A Little Encouragement Needed

Hi, so I need a little encouragement. I have been back a week since going on a five week holiday. During the holiday, I was active and lost two inches & about 7 lbs. I'm back home. I have kept it off the last week, but haven't lost any additional weight. I know it is just a week, but I'm feeling disappointed. Sadly, I'm small, and my BMR is about 1320 calories... So, I'm trying to make it to exercise several times a week at my gym, and on other days take a walk or use a yoga DVD. Now, I'm dieting to lower my BMI to the normal level, but, believe me, even though I'm overweight, I'm still small! This is such a slow process!


  • determined136

    Remember these two things and repeat them to yourself. Don't quit because you are the only one that can do this for yourself. We always have tons of reasons why we can't....I want you to think of all the reasons why YOU CAN!!!!

  • sheleen302
    sheleen302 Posts: 266 Member
    Keep at it. Don't give up. I know you can do it. Iam a 5' tall female so I know how pounds lost and gained show more on a small frame, just keep at it. It will happen.
  • MichaelJG84
    MichaelJG84 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel like the closer you get to your goal the more difficult weight loss becomes. Just think of every action as either contributing to your goal or deferring from it. As long as you make choices that contribute to your goal you know you are heading in the right direction. Seeing as you're active with MFP, I'm sure you'll do well. Just keep up the good work.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    so let me get this straight...you went on vacation and LOST weight? that's the hard part, honey. YOU should be motivating US! get on track and do what you do!