New Guy

I'm new and looking for tips. Add me as a friend if you'd like.


  • Selahsdaddy
    Welcome! I'm looking for some accountability friends as well! The only tip I have (lost 9.6 pounds in 5 days!) is to hold yourself accountable for everything you're eating. Chart it, journal it, chart it. It's amazing when we look at what we truly eat or need to throughout the day
  • Elizfro
    Elizfro Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome! Just started yesterday myself and I'll take some tips as well. I was surprised to see how much I ate in one day. But, i will write everything down and hold myself accountable. Thanks!
  • reid95
    reid95 Posts: 18 Member
    I try to eat naked, because instead of a shirt i see fat. Also try eating you biggest meal in the AM so you will burn it off thought out the day and with working out. Water, water, water, water, all that water you drink can only help with your body pushing out fat, sweat is fat crying. Start trying to lift weights and do push ups, muscle helps burn a ton more fat just by it self.
  • CarmenTathy49
    Hi everyone I am just starting and I am trying my best this time , I need tips on how to get yourself to drink more water and on how to start moving when you are all stiff and in pain
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Welcome and congrats on wanting to start! I've been here since January and all though I havent lost a ton of weight, I am eating so much healthier. Hated vegetables and now they are my friends lol. Anyone feel free to add me for support and motivation. Good luck on your journey :)
  • lcooke24
    lcooke24 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a great place to be. I have to agree with alot that has been said here. Log EVERYTHING, good or bad, it's keeps it real and holds you accountable. And lots and lots of water. And if you have a slip, don't sweat it. Just keep going. Feel free to add me as well. Love to give support and get it!
  • MooshmanX
    MooshmanX Posts: 18 Member
    Accountability.... I like that. My biggest foe is BEER. I love beer too much, which is why I'm in this weight predicament. One beer pisses me off and two beers lead to 12 and two dozen chicken wings.

    I use to work out and eat right all the time, but lost the accountability somewhere down the years.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I have been drinking a lot more budweiser select 55......It doesn't taste like Guiness but it's easy to fit in my macros.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me. I know what you mean about the beer, only mine is soda. It's amazing what a little beverage can do to us. I now only allow myself a small soda if I've had my 8 cups of water and done really well in diet/excersize for at least several days.
  • MooshmanX
    MooshmanX Posts: 18 Member
    Soda is second in line as the biggest problem. I do love Coke, but that and beer need to go in order to get on track.
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    What I've learned so far is organization is key! When I get home from work, the last thing I want to do is cook, so I make meals on my off days. I even measure them out and pre-package them, so i know how many calories I'm consuming.

    I research healthy recipes that I'm interested in eating, because it's the worst when you buy a bunch of healthy food, then are not really interested in eating it. For me, if it does not look good, I'm not eating it. Then I literally write the meals that I'm having down on this list.

    I follow a lot of "healthy" blogs and have tried to start a collection of EASY, healthy, and delicious meals. Here's my collection so far.

    Much luck!
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Accountability.... I like that. My biggest foe is BEER. I love beer too much, which is why I'm in this weight predicament. One beer pisses me off and two beers lead to 12 and two dozen chicken wings.

    I use to work out and eat right all the time, but lost the accountability somewhere down the years.

    Wait - I could have written that. And then I put beer in my food log and realized I was drinking 1500 calories a day - no wonder I'm so fat. I have more or less quit drinking. Not losing the gut - yet. I just started back to P90X and I am on week 2. Hope to see some change at the end of week 4 when I take new pics and re measure.