Newbie from Idaho

kellygirl2 Posts: 15
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I'm joining this site in the hopes of making my goals accountable and looking for support on this journey.
I'm excited to start this journey again and perhaps make some friends along the way. It's amazing how the internet
has connected so many with common interest.
I hope to be in the best shape of my life by age 50, after years of debilitating back pain.
My greatest weakness is my diet and that is where I need the most help...
On a lighter note, how about those Broncos last night yahoo. That was a serious upset.. Way to go Bronco Nation!!


  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    welcome aboard and good luck
  • Hi Kelly welcome.
    Where is Idaho are you at? My Mom lives up there by the University of Idaho in Moscow, ID. Good luck on your journey. This site is great though. I have been using there Food Diary on my phone for weeks.

    Good Luck and God Bless
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    Welcome! I'm just right across the boarder in Eastern WA :smile:
    Best of luck on your journey!
  • katejones79
    katejones79 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome!!! Idaho has been home for me for the last 7 years. The love of my life is from here, so I was talked into moving to Boise and was pleasently suprised how much I liked it! :) Although this yucky weather has made me have to get creative with my work-outs.
    I loved the game!!! BSU #1!!!!
  • Hey there,
    Thanks for posting, I'm right outside of Boise, Idaho. I've been here for 6 years now, moved from Seattle.
    I think Boise is one of the best places to live, I love it here and the outdoors is beyond compare.
    Thanks again,
  • Hey thanks, I've been here for 5 years myself now. I love it here and I've lived many places.
    I moved here from Seattle and they don't compare. I love the quantness of this city.
    How come my ticker isn't in my signature when I post? Let me know if you see a link?
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