Starting Over...Again

Its that time again to begin to try and lose weight and get healthier. I've done this time and time again but continue to have setbacks where I eventually go back to my old ways. BUT...I'm not going to give up. This won't be easy and I have so much to gain. I've used myfitnesspal before and really like it, so I'm back again in hopes that it can help me make this lifestyle change permanent. I've never used the community forums before, but hope it will help.


  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    Good luck!!!
  • JessLov67
    All that matters is that you are trying again. Myfitnesspal has helped me tremendously, especially on losing those last five pounds. Just give yourself one cheat day a week and if you mess up, don't give up. Just keep going, you can do it!
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    The important thing is that you are starting over! No matter how often you fail, don't give up! Just start over! One day at a time! Good luck!
  • KimWW
    KimWW Posts: 301 Member
    I have felt the same way, like there was nothing that worked, so why bother. Keep at it!

    I also really like MFP, but was not taking advantage of the encouragement the forums and community have to offer. Even since getting involved yesterday, I can see where this could make a big difference.

    Maybe it will for you too.

    At the very least you know that NOT changing anything will not get you results.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Welcome back! I found that the thing that really helped me stick to it was really evaluating the reasons I was here. I wanted to be healthier, I wanted to be willing to go outside and run around with my son, etc. If it was just to fit into cute jeans I never would have stuck with it b/c that stuff is just not that important! You can add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • gerdabolton
    gerdabolton Posts: 20 Member
    I think many of us have been there... I know I have. But falling of the wagon is not too bad if you then start trying again.!

    You can do this!! MFP is a fabulous help, just be honest to yourself and log EVERY calorie you eat... it really works!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    The most important part in that WHOLE statement, is that you ARE starting again! Feel free to add me if you like. I've had weight issues all my life. 11 yrs old I weighed 140. Lost that weight, kept it off until I was 20. @ 20 weighed 205, lost 60 lbs. Kept the majority of that off for 10 years. After a 5 year funk and getting to my heaviest 214...I've started losing it all again. So far almost 28 lbs.

    Just remember, you CAN do it! Don't deprive yourself of anything, if you go over your calories one day, it's okay, just go under the next day! Also, don't beat yourself up! It's okay to have a set back, just as long as you start again!
  • misty5976
    misty5976 Posts: 45 Member
    WELCOME back. I too, just recently decided to give this another try, because I need so badly to do this for myself and my health. It's HARD though - and it's easy to fall off track. I am the heaviest ive ever been in my life ( around 195 at 5'4" ) and I hate how I look, how I feel, the fact I cant keep up with my 9 year old w/o getting too tired or winded. Im not HEALTHY and im sick of it! I have an upcoming surgery in or around November ... its like im falling apart. But WE are the ONLY ones who can make this change for ourselves. You can do this - my absolute favorite quote right now is "I am WORTH the EFFORT".

    You are worth it. Don't give up - and give yourself credit for trying again - that decision is the first step toward a healthier you.

    I dont always log in every day - but I try to log in several times a week - and the app on my phone is making that easier for me to do because i always have MFP with me.

    If you - or anyone else - would like to add me as a friend - and help keep me accountable, that would be great and I'll try my best to do the same for you!
  • kelmurph13
    Seems like we are all in the same boat...starting over...AGAIN. Why we do this to ourselves I will never know. Embarrassing, I'm 5'9" and I started this journey at 252. I lost 3 pounds my first week, expected more but I'll take 3 pounds gone. I have 79 more to go to reach the top of my range. It seems impossible at this point but I will keep plugging away.

    I am starting over in more ways than one. I've been divorced for almost 3 years and just completely let myself go while trying to heal through this extremely difficult time in my life. Should I be over it by now? Probably but when you're married for 18+ years and he suddenly walks out and you have no idea ... tough, tough, tough. I lost 43 pounds without trying when he first left but it wasn't healthy. I could not eat a thing or if I did, I would get sick. Needless to say that weight crawled back on over the years plus some.

    I'm determined to get this weight off once and for all! I don't want to be single the rest of my life. I want to feel good, feel sexy, prove to my boys that I can do this but most of all, THIS IS FOR ME!
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Been there, done that, don't want another t-shirt!

    Have to get your mind in on the game, at least for me, I did. Hope you can make it work for ya this time . Good Luck! :smile:
  • fatgirlfreedom
    fatgirlfreedom Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting over myself. In 2010 I lost a total of 110lbs. It took me about 9 months to lose the first 90lbs then four months to lose 20lbs. My body felt wonderful, and I looked great. Around Christmas 2011, I injured my back while running. I was out of commision for a week. My chiropractor at the time told me I could not do any physical activity, and it would be at least 8 weeks before he would allow me to get back to my old habits of exercise. I went into a deep depression, and that is when I started to gain the weight back. I have gained a total of 50lbs in 6 months. I told myself I would never go back to being over weight and out of shape. The critics have always said to "never say never", but this is the time where I want to take back control. There are going to be times where we fall off or lose focus, but it is up to us to get back on track and learn from the mistakes we make. You can do it! I can do! We all can do it!
  • grumpster72
    grumpster72 Posts: 43 Member
    I want to thank everyone for their kind words of encouragement. I hope we all make it to our goals.