What am I doing wrong?



  • bebe710
    bebe710 Posts: 3
    Break your cardio into 3 sessions. Sometimes it's better to have your body rest and then start up again. I know a guy in his 50's who said that he kept same routine just broke it down and is losing weight again.
  • Fijiflower
    Fijiflower Posts: 16 Member
    Some of your estimates of cals burned seem high.

    What are you doing for these 100 minutes?

    How are you coming up with these numbers? It is possible you are overestimating cals burned.

    I'd also eat a little more, your body might be doing everything possible to hold on to fat due to severe cal restriction.

    Finally, 3 weeks is way to short a time period to draw and conclusions - be patient!

    I just enter in the time exercised and it is the number that MFP gives me. I thought the numbers were so high because my weight is so high. BUT thank you I really have to keep that in mind 3 weeks is a short time span so I must be patient.
  • SaSSyhasCurls
    You can lose a lot of weight by not drinking any of your calories. Just water, and unsweetened teas
  • Amber_lee_81
    Amber_lee_81 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! Well after looking at your diary I am thinking the biggest issue is that your not eating enough. I don't know exactly what you weigh but I know with me for example I get a larger amount of calories because I am a bigger girl then others.I weigh 307 now. I get alloted 1900 calories. You are not even hitting 1200 on most days and that is way below what your body needs just to function let alone to work out for any long period. I know it sounds stupid saying you need to eat more to lose more but its so true! Your body will go into a starvation mode and start storing everything as fat etc. I know with me I have a good first week (8 lost as well) and then typically my body does a 1-2 week thing of very little loss. It is saving it because typicaly what do most people do if they don't have great numbers after a few weeks on a diet they quit right? Well thats what my body does it holds it because for so many times I did quit because here I was eating so good and working my butt off to lose a lb or ounces each week. Just keep at it but add some more calories for sure!!!!
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    Muscle development, water retention, there are a lot of factors that can make your weight fluctuate, that can sometimes make it appear as if you're not losing at all. When I first started trying to lose weight, I wasn't used to any sort of physical activity, and that first month... I was retaining so much water that my entire body looked bloated, I FELT swollen, I had trouble closing my hands, and it took an entire month before it finally stopped -- and 15 lbs just fell right off -- that's how much water I was retaining. It's also important to remain hydrated, keep drinking lots of water, which if you are bloating -- will help. Just keep eating right and exercising, remain consistent, and though your results will always fluctuate -- which is at times very frustrating, you WILL continue to see results, just keep at it!
  • midnightgirl01
    Another food suggestion you may want to consider. With your eggs, you may want to pick up egg beaters or try to limit the yolks per day. There is a lot of fat (albeit good fat) in your eggs. For example, for breakfast I typically had 2 eggs. I started by having just 1 egg and 1 serving of egg beaters as a substiute for the other egg. Now I only eat whole eggs perhaps once a week or so on the weekend. I don't miss it. I also have started using crystal cheese wedges with my omelets. Another low cal tasty solution!

    My diet is limit the carbs and limit the fat. I strive for 20% fat, and a little more protein than carbs.. My daily calorie limit is about 1200 calories. But I agree with what someone else wrote eating too little CAN be a problem. Your body is trying to keep the status quo, so if it feels like its starving it will keep all your fat you eat stored for fuel at a later date...so you want to limit your daily fat intake too. Even though you are eating low calories... the fat calories you eat may be more than your body needs for fuel at the moment and your body is storing them.
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    did your body change? Maybe you are burning fat and building muscle? Try to measure your waist and hips and than check again in a week :)
  • midnightgirl01
    Also Here is a trick for you to do with your cardio - constantly challenge yourself. For instance if you are going 100 minutes on a treadmill, determine how far you are going, and if today you went 10 miles in 100 minutes, try to beat that tomorrow. Keep increasing your speed. Also do not do your cardio on the same machine every single day. Your body gets used to it. Do different things, the bike one day, the treadmill and the elliptical. Also be sure your heart rate gets up to a level where you are burning fat. I think there is a formula to determine that. You want to push it more and more all the time. This is how some folks can do less time for their cardio and get great results. You want hi intensity. Also, you could do intervals. For 10 minutes go about 3 mph and then sprint for 5 minutes as fast as you can go. Then back to a slow walk etc. And if you are on the treadmill and going faster is hard on your joints, raise it up and use the incline. You can walk slower and still get a more intense workout.