Is 30 min even worth it?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just started working out again after around 2 years. My time is very limited and I can only find 30 min in the morning. Is that even worth it? Will I even see any results by just doing 30 min??
    I am looking to tone and lose around 10 lbs. I am not really worried about losing 10 lbs, I can do that just by eating right, but I want to tone up.

    i only ever do about 30 minutes per workout, and i have lost 18lbs and am still reducing bodyfat... its quality not quantity of workout... you dont have to kill yourself in a gym for 4 hours a day to get results!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I just started working out again after around 2 years. My time is very limited and I can only find 30 min in the morning. Is that even worth it? Will I even see any results by just doing 30 min??
    I am looking to tone and lose around 10 lbs. I am not really worried about losing 10 lbs, I can do that just by eating right, but I want to tone up.

    i only ever do about 30 minutes per workout, and i have lost 18lbs and am still reducing bodyfat... its quality not quantity of workout... you dont have to kill yourself in a gym for 4 hours a day to get results!

    what do you do for warm up?
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Beats sitting on the couch eating snack food.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Beats sitting on the couch eating snack food.

  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Absolutely. Plus, knowing you have a short amount of time should motivate you to go really hard for the full 30 minutes.

    If you do it daily that's 3.5 hours of exercise a week, that's definitely worth it.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    Definitely! 30mins a day is pretty decent and is def gonna help u tone up. Thats all i do and ive noticed a huge change. I either run outdoors (just finished c25k and gonna do c210k next so thats 30mins-1hr) or do a jillian michaels dvd (completed 30 day shred and im doing ripped in 30 now so half an hr tops for either of those). 30mins may seem like such a short part of ur day but its the part of the day thats gonna make the biggest difference to how u look and feel.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Ummm...yeah. 30 minutes for me is a 5km. run.