Guy relationship ???

If a guy gets caught cheating & can't look at his partner in the eyes or speak 2 her after he gets that embarassment & shame...Im curious....I KNOW SUM OF U FELLAS HV CHEATED!!!!!


  • WowingOverWhinging
    I'm not a guy, nor a cheat, but I think it's obviously going to be embarrassment/shame to some degree. But it depends on lots of things, really.

    But just so you know, trying to call out cheaters isn't exactly going to get many replies, haha.
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    Well, not quite what I expected on this site, hehe. Sorry to hear you got cheated on though. :(
  • ShannRenae
    Im sorry 2 but it happens 2 the best of us...even Halle Berry got cheated on...shrugs!
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    It does. And it's never nice. But it goes both ways...

    *points at Kristen Stewart* :) It's not just guys who cheat that go through the shame of it. :)
  • UWZander
    UWZander Posts: 70
    I'm a guy who has never cheated. But I have seen the men who cheat on their significant others and they lack the maturity to respect their significant other. Usually just want to be getting it and not dealing with the consequences. My take? If someone cheats on you, unless something dramatic happens in their life (almost getting killed, etc...) they will not change (excluding people under 22ish, they can still change).
  • FlyEaglesGuy
    FlyEaglesGuy Posts: 436 Member
    Im sorry 2 but it happens 2 the best of us...even Halle Berry got cheated on...shrugs!

    Multiple times Halle Berry got cheated on!

    Never cheated but I would suspect it would be from embarrassment and having nothing valid he can say to justify what he did. Guys don't think that far ahead! As long as it was just physical than it should be easier to get past. Not easy but easier. If he was having a full on relationship on the side I think there is no coming back from that !!!
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    I'm a guy who has never cheated. But I have seen the men who cheat on their significant others and they lack the maturity to respect their significant other. Usually just want to be getting it and not dealing with the consequences. My take? If someone cheats on you, unless something dramatic happens in their life (almost getting killed, etc...) they will not change (excluding people under 22ish, they can still change).

    ^^ This
  • akiss4u2tam
    If the guy gets caught cheating the woman shouldn't wait around for eye contact or an answer. I'm a firm believer in 'leopards never change their spots, they only learn how to mask them differently."
  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Having my ex-wife cheat on me - (hence the EX part of that phrase...:drinker: ) there are so many different reasons as to what went wrong or what was going on in the relationship to get to that point. To me, cheating cracks the foundation to the relationship and you can no longer build off of that foundation. The trust is always going to be broken in my eyes. My advice is -> You now have a decision to make - try to work things out - open the line of communication to which you both speak freely and try to trust him again. Or, move on with your life and find someone who is mature enough not to make those decisions and respect you for the beautiful woman that you are.

    I moved on with my life after she cheated... I am now married to the woman of my dreams and have a beautiful 14 month old daughter. We are always on the same page and our communication is 10fold better than my previous marriage. I couldn't be happier!! :smile:

    So, keep your head up and seriously think about what you want out of this relationship
  • ShannRenae
    If the guy gets caught cheating the woman shouldn't wait around for eye contact or an answer. I'm a firm believer in 'leopards never change their spots, they only learn how to mask them differently."

    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ShannRenae
    Having my ex-wife cheat on me - (hence the EX part of that phrase...:drinker: ) there are so many different reasons as to what went wrong or what was going on in the relationship to get to that point. To me, cheating cracks the foundation to the relationship and you can no longer build off of that foundation. The trust is always going to be broken in my eyes. My advice is -> You now have a decision to make - try to work things out - open the line of communication to which you both speak freely and try to trust him again. Or, move on with your life and find someone who is mature enough not to make those decisions and respect you for the beautiful woman that you are.

    I moved on with my life after she cheated... I am now married to the woman of my dreams and have a beautiful 14 month old daughter. We are always on the same page and our communication is 10fold better than my previous marriage. I couldn't be happier!! :smile:

    So, keep your head up and seriously think about what you want out of this relationship

  • danwood2
    danwood2 Posts: 291 Member
    Having my ex-wife cheat on me - (hence the EX part of that phrase...:drinker: ) there are so many different reasons as to what went wrong or what was going on in the relationship to get to that point. To me, cheating cracks the foundation to the relationship and you can no longer build off of that foundation. The trust is always going to be broken in my eyes. My advice is -> You now have a decision to make - try to work things out - open the line of communication to which you both speak freely and try to trust him again. Or, move on with your life and find someone who is mature enough not to make those decisions and respect you for the beautiful woman that you are.

    I moved on with my life after she cheated... I am now married to the woman of my dreams and have a beautiful 14 month old daughter. We are always on the same page and our communication is 10fold better than my previous marriage. I couldn't be happier!! :smile:

    So, keep your head up and seriously think about what you want out of this relationship


  • slimsdown
    slimsdown Posts: 122 Member
    ur gut feeling will tell you the truth, i knew my my own instincts my partner cheated weeks before he told me . the worst thing is if they dont have the guts to tell you. i hate cowards.
    i told my new partner if your gonna cheat i want to know every little detail....... where, when, how, what you wore, what she wore, how many times ....ect , it takes a real man to admit what he had done. :-) xx
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    I have never cheated but I would say a little of both
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I have been cheated on in some of the worse ways, but cheating is never incidental. Usually there are always signs that us ladies choose to ignore that shows that a man has been pursuing other women. Regardless of whether they look your square in the face and admit or whether they continue to lie after the truth is known, the fact is, they cheated. Nothing you can do about it now but heal and move on from it.

    Cheating hurts because it hurts our ego mostly. It makes us feel like, what did they have that I don't have, or what are they giving you that I'm not giving you? Cheating hurts your self-esteem and your self-worth and its embarrassing to admit. BUT most of the time people who do the cheating, have a whole lot of other issues that have nothing to do with you. People who cheat are damaged people to start with.

    Life has to go on, and the past can't be changed. All you can do is learn from it, work on being a better, not bitter, person from it and enjoy your life as a single person with out the relationship stress.
  • ShannRenae
    It does. And it's never nice. But it goes both ways...

    *points at Kristen Stewart* :) It's not just guys who cheat that go through the shame of it. :)

    I have cheated...but IM SMART ENOUGH NOT 2 GET CAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! If people cheat they shud do it w/EXCELLENCE! LOL!
  • ShannRenae
    I have been cheated on in some of the worse ways, but cheating is never incidental. Usually there are always signs that us ladies choose to ignore that shows that a man has been pursuing other women. Regardless of whether they look your square in the face and admit or whether they continue to lie after the truth is known, the fact is, they cheated. Nothing you can do about it now but heal and move on from it.

    Cheating hurts because it hurts our ego mostly. It makes us feel like, what did they have that I don't have, or what are they giving you that I'm not giving you? Cheating hurts your self-esteem and your self-worth and its embarrassing to admit. BUT most of the time people who do the cheating, have a whole lot of other issues that have nothing to do with you. People who cheat are damaged people to start with.

    Life has to go on, and the past can't be changed. All you can do is learn from it, work on being a better, not bitter, person from it and enjoy your life as a single person with out the relationship stress.

    The person he cheated on me with was an 'INSULT" 2 me, my character, my integrity & my looks...she dnt hv a job, dnt hv a car, lives in the hood & she a midget!!!! IM TOP KNOTCH...5 STAR...1ST CLASS...WTH...who trades a Bentley in 4 a Yugo???????? IJS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad it didnt break me or my self-esteem though...I juss wondered was he embarassed or shamed...shrugs!
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    I have been cheated on in some of the worse ways, but cheating is never incidental. Usually there are always signs that us ladies choose to ignore that shows that a man has been pursuing other women. Regardless of whether they look your square in the face and admit or whether they continue to lie after the truth is known, the fact is, they cheated. Nothing you can do about it now but heal and move on from it.

    Cheating hurts because it hurts our ego mostly. It makes us feel like, what did they have that I don't have, or what are they giving you that I'm not giving you? Cheating hurts your self-esteem and your self-worth and its embarrassing to admit. BUT most of the time people who do the cheating, have a whole lot of other issues that have nothing to do with you. People who cheat are damaged people to start with.

    Life has to go on, and the past can't be changed. All you can do is learn from it, work on being a better, not bitter, person from it and enjoy your life as a single person with out the relationship stress.

    The person he cheated on me with was an 'INSULT" 2 me, my character, my integrity & my looks...she dnt hv a job, dnt hv a car, lives in the hood & she a midget!!!! IM TOP KNOTCH...5 STAR...1ST CLASS...WTH...who trades a Bentley in 4 a Yugo???????? IJS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad it didnt break me or my self-esteem though...I juss wondered was he embarassed or shamed...shrugs!

    Okay so if you are 5-star and top notch you have to start meeting men that fall in the same category. Meet some 5-star, top notch men who are on your level............
  • ShannRenae
    I have been cheated on in some of the worse ways, but cheating is never incidental. Usually there are always signs that us ladies choose to ignore that shows that a man has been pursuing other women. Regardless of whether they look your square in the face and admit or whether they continue to lie after the truth is known, the fact is, they cheated. Nothing you can do about it now but heal and move on from it.

    Cheating hurts because it hurts our ego mostly. It makes us feel like, what did they have that I don't have, or what are they giving you that I'm not giving you? Cheating hurts your self-esteem and your self-worth and its embarrassing to admit. BUT most of the time people who do the cheating, have a whole lot of other issues that have nothing to do with you. People who cheat are damaged people to start with.

    Life has to go on, and the past can't be changed. All you can do is learn from it, work on being a better, not bitter, person from it and enjoy your life as a single person with out the relationship stress.

    The person he cheated on me with was an 'INSULT" 2 me, my character, my integrity & my looks...she dnt hv a job, dnt hv a car, lives in the hood & she a midget!!!! IM TOP KNOTCH...5 STAR...1ST CLASS...WTH...who trades a Bentley in 4 a Yugo???????? IJS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glad it didnt break me or my self-esteem though...I juss wondered was he embarassed or shamed...shrugs!

    Okay so if you are 5-star and top notch you have to start meeting men that fall in the same category. Meet some 5-star, top notch men who are on your level............

  • drhicks1
    That's a pretty good description of the what a man feels in a situation like that. It should make you get the message to never do it again. Some of us have had to learn the hard way. I hope this all works out for you hon.