tracy anderson metamorphosis

I just ordered this over the weekend. I have seen it numerous times on the television, and finally decided to order it. Has anyone used it, and if so what have your results been?


  • boys4girls1
    I just got it in the mail yesterday, and I am going to start it on Monday. This looks intense as I watched part of the videos last night.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    You know that Tracey Anderson has absolutely no fitness credentials, right?
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    Getting your body moving is what is important. I am sure her video will do just that. Just remember that if something just doesn't feel right then don't do it, jog in place or do jumping jacks or lunges until the set is over. Push your self but be careful!! good luck! ~Corina
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    You know that Tracey Anderson has absolutely no fitness credentials, right?

    ^^ this, unfortunately
  • boys4girls1
    I just did the first work out. I I was using muscles that I didn't think I had which is what she says she will do....I was so uncoordinated in the cardio part, but I kept moving...Let's see how tomorrow is.
  • bacrowson
    bacrowson Posts: 4 Member
    I've started Tracy Anderson Abcentric May 21. I travel a bit for work so I am just now on Level 5 but even without following the diet - I have lost 15lbs, 6.75" off my waist (across belly button), 4.4" off my lower abs and 3.6" off my hips. I didn't measure my thighs and arms but I wish I had. I'm half the size I was and not even done with the program.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    You bought it and then came to ask for an opinion?

    I was forced to watch the infomercial on it this morning while on my hamster wheel. Basically, return it if you can.

    She's focusing on recruiting smaller muscle groups? Granted, there's a time and place to put some work in on the smaller muscle groups but to really get strength benefit and really overall exercise benefit, you need to focus on the larger muscle groups and focus on compound movements.

    Don't be fooled by images of slim models and G. Paltrow dancing around looking all slim, because their diet dictates their results and not the training video.

    Do yourself a favor and stay away from infomercials selling exercise equipment. Most ad's are garbage and the ones that are decent are very limited.
  • boys4girls1
    How wonderful. Keep up the good work.
  • boys4girls1
    I've started Tracy Anderson Abcentric May 21. I travel a bit for work so I am just now on Level 5 but even without following the diet - I have lost 15lbs, 6.75" off my waist (across belly button), 4.4" off my lower abs and 3.6" off my hips. I didn't measure my thighs and arms but I wish I had. I'm half the size I was and not even done with the program.

    How wonderful. Keep up the good work.
  • bacrowson
    bacrowson Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! I noticed someone posted about "slim" girls are a few of the photos I've taken to document...slim I am/was not. ;-)

    [img] Loss/Jean_Shorts.png[/img]
    [img] Loss/white_jeans.png[/img]
    [img] Loss/progress.png[/img]

    Best of luck with Tracy. For myself, I can say that this workout has changed my life. For the first time EVER - not only do I know I will get thin with the program - I will have the body I want - shapely arms, a nice rear end, not just a flat stomach, but a defined stomach. Even in my 20's working out with a trainer - couldn't achieve that. ;-)