Carb Addict Diet by Dr. Heller

Timkoetta Posts: 70 Member
Does anyone on here know or have experience with the Carb Addict diet by Dr. Richard and Dr. Racheal Heller? My doctor recommended it to me on Friday. He said that him and his wife lost a lot of weight and have maintained it for 10 years. Just curious if anyone else has tried it or knows anything about it.


  • teapot35
    teapot35 Posts: 28
    Hi - I actually had a lot of success with this several years ago and I am about to embark on it once again; The thing about this "diet" is that it has to become a lifestyle. I lived according to the rules of the CAD for a few years, losing about 30 lbs. When my lifestyle and diet changed (not for the better) I gained it all back.

    I hope I can do it again, it really does work if you are committed and be sure to have fewer than 4g Carbohydrate at any time other than during the "reward meal".

    one thing I noticed- immediately after the 1 hour RM, I felt such a surge/crash from the carbs I would be really cranky and want to sleep for about an hour. Be sure to give yourself the time to eat and recover ( I guess that's one reason dinner is the best meal to do it)

    msg me if you are going to do this ...
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I haven't read the book but I have been low carb now for 8+ months. I have lost a bit over 100 lbs so I am a fierce advocate of it. It isn't that hard and I have so much energy it's pathetic (really it is because I am so wound up I can't sleep well some nights).

    I can't vouch for this book but one I can is "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. It is a low carb way of life and I recommend it if you want to feel good and drop some pounds in the process.
  • Juneaux12
    Juneaux12 Posts: 22 Member
    I lost about 15 lbs on this in the 1990s when I first tried it. I agree with the idea that you need to make it a lifestyle.
    It really isn't that hard in my opinion, compared to a hardcore Atkins diet! You can eat those goodies you crave
    during your reward meal hour, balanced with protein and vegetable. It allows me to get that craving out of my system
    without losing my willpower for the entire day....which is what I really struggle with. One bite never ends at just one bite for me.
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    I don't know if anyone still reads this or not... I tried the Keto Diet (under 20 carbs daily) and did so for a month. I struggled only because no one else in my household really stuck to do it and I was constantly making two meals to satisfy everyone and just about everything I thoughts as healthy for you (veggies had carbs ?!?!?! & fruit was a no-no) and I have NEVER been a meat and fats person, so trying to get enough protein and fat in my diet, just wasn't easy. Plus my monthly cravings aren't sugar/chocolate, it's chips! A total no-no.
    My MIL gave me a book, carb addicts diet while to read, since it was the same basic principle. Being 1 month off Keto now, I've gained half of what I lost. I decided to read through the book again. This time, Hubby is on board. The idea of still being able to have carb as a RM seems more feasible, for both of us. Believe it or not, yesterday Hubby had his breakfast (egg omelet & bacon) a salad for lunch with some pork chop and cheese (not quite under 4g) said he was starving but when it came to dinner (and we ate out) he made better choices than me, ate half of his plate and was "satisfied". SUPRISE on his end. Hopefully we can stick to this one easier.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Well, I did it back when it first came out and I didn't lose anything.

    I think if it works for you, that's great.

    If I had been able, back then, to track calories, I'd likely have had some success. My problem was simply consuming too many calories in that reward meal.
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Keto is good!