kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I cannot tell you how many years it has been since I wore shorts? 10 probably. This will not occur this summer. A size 12 will get me in shorts. That is only one size......but about 15 pounds.............anyone else her understands this?


  • I'm right there with you. I'm 27 and I can't remember the last time I wore shorts in public! I really want to wear shorts this summer and not feel gross! Here's to a summer of shorts!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Since working full time in an office for the first time in about 4 years, I can safely say I have the dreaded "secretary spread" for the first time in my life and it's devestating! :noway:

    Let's work out our legs, ladies! Summer will be here quicker than we think!
    What kind of leg exercises are most effective for toning thighs (beyond endless squats)???
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62
    Yeah, squats suck. There are also lunges, thigh raises... does this help? http://health.howstuffworks.com/leg-exercises-tb.htm
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    My weight is all in my legs and butt. I need to loose 20 pounds period. The more I work out the bigger my legs get. I do squat, cycle run, etc etc. I do swim but i think i might do more of that excercise.

    I also have been doing 30 shred, that is helping a bit..................

  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Yeah, squats suck. There are also lunges, thigh raises... does this help? http://health.howstuffworks.com/leg-exercises-tb.htm

  • Yeah, squats suck. There are also lunges, thigh raises... does this help? http://health.howstuffworks.com/leg-exercises-tb.htm

    I have a hard time doing lunges or squats since I unfortunately got my mom's knees :mad:

    This website looks great!
  • I am with all of you! I want to be able to put my capris and long skirts aside this summer in favor of real shorts and skirts! I am bottom heavy; very muscular legs with extra flab over the good stuff. Working out just bulks me up more, so I am looking for a way to lose fat and create and maintain lean muscle. I recently started belly dancing and have notice a slight difference in my muscle tone. I guess I need to do more of that! Does anyone else have suggestions? I bought the 30-Day Shred yesterday; tonight is going to be my first attempt. Wish me luck!

    Maybe we need to start an "I WANT SEXY LEGS" support group with exercise and diet recommendations and general motivation/support. I'm game if the rest of you are in since I need all the help I can get. :bigsmile:
  • aag1030
    aag1030 Posts: 25
    Maybe we need to start an "I WANT SEXY LEGS" support group with exercise and diet recommendations and general motivation/support. I'm game if the rest of you are in since I need all the help I can get. :bigsmile:

    YES YES YES!!! I am with all of you!!! Let's do this ladies!!!

    Like so many of you, my trouble spot is my thighs, butt, & hips. The worst part is I HATE squats, lunges, etc - basically all those things that are supposed to be so good for your thighs & butt. lol.... But, I am working on it not hating those so much :)

    We can do this - sexy, skinny legs for summer!!!! :D
  • I am right there as well. I don't even remember I was able to wear shorts and feel good about it. I wear jeans year-round, and would love to wear something else this summer! My trouble spots, though, are my tummy area.

    We can do this!
  • "I WANT SEXY LEGS" Group:

    Okay, so what do we need to do to get this thing going? I'm not too good at this, so I am wondering what you all think! :smile:
  • aag1030
    aag1030 Posts: 25
    "I WANT SEXY LEGS" Group:

    Okay, so what do we need to do to get this thing going? I'm not too good at this, so I am wondering what you all think! :smile:

    Let's start a thread and see what happens from there!! :D

    I'll post it now and we'll get this ball rolling - AG & Jamie - you in?
  • AGG115
    AGG115 Posts: 62

    Let's start a thread and see what happens from there!! :D

    I'll post it now and we'll get this ball rolling - AG & Jamie - you in?
    Haha, sure. Why not?
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