need help with new exercise ideas

hi guys, i haven't been exercise as i have ripped my tummy wound open again. i have had it for over a year and 2 months. I'm really gutted, it was just about closed now it gonna be months.
i don't want to get lazy again and do nothing.
is there anything you can do for exercise that won't hurt my tummy?
any tips and ideas you guys have i would love to hear


  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    How about Yoga? Not really sure, only other thing I can think of is walking until it heals?
  • mnlght535
    I'm not 100% sure but maybe a stationary bike, or lift lighter weights with your arms, how are you with walking. Not knowing how bad the wound is, it's difficult to understand fully the limitations your have but at the moment that's all i can think of...maybe an elliptical...but i think that's it bit more twisting in the stomach area if you're using your arms a lot.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    hi guys, i haven't been exercise as i have ripped my tummy wound open again. i have had it for over a year and 2 months. I'm really gutted, it was just about closed now it gonna be months.
    i don't want to get lazy again and do nothing.
    is there anything you can do for exercise that won't hurt my tummy?
    any tips and ideas you guys have i would love to hear

    Ouch! Best to ask your Doctor what's the best.
  • miss0belinda
    thanks guys iv just stared walking and it hasn't been to bad. my doctor said i need to take it easy again which really sux
    i try doing thing with my arms but it hurts to much so maybe try again in a week or 2
  • Diana59
    Diana59 Posts: 8 Member
    I would not do any arm lifts with weights as that still used ab muscles to assist with the arms. Please consult your Doctor. You need to heal completely before attempting most exercises. The only thing I'd recommend at this point would be walking. I've lost a good majority of my weight from walking 60 min. a day. But again, talk to your doctor first.