How far in advance do you log your food?



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Generally, on workdays I log in the morning. I do a little calorie calculation while I'm packing my breakfast/lunch/snacks & then log when I get to work. At some point during the day I figure out what I'm having for dinner & log it before I get home. I do a lot better when I know what I'm going to eat (and when I know that I actually have what I'm going to eat stocked in my kitchen). On weekends I generally log as I go (and I don't do as well). I log water as I go.
  • i normally log my breakfast, snacks and lunch the night before as I eat most of that at work then I figure out what i am doing for dinner as i go.
  • Amberly10
    Amberly10 Posts: 41 Member
    I just started. However yesterday and today I logged as I ate or drank. But tonight I sat down and planned out my meals and drinks so I knew exactly what I could have. The first day I did ok but today logging as I went was awful! I went way over on my carbs and fats even though I had plenty of calories left over.

    So, since I want a more balanced day and know exactly what I have left over if I would like a treat I am going to prelog all of my meals and snacks atleast the day before. I think that it will help to keep me from just mindlessly snacking through the day and I will be more likely to stick with it if it is already written down. If I have to change something up I can always just go in and change my log.
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    I log all my food the night before. This is the only way I have had success. I only get 1370 calories on my no-workout days, so you can use that up pretty quick and be left with nothing for supper! I can always change it, but it helps me to know if I eat ____ right now, what am I giving up later? I also try to do snacks around 100 cal, so I can always substitute snacks.
  • litllilli
    litllilli Posts: 1 Member
    i log my whole week in on sunday. i have found when you are in your first couple months there is a need for strict accountability. at least there was for me. i am super busy every day and if i didn't prohibit myself from eating more than i pre-logged i would cheat. my mom started mfp before i did and has lost 80 pounds. it is now a way of life for her so she has the mindset and training to log daily. as a newbie it has been really helpful for me to grocery shop and prepare in advance my meals for the week. i make up my meals and store them in tupper ware, enter them in and then grab them on the go. after awhile, when the weight starts coming off and you start to realize you love your new way of living better you will hold yourself accountable, at least that's what my mommy says!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I log in my food every morning, but I plan on Sunday what I will eat during the week. :bigsmile:
  • mia66
    mia66 Posts: 425
    I log my breakfast and lunches in the night before during the work week. I know what I am going to have and this keeps me honest when treats are passed around the lunch room at work. For the rest I log in right after I eat or as soon as I get to the computer. Good question.
    Eat less, move more. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Carleybby
    Carleybby Posts: 158
    In the morning.
  • fortiter00
    fortiter00 Posts: 47 Member
    I plan my meals and log them the night before based on what activities I have planned for the next day. I frequently travel and don't have a normal work day. I find that by planning my day out the night before, I can better balance when and what I can eat and make sure it falls into the appropriate calories. I fly small planes, and the schedules aren't always conducive to eating a real meal, so sometimes, it might make sense to eat my lunch at my morning snack time, and eat my snack for lunch so I stay on my diet, rather than grabbing something out on the go.

    If I don't really have any major activities planned or it is a weekend I might log as I go.

    If I plan on eating out anywhere, fast foods or restaurants I always check the website for the place and plan my meal out ahead, along with my days food choices, otherwise I would never be on track for my calories on days I ate out.

    Best of luck. Most importantly find what works best for you to ensure you keep the log, that is the key. I do awful when I don't log.
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