Stretch Marks: A Discussion on Preventive Measures.

I know that for many of us (myself included) who need to lose significant weight there's going to be stretch marks. It's even worse for those of us over a certain age group when our skin starts to lose its natural elasticity. Though I can partially consider them a badge of honor or success - they're just so damn ugly. :sad:

The last time I lost weight I absolutely hated my stretch marks. I tried many different cremes and lotions at the time - but this was AFTER I lost the weight and the marks were very long and very deep and the cremes didn't do that much difference.

Before I joined MFPal I was exercising sporadically, but was already seeing the signs of new stretch marks. Since I really dedicated myself to this new change of lifestyle and joined MFPal, I have been exercising very hard nearly every day. I also have been using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for stretch marks every other day and, to be quite honest, I'm starting to think it's actually working. For me, at least, they don't feel as deep or look as noticeable.

So here's a discussion: Do you think the use of stretch mark reducing cremes and lotions (or even just one's that help maintain skin's elasticity) during the entire weight loss process may act to reduce their appearance in the long-term? Maybe preventive measures might actually help reduce stretch marks before they get too bad?

What do you all think?


  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I have some stretch marks in the center of my belly that I got from pregnancy (my first was 9+lb). They are deep and faded (baby is now 11 1/2years old). To this day I still use cocobutter and bio oil on them. The texture of that patch of skin is shot and there is no fixing it. The skin is tight, the marks are white, but nothing will lessen them. They are scars that cannot go away.

    I have other stretch marks that are hardly visible because they are not deep and huge. Those are the ones that will fade and not really show over time. So all hope is not lost!

    Really though, most people have stretch marks somewhere. It is a part of being human. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with the ones on my belly. I really do hate them, but they are what they are. I would not waste any money on products that claim to remove stretchmarks.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Mom curses me for her stretch marks. She's used bio oil, coconut butter, emu oil, you name it. They're still there.
    I have some stretch marks in the center of my belly that I got from pregnancy (my first was 9+lb). They are deep and faded (baby is now 11 1/2years old). To this day I still use cocobutter and bio oil on them. The texture of that patch of skin is shot and there is no fixing it. The skin is tight, the marks are white, but nothing will lessen them. They are scars that cannot go away.

    I have other stretch marks that are hardly visible because they are not deep and huge. Those are the ones that will fade and not really show over time. So all hope is not lost!

    Really though, most people have stretch marks somewhere. It is a part of being human. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with the ones on my belly. I really do hate them, but they are what they are. I would not waste any money on products that claim to remove stretchmarks.

    I have no babies and don't intend to but figured I'd mention that I have had scaring all around my legs since I was 20 from NEET. No, I didn't leave it on to long, about 5 minutes, and it never reacted that way before. Anyhow, I put up with it for years and found it hard shaving my legs because they would blister. I eventually got everything lasered off because waxing was a sticky time consuming pain. And do you know what went away? The scars. I didn't wear shorts for about almost a decade and just started wearing them again this year. There's also a lazer treatment for stretch marks. Might be worth checking into!
  • chunkylover22
    chunkylover22 Posts: 162 Member

    I have stretch marks ALL OVER and some are very dark! I also use Palmer's Cocoa Butter, but it says to apply 3 times a day, which does not work with my schedule. I usually put it on at least once a day, sometimes twice. The lighter ones are starting to fade, but i see no change in the darker ones. I have been using is for almost 3 months. I would love to know if ANY ONE has found a better solution!! I want them gone by the time I get to my GW.
    MIDNIGHTLOVE404 Posts: 8 Member
    well from my own experience when i was pregnant the first time i used palmers coco butter lotion everyday and i had no stretch marks at the last 2 months of my pregnancy my hubby had no more money to keep buying this brand so he got one at Walmart for like $3 also coco butter but this one did not work right away i started to get multiple stretch marks it was bad!! and after i had my baby it was even worse. i have not tried to re use it since then because i figure is too late but i think it might work to reduce the appearance i might give it a second try down the road