Newbie starting JUDDD plan today!

Hi - I have really taken my eye off the ball and have put on a lot of weight over the last year. So difficult to get motiviated and have tried and failed miserably with all the usual WW, SW etc. Yesterday I read about alternate day fasting and got really excited - this could work for me! So I threw myself straight into it today - 500 cals allowed.
Bfast - blueberries with whey powder in LF yoghurt
During the day - water and herbal tea
Dinner - Weightwatchers chicken hotpot with cauli & carrots
It's 2pm and I'm feeling a little hungry but thought I would take my mink off it by joining MFP - great for counting the calories - doing some gardening and going for a walk

Tomorrow I can eat normally - albeit healthily - and have a spin class booked at the gym - BRING IT ON!
PS - would love to hear from anyone else who has tried this x


  • settoloki
    settoloki Posts: 30 Member
    Good luck with your up day down day stuff, I haven't tried it not a fan of diets or fads - think a healthier lifestyle is enough, but that's not for everybody either.

    Spin classes can be a lot of fun, I tried it and got discouraged after finding the first one difficult - but I kept at them and now its a great experience.
  • Hi Mike - I know what you mean - I think eating healthily is best too. My diet is generally a very healthy one but I eat too much, which equals too many calories. This is why my weight has crept up. I'm finding it really hard to cut back myself so am hoping this stricter way of doing things might give me the kick start I need. I do like spin class - havent been for ages so looking forward to getting back into it. I also enjoy Body Combat. I've never really done weights/resistance work - only cardio - so that's something I'm starting to try too. Going to book a session with a Fitness Instructor at my gym this week to show me how to do it correctly!
  • I have tried diets like that before and I always ended up putting the weight back on but if it works for you then keep on going:) Good luck
  • Good luck.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    You are eating 500 calories a day?


    It's probably not a great idea. You'll lose weight probably not from the places you want to though and for how long is anyones guess.

    *pulls on tin hat*
  • katamarann
    katamarann Posts: 7 Member
    I have read about the calorie fluctuating diet you are following, it does work as you are confusing the body on what you are going to give it as far as food goes.The only down side to it is , your body will hit the plateau soon or even have you gain some pounds.The best combination i have found is having a not so balanced diet with working out, and by working out i mean WORKING out.If the alternate day of dieting is something you know u are not gona do for the rest of your life i would recommend not doing it.Not tryig to be negative or dissuade you but hoping you wouldnt go the same route and make the same mistakes i did.Everyone's body is different so what didnt work for me for long may actually work excellently for you
  • I just started yesterday and I feel it is helpful to talk with others about your struggles. I am 57 years old and I am over 40 lbs overweight but don't look it. I wear size 12 but want to be in 6-8. I have tried many diets but it all comes down to self control. I have learned to eat my vegetables first, drink water and if I want something off my diet, I have a small amount and get over it. Then I quit. I have a gym and like to go but have to work it into very busy schedule. I need to work on routine.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's an Up Day Down Day diet - so while one day might only be 500 calories, this is alternated with higher calorie days.

    I haven't tried this myself, but I have a couple of friends who use this method, and find it very effective.
  • settoloki
    settoloki Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Mike - I know what you mean - I think eating healthily is best too. My diet is generally a very healthy one but I eat too much, which equals too many calories. This is why my weight has crept up. I'm finding it really hard to cut back myself so am hoping this stricter way of doing things might give me the kick start I need. I do like spin class - havent been for ages so looking forward to getting back into it. I also enjoy Body Combat. I've never really done weights/resistance work - only cardio - so that's something I'm starting to try too. Going to book a session with a Fitness Instructor at my gym this week to show me how to do it correctly!

    I personally found a good way to control portion size is with microwave meals they have come on leaps and bounds in the past few years, if you have a little extra money to spare there is help available from places such as diet chef | I haven't used them, though I would like too, I have heard good things.

    I'm no expert but things like serving your meals on a smaller plate. your link to being full is tied in with visual things smaller plate looks like a bigger portion, I know it sounds daft but it has worked for me.

    could just try eating all meals with chopsticks lol!

    Though my personal advice not that you asked for it and I am in no way trying to dictate what you do; just an attempt at being friendly is to try and eat more than 500 calories a day it doesn't sound healthy and may be hard to stick to some days leading to failure in the end. But I am no expert.
  • It is lovely having people being concerned about me only eating 500 calories a day but I think I need to clarify a couple of things as I don't think I explained it too well.

    It is also known as the Johnson upday down day diet. I read about it yesterday in an article in the Mail and I did loads of research about it - There is a website all about it which really explains it well. There is also going to be an Horizon TV programme about this sort of eating plan on BBC2 tonight at 9pm. 'Experts' reckon it has huge health benefits beyond weight loss and it certainly sounds 'do-able' as one day you eat 500 cals and the next a normal healthy amount for your weight/age/sex etc (mine is 2000cals). Exercise is also encouraged and I plan to do 3 - 4 sessions a week of HIIT/weights or classes when I am on an upday. I have never come across this plan before and would love to know of others experiences. I am committing to follow it to the letter for the next four weeks whilst on holiday from work and see how I get on. I shall keep you all posted! x
  • ondogirl
    ondogirl Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I will send you a friend request. I have been doing JUDDD since January. There are a few of us here...
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Also jumping on in support of JUDDD: People generally go "omg, under 1200! STARVATION MODE AHHH!" But JUDDD is in the same realm as IF, and goes off of a "weekly net calorie" principle (that has worked, has research, etc.). So with the alternating days, you're still reaching a healthy weekly average calorie goal (I don't know why people think a day here or there under 1200 calories suddenly shuts down your metabolism. Study ****ing anatomy people).
  • Shakesy90
    Shakesy90 Posts: 13 Member
    I realise this thread has pretty much died, however i started JUDDD 2 weeks ago and am finding it very effective. Wouldn't mind some support either :)