strength or cardio first?



  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I do cardio in the morning then when I get home I do strength training after I go for a light jog. I know most people can't fit 2 workouts in but I think I workout more efficiently when I do two 1hour workouts than doing one long one. Just my opinion :)
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    Weights. And if you did them right, you won't be up for much more than a light walk.

    Ok thanks :)

    I agree, i hvnt lifted in a few months and started back again Saturday ...I FORGOT HOW TIRING IT CUD BE. I cud only do 30 mins on the stairmaster and it was thee longest 30 mins of my life...(im used to doing and 1 or more of cardio in one sitting) But personally for me either way works..
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I always do weights first so that I'm not so tired when I do the weights that it effects my form. Recently, though, I mix the two. I warm up on the elliptical, do one set of my strength exercises superset, 5-10 minutes on the elliptical, my next set, and so on. That way I get to mix both and I'm done.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    weights first. ask any bodybuilder or serious athlete. don't reverse it.

    Really? why?
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    The trainer I have been working with had me doing weights first, so that I won't be fatigued from the cardio, that way I can lift more weight and keep my form correct because i'm not so wore out, although I do a lot of cardio with my strength training so that way works for me but it may not for everyone, I just started doing this and it seems to be working well

    ^^^This^^^ My trainer also told me this. It has to do with the amount of oxygen your body uses. If you do cardio first then you will be taking oxygen away from your muscles and then you would only be using them at about 60% instead of 100%. If you do weights first then your muscles get the full benefit of your oxygen storage.
  • After reading all of the posts I think I need to get a trainer when I'm ready for weights. I'm still working to get into a rythm in doing regular cardio. So far 30 - 35 minutes on a treadmill 4 - 5 time weekly.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    I've always been told to do a little cardio for like 5 minutes. Then weights, then all out cardio. You do this so that your body burns the glucose in your blood for energy while lifting. Then when you do your cardio, it will go after the fat for energy and you will get better results. It makes sense to me.

    oh ok I didn't know that. Thank you!
  • EyeLikeTacos
    EyeLikeTacos Posts: 324 Member
    Which came first the chicken or the egg..

    You can get results using both methods.

    Everything depends on your targets...If you really want to maximize your lift..Then Lift first.

    If you want to maximize your time or cardio the Cardio first.

    As for the comment about weight lifters or body builders...Most will say LIFT...then walk or do stair stepper.

    (HEAVY) Cardio technically CAN ruin gains from lifts.

    OP...go with what you feel the most comfortable with.

    Especially if you are new...You can pretty much get away with doing it anyway mix it up everyday...You will get results.

    I have personally done both....I personally prefer heavy cardio after lift.

    I have a friend who played Football for VT...and he does 2 to 5 mile runs before lift...but mind you...he already has size...He only does that to shed fat and not add more muscle.
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    The trainer I have been working with had me doing weights first, so that I won't be fatigued from the cardio, that way I can lift more weight and keep my form correct because i'm not so wore out, although I do a lot of cardio with my strength training so that way works for me but it may not for everyone, I just started doing this and it seems to be working well

    ^^^This^^^ My trainer also told me this. It has to do with the amount of oxygen your body uses. If you do cardio first then you will be taking oxygen away from your muscles and then you would only be using them at about 60% instead of 100%. If you do weights first then your muscles get the full benefit of your oxygen storage.

    I didn't know that about the oxygen!! That's good to know thank you!

    So if I did cardio first...and then the weights I could actually end up breaking down my muscles because they're not at 100% with less oxygen storage?... Essentially make my weight training do damage or just not building muscle like I want?...