i dont know if i explained that right im tired and just finish working out lol

    Now that I think about it my cousin does wear her pants below her belly. I wear my jeans right around my belly button area, sometimes above it (It's not easy finding size 18's in a petit).
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    LOl!! I had to laugh at the title of the post. I currently have 3 different sizes of pants all from the same store and they all fit perfectly!! What the *** is up with that? which size am I? So of course I go with the lower one! :) But seriously, it does make a huge difference what the brand is. Unless you are trying on the exact same pair of pants, don't compare your pant sizes to someone else. I also read somewhere that that are starting to change the sizing criteria for manufacturers due to the increasing waistline of Americans. So the pants that were 16's ten years ago, are now 12's. Something crazy like that!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I also read somewhere that that are starting to change the sizing criteria for manufacturers due to the increasing waistline of Americans. So the pants that were 16's ten years ago, are now 12's. Something crazy like that!!

    Whoo Hooo!! Size 0 here I come. :laugh:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I say body style and weight distribution is a huge factor. I weigh 30 pounds more than my partner and she is only one size smaller than I am. I know if I lost 30 pounds I'd go down about 2 dress sizes.

    and let's not forget the human factor. I wear a 14...but plenty of times I need a 16. what do I do at that time? well I don't buy those pants of course! because I just got down from 18 to 16 and now that I can wear 14...boy you'd have to pay me good money to buy those 16s. and the same principal holds for people before they lose weight. Sometimes we say we're a 12,14, 16, whatever...but we also might be squeezing our butts into a size that's too small.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I also read somewhere that that are starting to change the sizing criteria for manufacturers due to the increasing waistline of Americans. So the pants that were 16's ten years ago, are now 12's. Something crazy like that!!

    Why change it? So people can feel better about themselves?
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I believe I am the woman you're talking about.

    I wear a size 18, and I'm 264.

    I think the reason is.. I lost 40 lbs last year, so some may be muscle, and a lot of my weight seems to be in my chest, arms, and thighs.

    I think it's all body frame as well, you can see from my pictures. >.<
  • Road2Hotness
    I believe I am the woman you're talking about.

    I wear a size 18, and I'm 264.

    I think the reason is.. I lost 40 lbs last year, so some may be muscle, and a lot of my weight seems to be in my chest, arms, and thighs.

    I think it's all body frame as well, you can see from my pictures. >.<

    LOL! Yeah you were one of the few I saw out there with the size 18 pant thing. I was like "what the hell"! Then I thought of my cousing and said the same thing. What was crazy is that I remember my cousin giving me one of her size 20 jeans and it fit me fine. I'm an 18 now but I kept thinking that it's going to take nearly 30 lbs just to go down 1 pant size....FU*%! I was definately having one of those days.

    What's even more messed up is, have you ever been to a Lane Bryant Store...? Well they don't even use sizes like 16-18-20-22-24 etc. They thought they would be "cute" and change their sizes to 4-5-6. Now that really screwed me up. Apparently their size 4 are for people who are like a size 14-16, their size 5's for people who are normally a size 18-20 and so on and so forth. Good Lord! Will I ever really know what pant size I should be in!!!! LMFAO!
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    yeah stores are messed up sometimes.

    Like I'm an 18 at walmart and penningtons, I might be different at other stores

    And sometimes I'm a 4x in shirts, and sometimes I can get into a XL.

    I wouldn't worry, you're doing great !
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I think it also depends on how TIGHT some people like their clothes. I like to be comfortable and may settle for a bigger size rather than "fitting" into a smaller size or even "squeezing into an even smaller size.

    AT my lowest weight of 190 (I am 5'6") I was "fitting" into a 16 when my weight creeped into the upper 190's I was "squeezing" into 16's. Oh and that is a pant with NO STRETCH.

    Now that I have put some of my weight back on I am at 219 and squeeze into an 18, but it isn't comfortable.

    I try not to think about clothes too much, because they will make you crazy.
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    Thats a good point as well.

    I like my jeans more on the tight side, then the loose.

    I hate baggy jeans, since I don't own a belt.
  • Road2Hotness
    Thats a good point as well.

    I like my jeans more on the tight side, then the loose.

    I hate baggy jeans, since I don't own a belt.

    See and I like to go by "does my belly bulge out or not". If my belly is bulging over my pants then I can't do it! I hate that look. That's just not my preference. I bought some size 18 stretch jean leggin's that will absolutely not zip up. Then I have a size 18 non zip jean leggin that fits great. I didn't know what to think. That was not a good morning either. LOL!

    Does anyone know what particular brand of jeans typically run on the smaller side? You see my motivation is what pant size can I get in to next. I push myself or set my goal on needing to fit in a certain size pair of jeans. Right now I have Brand New Size 16 pants hanging on my wall as a reminder everyday that I have to get in to those jeans. Is that not good motivation tool to use?
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    I never found it helpful, my motivation is the scale itself.

    If i'm half a pound off... I'll work out all that day to get it off.

    Also, exercising i'll keep pushing like... "five more minutes, ten more minutes.."
  • Irish24
    Irish24 Posts: 21
    I can completely understand the agrivation that pants sizes cause. All my weight is pretty much from belly button down. I wear anywhere between a 14 to an 18, and my shirts are between meduim (mens) and extra large womens. at one point my measuments were 36-34-45 and I am 5'5" that was a few years ago during one of my "skinny" phases. Hopefully they will standardize womens pants soon. until then keep on keepin on.
  • cashmandue
    cashmandue Posts: 26 Member
    I think it's a conspiracy by the manufacturers of clothing (and no offense, I also blame men). lol

    I have found that depending on the manufacturer, the cut, the COLOR, everything seems to change what size I can fit into. I bought three pairs of jeans by the same manufacturer, the same cut, the same size, just different colors and each one fit differently. In the one color, I had to go up 2 sizes. Go figure.

    I understand the frustration!!!!:grumble:
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    Why change it? So people can feel better about themselves?

    That's exactly why the manufacturers are doing it. It was a psychological study that showed that when people felt better about themselves when shopping, they bought more. It's all about the industry and the money. No different then the "manufacturing" of food. Sad but true. This just gives me the motivation to feel better about myself and who I am from the inside out...not about what pant size I wear.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Yep if I have muffin top It's a no no