Totally in love with food, hate exercise. s new.



  • flisafakto
    flisafakto Posts: 143 Member
    That sounds exactly like me when I started! And, well, still sounds like me now, especially the food part!

    I hated exercise and especially going to the gym, and now I start to get restless if I don't exercise regularly! It's all about finding something you enjoy - or at least don't hate 100% :wink:
  • Good Luck! I know exactly how you feel. I love to eat but hate to exercise. I'm using this site for food reports for a Prevent Diabetes Workshop at the local YMCA and I didn't realize how many calories or fat grams I eat a day. Whew! Wasn't bad when I was raising kids and working full-time but now that I'm retired I keep adding pounds here and there. Hope we can all learn and change our habits.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    For me starting to just walk(which is all I did in the beginning)caused me to start looking at food as fuel, not just a fix(which is what it was for me). Now sometimes it's just kind of a pain to have to eat, gets in my way of doing an activity. Like, oh, I have to eat before or I'll run out of energy. I eat healthy and very little sweets. The no longer take up any space in my brain:drinker: :drinker: Which reminds me, I need another case of water;)
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I think few people actually enjoy exercise :P some do...most, like myself, are like "is this over yet? can I eat that pizza yet?" haha! But some things are more fun - dancing, swimming, even cleaning if you put on some music! :) switch it up! don't always like walking? only walk once a week, then. Don't always like lifting weights? only do that once or twice a week. Have fun with it when you can! And MFP says "eat what you want" - and I take the liberty of that ;) haha and still lose! as long as you stay under calories most days.
  • LiliamG
    LiliamG Posts: 34
    Sometimes I feel like giving up my diet but to enter this site and see that no one pays me get ahead ...
  • Welcome!! I disliked excercise too but noticed the last few weeks that I actually enjoy it and look forward to it. I promise you will too! Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • hey! This is my 3rd week I think using this to help me and Ive lost 12lbs and I hate exercising. I would much rather sit on my butt and read. But I found that kinect for xbox helps..considering its the only thing in my house that i could possibly use to "workout". I have Dance Central 2, its like Just Dance and theres a fitness mode that shows me calories burned. Its a good motivator and my daughter likes to dance with me. Good Luck! Its tough to get used to eating smaller portions but your body will get used to it. I cut out pop completely too, not even diet..i know its zero cal but all that sugar and stuff isnt good either. :)

    add me if you'd like!
  • NikkiSmo
    NikkiSmo Posts: 180 Member
    I'm right there with you, I love food all food. It doesn't even need to tast good if its in front of me I will eat it - all of it! I hates exercising........ until I started the couch 2 5K program. It kicked my butt at first (still does but I'm now running 4 miles) but the results and feeling are SO worth it. It's an app you can get if you have a smart phone or iphone and there are some really good free ones. I bought the $2.99 one because I NEVER pay for apps and thought if I paid for this I would use it because I didn't want to waste the money : ) I started 3months ago and have lost 37 lbs so far. MFP helped me be accountable for everything that goes into my mouth so slowly I started to realize that eating that little bag of chips wasn't going to fill me up like having a huge apple with peanut butter would! So good luch, you can do it but you have to WANT to do it. Add me if you wish......

    P.S. Remember: "If you bite it write it"
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I'd have to say that I started out in the same boat. :smile: (well, not quite the 21 part... :tongue: ). I've been here for about 15 months now and I can tell you I LOVE working out now! I start to MISS it if I go 2-3 days without some sort of physical activity, and I've NEVER been like that!! LOL

    The biggest key is slow, small changes. Start small -shoot for 10-15 mins/day, maybe 3-4 days a week. then slowly increase. Anything that gets your heart rate up or challenges your muscles is exercise. So yes, going to the gym, running on a treadmill/elliptical, lifting weights, but also
    - dancing
    - mowing the yard
    - walking the dog
    - swimming
    - playing tennis/soccer/golf/softball/basketball/racquetball/volleyball...etc. etc
    - kickboxing
    - Zumba! (fun, fun stuff!!)
    - gymnastics
    - running/jogging
    - biking

    the list could go on and on. I find chasing my boys around our back yard can burn more calories than you'd think ;). The idea is just to get moving a little more than you do now. Once that's getting easier, move a little more than that. And then a little more, etc until you get to the point that it's no longer a chore or even just a habit, but part of your lifestyle (took me probably 9 months to get to that point).

    The other tip I'd give (related to food) is not to cut anything out completely at first. Just try to cut back portions or frequency, and eat like you have been. Identify the areas you know aren't the greatest and start there. for example, if you find yourself eating something sweet (cupcakes, candy bar, etc) once a day, cut back to either every-other day at first or eat only half each day. Also right from the start, focus on WATER!!!! A rough estimate is 1/2 your body weight in ounces (or 0.5 oz for each lb you weigh). Then after a few weeks of drinking enough water and cutting back a little, pick a new little goal - cut out sweets/cut back even more, eat more fruits/veggies, cook more at home, whatever.

    You can do this! Little steps are the secret to long-term success. That, and having an awesome name. :wink:

  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    new to this, 27. used to excercise alot, fell off the wagon and couldn't quite get back on, regretting it. any motivation is welcome
  • hello everyone,
    i am new to the site and im looking for new friends and people to help encourage and support me in my weight loss goals. like many, i love all types of food but excercise is not enjoyable. feel free to add me :)
  • fstephanie4
    fstephanie4 Posts: 196 Member
    Thank you all for your support! I didn't expect so many people to respond!

    In all honesty I even hate walking the dog....the only thing I love walking to, is the fridge.

    But this is a new start and I am looking forward to it! With my first day of the 30ds done I am looking forward to a healthier and slimmer future where exercise isn't off limits!

    We can all do this! Feel free to add me.

  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    I hated to exercise, would always find an excuse. It is still a love hate relationship with exercise now. The more you do it the more you want to do it. It gives me a rush.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I think we all love food. LOL

    The good news is, you are very young. I hated exercise when I was 21. I discovered running when I was 22. In the last nine years, I've had to discover everything else just to support my running :)
  • RiyaO
    RiyaO Posts: 19
    I'm a huge foodie too- it's more about just learning to work with your body. As far as exercise you may experiment with running, dancing, zumba- anything that you might find enjoyable. Any movement, is good movement : )
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Do you like dancing to good music? That chould be your exercise. Maybe look around online or at your library for workout DVDs and try different things. A lot of people like Zumba because it's basically just dancing to good music. I like doing Hip Hop Abs for the same reason. The moves are pretty simple, it's fun and you're still burning calories!
    Or maybe you'd enjoy weight lifting instead? When I started out, I had this mentality where I really didn't want to do cardio but I loved doing weights becuase I was better at it and could FEEL the results. Point is, keep an open mind...don't just say you hate it because I'm sure there's something out there you'd enjoy. Keep trying things until you find it!

    Trust me, I'm a big foodie too. So the things I learned this time around are
    1) You can still have all the food you enjoy, just make some small adjustments (more veg, less pasta, leaner meats) and keep your portions under control. If you think you can't have it, that's all you'll want.
    2) Exercise to make up the difference.

    P.S. One more thought on exercise. Sometimes it helps to find someone else to do it with you. Don't rely on them so much that you won't go if they're not going but use them to help get you into the routine. Or maybe sign up for a 5k walk event with a bunch of your buddies. Or do it on your own and enjoy the people watching (that's my fave part).
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    I love food too. No allergies or real dislikes of anything. I will try almost anything once. Even though I still eat what I want, MFP has helped me curb the amount of food I do eat.

    Exercise is another thing. I like cardio, but strength training is a little intimidating to me, so that is my next thing to tackle. I'm not as strong as I could be. I do set exercise goals to achieve by the end of each month. Now it's stationary bike and walking. I've reached the point now my mind is always telling me, "get on the bike."
  • I just started today myself. My sister encouraged me to join, and keep track of my food, which is good, I like that is automatically counts your calories, carbs. etc..Your young, and you can do anything you put your mind to..I don't like to exercise either, but I have recently started walking, and I really love it, I enjoy it so much. Try to find something you might enjoy like maybe swimming..That is a great exercise, and it isn't hard on you..Have a great day..:smile:
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    It's definitely possible to lose without exercising. Healthy eating is 80% of losing weight in my opinion. It's MUCH more important than working out.

    I lost about 10 pounds with just diet on here.

    I would recommend joining a gym if I were you and doing some kind of structured class workout.

    I'm in my 2nd week of CrossFit and the nice thing about that is they tell you what to do and how long to do it for.

    You could do spinning, yoga, pilates, etc. It doesn't have to be as high intensity as CrossFit.

    The structure really helps me. Instead of just going to a gym full of equipment I don't know how to use.
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    anyone have any experiences with the fitbit?