Calories VS Carbs a new journey

CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
I fell off the wagon... I really did. I stopped posting my foods. My exercise is down to .... I bet you can guess. I had this talk with my NEW doctor. I told her how frustrated I am. My entire thought processes these days revolve around food and food guilt. I am tired of measuring, weighing, considering, thinking, OBSESSING over the mighty calorie. Now matter how hard I try I just can't seem to come under, by the evening i am ready to throw down just to get full. I work at this for a month and the scale does not budge. Do you know what she said... GET OVER IT, a month is not long enough. LOL to be honest I have been in a deep depression for the last few weeks digesting these facts. She's right, A month is nothing and if I am completely honest with myself I can't honestly say I give it that long.

She sent me to a new nutritionist. This chick could give Barbie lessons, but the words were making sense. She talked about CARBS this time. Instead of the dreaded calorie, LORD I hate freaking calories. She said in a sweet very chipper voice "don't worry about calories" right now just work on consistency and keeping your carb choices or grams under such and such. For some reason the relief I felt was almost immediate. So today I start the journey to "watching" my carbs and being consistent. I get to (for the time being) throw out the calorie and bring on the carb... Wish me luck.


  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Good luck !
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    that's where I've been in past due to insulin resistance that turned into diabetes. Once I stopped focusing on the calorie count and paying attention to the carbs weight started coming off. I've also learned the hard way not to be discouraged by long stalls, everyone here seems to think you need to change something but after months of working with my doctor, nutritionist and fitness trainer all together I've learned sometimes the body just needs some downtime and when you're doing everything right it will start losing again when it's ready. You'll do great!
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    I think you will find it refreshing. To me it opens up a lot of natural food choices. Good luck!:wink:
  • luvmyleo
    luvmyleo Posts: 94 Member
    I think we've all been where you were (at least I know I have been). I actually found myself obsessing over a whopping 33 calories yesterday! REALLY?! I had to give myself a good talking to. I try not to get obsessive but when we weigh and measure anything that crosses my lips- its tough.

    Good luck to you. I am sure there will come a time (probably soon) where I will have to start considering my own carb range.
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    A little update... Carbs are getting easier... Mexican food I found out yesterday is my down fall. I just cant say NO to the chips and salsa... It's not like I can ask the waitress can you bring me some celery instead.... I can only imagine her face... So, I dove in and surprisingly I was full much faster than normal even though I decided to opt out on the flour tortilla for my fajitas... This may be working or it could all be in my head. I have to say though my energy is really increasing and I am loving the veggies that I'm throwing down. Here's to holding on through the weekend and into the second full week.
  • nae4nola
    Low Carbs is all that has ever worked for me when keeping my weight down.
  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    If the counting of calories has put you into a dark place then stopping seems like a good idea. Though you still do technically need to 'worry' about calories, since you even if you keep your carbohydrate levels low, you could go over calories in fat/sugar/protein and still not lose any weight.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    A little update... Carbs are getting easier... Mexican food I found out yesterday is my down fall. I just cant say NO to the chips and salsa... It's not like I can ask the waitress can you bring me some celery instead.... I can only imagine her face... So, I dove in and surprisingly I was full much faster than normal even though I decided to opt out on the flour tortilla for my fajitas... This may be working or it could all be in my head. I have to say though my energy is really increasing and I am loving the veggies that I'm throwing down. Here's to holding on through the weekend and into the second full week.

    Who cares what the waitress thinks? You have to do what's best for you. You can ask for celery or you can say, please don't bring chips and salsa to the table. Good for you on opting out on the flour tortilla and holding on into the second full week!